Elevate Your Security Career with IACPO

Join us to raise standards together!


Elevating Close Protection Standards

IACPO invites everyone in, regardless of training form, however; You have to be an active member to benefit from the association.

Our main goal is to raise standards, therefore every and all Basic and Pro members must pass a written test.

What we do

Empowering Through Experience

Our mission is to empower members through experience, providing support and resources for a more prosperous security career.


IACPO country directors does, in their own sectors/countries offer security courses, with the approval of IACPO.

These courses must uphold the European ISO standards for Close Protection Officers.

If in doubt, please contact us for more information.

All IACPO certificates will be issued with a 3-factor identifier, to avoid fraud.


We support our members with various documentation and administrative support when needed.

In one year we supported with drafts for short term contracts, a template for an operations plan, a site security risk assessment and several other operational documents.

Other support

Thru various channels we get queries regarding jobs. We help facilitate job openings to Qualified and PAYING members first and foremost.

Sometimes existing professional members need short term support, which we happily convey to our Basic members as well.

We also do webinars and seminars free for members or at heavily discounted rates.


IACPO Volunteers

Training Excellence

Hands-on training in real-life scenarios, protecting victims of violence.

Career Advancement

When protecting victims of violence pro bono, you receive a letter of reference for future job-search.


Protecting victims can be dangerous, as they not rarely are at risk of kidnapping, assault- or even murder attempts.

IACPO volunteers give back to society, by protecting people with no means - but still in peril.

Get involved

Join Our Elite Protection Team

Become part of a global network dedicated to ensuring safety and security. Protect lives and raise industry standards by joining the International Association of Close Protection Officers.

Membership rates

Entry-level Membership 35,-

Basic Membership 55,-

Professional Membership 85,-

Corporate Membership 450,-
We charge thru Paypal once your test and resume has been recieve and cleared.

Call to learn more


Get in Touch Today!

Reach out to the International Association of Close Protection Officers for expert security solutions worldwide.