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The Wisconsin Wrestling Federation, guided by USA Wrestling, provides quality opportunities for its members to achieve their full human and athletic potential. Wisconsin Wrestling Federation will strive to be USA Wrestling’s best state organization. Training Team and National Team information can be found on the individual athlete tabs from the menu.

The 2023-24 USAW membership system is open for renewals and first-time purchases. Photos by Bret and Jeni Peterson.

Gear Store

The gear store is open now through May 19th! Shop the new Wisconsin singlets and a wide variety of tops, bottoms, hats and bags!

Gear Store FAQ

  • Are these the singlets athletes purchase for Fargo? Yes. We have new singlets for 2024! Fargo athletes are responsible for purchasing their own singlets, and singlets from prior years may not be used. Wrestlers on the National Team who do not wish to purchase a new set of singlets may use a generic reversible singlet offered by the WWF coaching staff.
  • Do athletes on the National Dual teams need to purchase singlets? No. Athletes on the National Dual teams are provided singlets from the WWF coaching staff for the duration of competition.
  • Will there be another chance to order gear? Not for the 2024 spring/summer season.
  • When will orders arrive? Orders will be delivered approximately three weeks after the gear store closes.

2024 WWF State Series

The WWF hosts a Wisconsin State Tournament Series each year, providing opportunities for athletes of all ability levels! Check out each tournament page from the menu for complete details.

RCEP Clinic at FS/GR State (Referee Coach Education Program) 
The WWF is excited to share that Na Humma, an M1 USAW official from Texas, will host a State Level Referee/Coach Education Program Clinic before the FS/GR state championships on Friday, May 3rd, from 6-9PM. The RCEP clinic will be held at the Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center. Officials and coaches of all levels are encouraged to attend!

Why attend the RCEP?
This clinic will be of great value for officials looking to move up in the national system and begin preparing eligible officials for international certification. Attending the OCEP will provide officials an opportunity to be evaluated at their State Championship for potential promotion from national M3 to M2 level officials.

For coaches, this course aims to have coaches and mat officials collaboratively improve their knowledge of the rules and philosophies of Freestyle and Greco wrestling. Additionally, there is a focus on how to coach and tactically plan to the rules, as well as philosophies and strategies for using video review as a tool to support your wrestlers in competition.

If you are interested in becoming an official in Wisconsin, please contact Tom Platner at

Why Wrestle Freestyle and Greco-Roman

Click on the links below to read about why wrestlers should wrestle Freestyle and Greco during the offseason.

Attack Style Wrestling: Why Wrestle Freestyle & Greco Roman

USA Wrestling: Benefits of the Olympic Styles of Wrestling 

USA Wrestling: Why Wrestle Freestyle 

Matt Lindland: Why Greco-Roman and why you should care

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