Beverage Marketing Corporation
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Tailored Beverage Solutions

For more than 50 years, Beverage Marketing Corporation (BMC) has been a leading source of proprietary market trend data and beverage industry expertise for beverage companies, suppliers and allied industries. Through a broad range of off-the-shelf products and customized services designed to meet their unique needs, BMC provides beverage industry professionals with the independent perspective and actionable insight they need to make plans and succeed in a rapidly changing marketplace.


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BMC In The News

Bottled Water Outsells Carbonated Soft Drinks for the Eighth Year in a Row

'Multiple characteristics account for bottled water's resonance with U.S. consumers, including its associations with healthfulness, convenience, safety, and value. An array of packaging types, ranging from single-serve to bulk, facilitates a wide range of uses,' says John G. Rodwan, Jr., BMC's editorial director.

"'Consumers' thirst for beverages that offer benefits beyond refreshment alone also contributed to the fundamental hydrating beverage's rise in the beverage standings. Bottled water's zero-calorie status and its lack of artificial ingredients appeal to many consumers. Even where tap water may be safe and readily available, people may prefer bottled water, which they often believe tastes better. The availability of packaged water wherever beverages are sold also differentiates bottled water from tap,' says Rodwan."

IBWA (May 21, 2024)


    A Welcome From The CEO

    Welcome to Beverage Marketing Corporation. More than 50 years ago, I saw the need for dependable comprehensive data driven insights and expertise to assist beverage marketers in their decision making. This was the concept upon which BMC was born and it is just as relevant today if not more so.

    Early on, we focused on developing the industry's most comprehensive alcohol and non-alcohol beverage reports and a manufacturer, bottler and wholesaler directory. Today, BMC also offers a wide array of custom research services, private briefings and presentations, expert witness and due diligence services to the world's leading beverage companies. Along with our services, our products have also evolved. While many of our original reports remain relevant today, our proprietary DrinkTell™ database with its total market, cross-category analysis and five year projections as well as our BMC Beverage Company Database which tracks bottler and distributer networks, have taken things to the next level. These products combine with our world-class expertise, allowing BMC to deliver exceptional value and trusted insights to our clients, helping them navigate the fast-changing beverage marketplace. Not to mention, BMC annually co-hosts the only global all-beverage exclusive conference, The Beverage Forum.

    Our clients include large and small beverage companies from all segments of the beverage industry, as well as leading beverage suppliers, financial institutions, private equity firms and advertising agencies. We look forward to hearing from you and learning how we can be of assistance.

    Michael Bellas, Chairman & Chief Executive