Our Goals

The primary goals of CLICQ!:
  • Improved TB case finding through increased patient retention
  • Improved initiation of TB Preventive Therapy (TPT) or treatment among HIV-positive and HIV-negative persons with presumptive or confirmed TB
  • Improved time to TB diagnosis, and time to initiation of TPT or TB treatment among HIV-positive and HIV-negative persons with presumptive or confirmed TB.
Secondary goals of CLICQ!:
  • Improved communication and coordination between clinic and laboratory facility staff
  • Integrated patient monitoring between HIV and TB programs
  • Strengthened, CQI skills for on-site, healthcare-worker driven improvement of clinic-lab services.

Total Clinics


Total Laboratories


Countries Involved



Ready to get started?

For information on how to begin implementing CLICQ! at the national-, state-, local-, or facility level, click below. Resources include training materials on continuous quality improvement (CQI), tools for data abstraction and review, other strengthening activities.