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    What’s happening in the forest products market?

    No feedback was received during the consultation period and therefore no changes will be made to the methodologies at this stage. This consultation sought to ensure that our methodologies continue to reflect the physical market under indexation, in compliance with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) principles for Price Reporting Agencies (PRAs). This includes […]

    No feedback was received during the consultation period and therefore no changes will be made to the methodologies at this stage. This consultation sought to ensure that our methodologies continue to reflect the physical market under indexation, in compliance with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) principles for Price Reporting Agencies (PRAs). This includes […]

    Suppliers were not letting-up in their search for price increases for market pulp imports into China, despite Chinese buyers’ escalating pushback, and this has worsened the unusual situation in which pulp is more expensive than finished products in that market

    The PIX US NBSK price index was published for the last time this Tuesday, May 28, 2024. The decision to discontinue the index was taken following an open consultation in November 2023, and it was communicated in a Pricing Notice on December 28, 2023. Please find the Pricing Notice here. We thank all those who […]

    Find out how we assess and forecast prices for pulp, wood, biomass and more