Makuru Season

According to the six seasons of Wadandi Boodja, around June and July is Makuru (fertility season).

For over 60,000 years the Margaret River Region has supported one of the world’s longest, unbroken human occupations, resulting in an immensely deep cultural knowledge and connection to the land.

It is the traditional land of the Wadandi (Saltwater) People.

The Margaret River Region is a living and breathing embodiment of ancient geography and Wadandi song lines. Natural beauty, abundance of space, fine wine and fresh coastal air make a holiday here the remedy to modern life.

Whilst living, travelling, visiting and holidaying on Wadandi Boodja, we ask that you respect the area and walk softly on the country, taking the time to listen to Boodja (Country) as she Wongi (talks) of the season, and leave nothing but footprints.

– Pibulmun Wadandi Yunungjarli Elder Wayne Webb.

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Back of person looking out to Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse in the distance, on a sunny day. Credit Jarrad Seng (Drive Your Story)
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