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22 octobre 2014 3 22 /10 /octobre /2014 15:22

So finally, turtles are here guys.

Here are some cutscene artworks i made for this TMNT game. The job was to adapt Michael Bay's turtle design to our cartoon/cell-shade artstyle. After a lot of retakes, ( like too many ... ) we end up with this design, more colorfull, less detailled that the movie style. Plus, some mutant and bad guys design !



#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork

#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #Videogame #artwork

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27 septembre 2014 6 27 /09 /septembre /2014 14:43
#shredder #TMNT #videogame

#shredder #TMNT #videogame

For my last job, i had to design all the characters for this #TMNT videogame. It was a real blast, especially working on the bad guys. Because i had a total liberty to create them. Thugs, Foot clan, Mutants, Boss... so rad.

For the turtle, it was the opposite. I had to stuck to Mr Bay franchise reboot guidelines. All about green muscle and pizza. Wich was a good exercice tho.

So first, here are the basic street thug. Most of them are inspired by NYC districts. There's a lil speedline video too. And i've put some purple dragon in it.

"TMNT : Sewer 02"
"TMNT : Sewer 02"
#thugs #NYC #purpledragon#thugs #NYC #purpledragon

#thugs #NYC #purpledragon

#speedline #charadesign #art

#tmnt #footclan #gif
#tmnt #footclan #gif

Here's the Foot clan ( without shredder, sadly, he's not in the game ). The first one can go in my "Lost file" series, it has never passed the design stage.

#footclan #badguys #3D
#footclan #badguys #3D
#footclan #badguys #3D
#footclan #badguys #3D

#footclan #badguys #3D

#tmnt #rocksteady #gif
#tmnt #rocksteady #gif

I think that bebop and rocksteady are - with the Biker mice from mars - the baddest mutants in leather jacket and cargo pants around.

So when i had to design the bad guys for this game, these two badass where the first in my mind. I had to work on them and create a lot of other mutants for the game.

Create mutants for the a TMNT game guys !!! TMNT !!! So awesome.

Some are directly inspired by the old 80's TMNTverse, like bebop & rocksteady, or baxter stockman.

Some are coming out from nowhere.

3D lowpoly models in the last picture and in all the Gif are made by the one and only Chris "chrissy chris" Hoareau. and textured by myself.

"TMNT : Sewer 02""TMNT : Sewer 02"
#bebop #rocksteady #mutant #3D #lowpoly #artwork #videogame #kowabunga #booyakasha #turtlepowa #hutt
#bebop #rocksteady #mutant #3D #lowpoly #artwork #videogame #kowabunga #booyakasha #turtlepowa #hutt
#bebop #rocksteady #mutant #3D #lowpoly #artwork #videogame #kowabunga #booyakasha #turtlepowa #hutt
#bebop #rocksteady #mutant #3D #lowpoly #artwork #videogame #kowabunga #booyakasha #turtlepowa #hutt
#bebop #rocksteady #mutant #3D #lowpoly #artwork #videogame #kowabunga #booyakasha #turtlepowa #hutt
#bebop #rocksteady #mutant #3D #lowpoly #artwork #videogame #kowabunga #booyakasha #turtlepowa #hutt

#bebop #rocksteady #mutant #3D #lowpoly #artwork #videogame #kowabunga #booyakasha #turtlepowa #hutt

#tmnt #bebop #gif
#tmnt #bebop #gif

Next stop, a big post on all the cutscene i had to make for the game. Starring the TURTLES. BOOYAAAAA !!!

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31 juillet 2014 4 31 /07 /juillet /2014 12:48
"TMNT : Sewer 01"

One more big achievement that i can cross on my "badassjobtodolist" :

- Work on a TMNT Game. For Nickelodeon, and Paramount. Check.

TMNT. guys !!!! TMNT ... "TORTUES NINJAAAAAAA" as i use to call them when i was a 8 year old boy, playing with my TMNT Toys, in my backyard, with my little brother. Donny has always been my fav. Don't really know why. The bo staff and his smart side maybe.

So, when Mr Emeric Thoa from The Game Bakers ( once again, great combo !!! ) call me to work on The New TMNT movie iOS game, I just couldn't say no. I've maid all the research for the characters (turtles and ennemies), the backgrounds (ingame and UI), the props (destructibles and weapons)

Basically, it's an upgrade version of Combo Crew, with better controls, better Game mechanic, Breakables, Storyline, Weapons, Upgrade.... Like a 2.0

Of course, there was a lot of guidelines on the turtle look ( we had to stick to the "Michael bay" look of the turtle, not really ideal for a cartoonish fun game style...), the UI, the BG's. But still, i had a lot of fun workin on the game. On the bad guys chara design mainly, because i had really much more freedom to create new mutant, foot clan, gang members. I even had to design Bebop and Rocksteady.... now i can die...

"TMNT : Sewer 01"
"TMNT : Sewer 01"
"TMNT : Sewer 01"
"TMNT : Sewer 01"
"TMNT : Sewer 01"
"TMNT : Sewer 01"
"TMNT : Sewer 01"
"TMNT : Sewer 01"
"TMNT : Sewer 01"
"TMNT : Sewer 01"
"TMNT : Sewer 01"
"TMNT : Sewer 01"

Some refused chara design for Mick , this one too strong...

"TMNT : Sewer 01"

This one to young.

"TMNT : Sewer 01"

If you want to give it a try, the game is out on iOS and Androïd. There's IAP, but you can play without it, it's for the lazy ones !

In the next episode, i will publish vilains chara design, props and some UI...

Stay tune... Booyakashaaaaaa !!!

#tmnt #art #illustration #characterdesign #videogame #frenchtouch #freelance

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24 mai 2014 6 24 /05 /mai /2014 11:46

A tout les amateurs de fruit de mers...

Cette semaine sort sur Wii U notre nouveau jeu, #SquidsOdyssey, gros remix de Squids et Squids Wild West, deja dispo sur smartphone. J'ai eu la chance de pouvoir bosser sur une nouvelle map, et du contenu exclusif a cette version console, qui viennent s'ajouter au travail impressionnant de Jerome Renéaume, DA de cette trilogie Squids.

Disponible sur Wii U donc, et trés bientôt sur Nintendo 3DS.

Hello Friends from above the sea !

Today, some piece of art i made for our next game #SquidsOdyssey. It's Like a Big mash up of #Squids and #SquidsWildWest released on smartphone, with additional content, levels, characters. I've just add some background and illustration for the new levels. All other artsuff in the game are from Jerome Renéaume, amazing artist, who art directed this Squids trilogy.

A lot of fun for you all seafood lovers ! Available now on Wii U and soon on nintendo 3DS.

" Squids Odyssey : Artworks "
" Squids Odyssey : Artworks "
" Squids Odyssey : Artworks "
" Squids Odyssey : Artworks "
" Squids Odyssey : Artworks "
" Squids Odyssey : Artworks "
" Squids Odyssey : Artworks "
" Squids Odyssey : Artworks "
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8 février 2014 6 08 /02 /février /2014 14:31

Tout droit sorti de mon disque dur, mes premiers tests sur combo, quand le jeu devait encore etre tout en 2D. Ca date ! 

Straight from the vault, early sketch and 2D animation i made on Combo. ( Yeah, at the beginning, the game was supposed to be in 2D )



"Combo Crew : Prequel"
"Combo Crew : Prequel"
"Combo Crew : Prequel"
"Combo Crew : Prequel"
"Combo Crew : Prequel"
"Combo Crew : Prequel"
"Combo Crew : Prequel"
"Combo Crew : Prequel"
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9 novembre 2013 6 09 /11 /novembre /2013 16:47
"Combo Crew : Level 08"

Voila, voila, on arrive doucement sur le dernier article concernant Combo Crew. En regardant un peux en arriere, je vois la progression effectuée entre mes premiers et derniers travaux. Que ce soit sur la creation des persos, la transcription visuelle de leur charactéristique gameplay, l'efficacité des themes de couleurs, l'importance de la disposition des infos dans l'interface...

Grosse marge de progression en perspective. En tout cas, c'qui est assez cool, c'est d'avoir pu creer un univers, bosser sur les persos de CAPCOM, viewtiful joe et la clique de street fighter. 

Ca c'est fait.

La, j'suis sur le prochain projet de TheGameBakers, j'peux rien dire, mais ça va etre assez lourd.


Here come the last thread on Combo Crew. 

I can see the level up between the first draft i made for the game and my last illsutrations.

Steel have to work my art up ! 

Biggest achievements on this project : being able to create everything from scratch and work with CAPCOM characters. Viewtiful joe, and the Street FIghter Family. Pretty rad.

Sad to stop the work on the game, but happy to begin a new secret project with TheGameBakers.



"Combo Crew : Level 08"
"Combo Crew : Level 08"
"Combo Crew : Level 08"
"Combo Crew : Level 08"
"Combo Crew : Level 08"
"Combo Crew : Level 08"
"Combo Crew : Level 08"
"Combo Crew : Level 08"
"Combo Crew : Level 08"
"Combo Crew : Level 08"
"Combo Crew : Level 08"
"Combo Crew : Level 08"
"Combo Crew : Level 08"
"Combo Crew : Level 08"
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5 septembre 2013 4 05 /09 /septembre /2013 12:25
"Combo Crew : Level 07"

 Un peux de couleurs et de recherches pour les persos de Combo Crew. La baguarre.

More stuff i made for Combo Crew !!! Visual research with bad guys and colors.

"Combo Crew : Level 07"
"Combo Crew : Level 07"
"Combo Crew : Level 07"
"Combo Crew : Level 07"
"Combo Crew : Level 07"
"Combo Crew : Level 07"
"Combo Crew : Level 07"
"Combo Crew : Level 07"
"Combo Crew : Level 07"
"Combo Crew : Level 07"
"Combo Crew : Level 07"
"Combo Crew : Level 07"
"Combo Crew : Level 07"
"Combo Crew : Level 07"
"Combo Crew : Level 07"
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31 juillet 2013 3 31 /07 /juillet /2013 16:41
" Combo Crew : level 06 "

Encore un peux de décors et des poses 2D pour les premières anims de Sporty, le dude de base.


Other background and close up and the first 2D key pose for Sporty, mr Boss Footsoldier.


#combocrew #videogame #beatthemup #hutt #frenchtouch

" Combo Crew : level 06 "
" Combo Crew : level 06 "
" Combo Crew : level 06 "
" Combo Crew : level 06 "
" Combo Crew : level 06 "
" Combo Crew : level 06 "
" Combo Crew : level 06 "
" Combo Crew : level 06 "
" Combo Crew : level 06 "
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29 juillet 2013 1 29 /07 /juillet /2013 15:51

Des petits morceaux de décors, toujours pour le jeu combo crew. Avec des pneus, de l'huile, et des ice cream.

Little background's chunk i made for combo crew. Tires, gas and ice cream.

#combocrew #videogame #beatthemup

" Combo Crew - Level 05 "
" Combo Crew - Level 05 "
" Combo Crew - Level 05 "
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29 juillet 2013 1 29 /07 /juillet /2013 09:52

Un petit vendeur dans son epicerie américaine en deux photos et un gif.

Freeky grocery owner in his shop. 2 pictures for one GIF.

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Simon "Hutt" T

[ Illustrateur / Animateur / Charadesigner ] Freelance

Go For It !






Level Selection









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