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10th Anniversary: Influential Business Women

By Rob Hurtt


This year, the St. Louis Business Journal is celebrating its 10th class of the area's Most Influential Business Women. Now the traditional gift for a 10th anniversary is aluminum or tin; there's nothing exciting about that. But if you go by the modern list, the 10th anniversary is a time for diamonds. Perfect!

In this issue, we shine a light on this year's 25 honorees. No two are the same, and they each sparkle in their respective industries.

We didn't forget the past, though. We've highlighted a few previous winners and shown what they've done since we honored them. Thanks to Reporter Lucie Wolken for doing the writeups on all of the women, both current and former winners.

The winners, current and past, will converge at the Most Influential Business Women awards luncheon Aug. 8. Thanks to the event's sponsors: Armstrong Teasdale, Bank of America, Deloitte and University of Missouri-St. Louis.