preparing for church planting

On Preparing to Plant with Jeri Choi, Welton Bonner, and Bobby Jamieson (Pastors Talk, Ep. 268)

By B. Jamieson, J. Choi, J. Leeman, M. Dever, W. Bonner | 05.21.2024

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman chat with Jeri Choi, Welton Bonner, and Bobby Jamieson about preparing to plant a church.

A Better Way to Look at Missions

By Brooks Buser | 05.21.2024

People often ask me: “Is such and such a good idea in missions?” The reason for this question is that there are thousands of different things going on in the missions world today. It makes sense why pastors are at a loss in sorting through the good and bad. How do we know what amounts to “good” missions?

Special Episode: The Kell’s Story Part 1 (Counseling Talk, Ep. 5)

By D. Reju, G. Kell, H. Satrom | 05.20.2024

Pastors are not excluded from suffering. When trials come they uniquely become in need of their own pastoral care.

In this episode of Counseling Talk, pastor Garrett Kell shares about trusting God amidst a season of his family’s suffering.

Are All of Our Shrinking Churches Evangelistic Failures?

By Alex Bouffard | 05.17.2024

True evangelism often takes longer, grows slower, and prunes more intentionally than mere intellectual assent accounts for.

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