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Butt dial I was telling my friend how much I was in love with this girl. That I wanted to make love to her, and all that. Later my grilfriend called and dumped me, my cell had called her friend, and she had heard everything. Life Expereinces Category Friends Family

Wanna drink I was in line at a coffee shop. There was a hot girl infront of me. I decided to make a move and tell the cashier I would cover her bill. The girl went on to order 2 coffees and 2 sandwiches. She took the order and thanked me as I watched her walk out to a car with a guy waiting in there. Life Expereinces Category It Hurts when

HOV lane I had placed my winter jacket in the passenger seat of my car to puffed up to look like a second person. Turns out the police look for these types of things and I got pulled over and they didn't find it funny at all. Life Expereinces Category Random Rants

My mistake I sent a text to friend saying how much I missed him and how I wanted to see him. I told him where I would be and asked if he would come by to meet me. Later when my friends boyfriend showed up I realized that I had sent the message to the wrong person. Life Expereinces Category S**T Happens

Eat alone My girlfriend never showed up for our anniversary dinner that I had arranged on our anniversary I was so mad I never answered her calls the next day. Then she accused me of missing our anniversary. Turns out she thought it was on the 8th and I had thought it was on the 7th. Life Expereinces Category Life Sucks

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