Last Night

Astrology Insights / Messages from ETs
Astrology Insights / Messages from ETs
Astrology expert Mark Lerner discussed various astrological aspects, including the lingering effects of the eclipse. Followed by spiritual teacher Vincent Genna on extraterrestrial messages.


Spirit World & ETs / Sacred Geometry
Spirit World & ETs / Sacred Geometry

First Half: Medium Christopher Macklin utilizes divine healing techniques cultivated through communications with the spirit world and ETs. He'll discuss the recent Vatican press conference about apparitions and the supernatural and how the church has now doubled down on the idea that ETs exist and are perhaps a part of creation.

Second Half: Gregory Hoag, an expert on sacred geometric technologies, lives in Colorado, where he has developed chambers and geometric grids to generate positive energy. He'll reveal how to use the principles of sacred geometry to improve health, manifest purpose, and clear electromagnetic interference.

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