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The US in brief

Biden blames GOP for use of executive order on asylum


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Analysing Africa

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A shock election result in India humbles Narendra Modi

Instead of strongman rule an uncertain era of coalition government beckons

Finance & economics

Is America’s economy heading for a consumer crunch?

Warning signs have started to appear. But there are reasons for optimism


The rise of the hard right threatens Europe’s political stability

European elections could mean gridlock in Brussels and beyond

The world in brief

Israel Defence Forces launched an offensive in central Gaza as talks over a ceasefire deal continued...

The Bank of Canada became the first central bank in a G7 economy to cut interest rates in the current cycle, lowering its main rate from 5% to 4.75%...

The Bharatiya Janata Party and its allies won India’s election, but with a reduced mandate...

Slovenia’s parliament voted to recognise Palestinian statehood, having rejected an opposition proposal to hold a referendum on the matter...

Biden’s border order: impractical policy, pragmatic politics

The president tries to address one of his biggest electoral liabilities

Free exchange: Why any estimate of the cost of climate change will be flawed

Temperature fluctuations are unpredictable. Humans are even more so

Charles III gets his own paper currency

But most Britons will see far less of him than they did his mother

Remembering D-Day, as a new war rages in Europe

World leaders and surviving soldiers will attend the 80th anniversary of Normandy

The US in brief

Biden blames GOP for use of executive order on asylum


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Analysing Africa

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World news

In Crimea, Ukraine is beating Russia

The peninsula is becoming a death trap for the Kremlin’s forces

The three women who will shape Europe

At a crucial moment they encapsulate the dilemma of how to handle populism

Yuval Noah Harari on how to prevent a new age of imperialism

Non-Western powers have a stake in bringing peace to Ukraine, argues the historian

What Claudia Sheinbaum’s victory might mean for Mexico

The next president should break with her predecessor and mentor

Business, finance and economics

Bartleby: How to write the perfect CV

A job applicant walks into a bar

Can Britain’s economy grow as fast as it needs to?

Labour is banking on a big upswing in growth. It will struggle to get one

China’s economic model retains a dangerous allure

Despite the country’s current struggles, autocrats elsewhere see a lot to admire

How Saudi Aramco plans to win the oil endgame

The world’s biggest energy firm is the linchpin of the kingdom’s ambitions

Abortion and American politics

The pro-choice movement that could help Joe Biden win

A backlash against abortion bans is energising the middle ground in America

The best books to explain America’s debate on abortion rights

Four recommendations from our American social affairs correspondent

Podcast Checks and Balance

What impact will the fight over abortion have on the election?

Our weekly podcast on democracy in America. This week, we assess what November’s votes could mean for reproductive rights


Donald Trump convicted

What Republicans make of Donald Trump’s conviction

The party is never as unified as when its members are defending the former president

The disgrace of a former American president

But this prosecution of Donald Trump was wrongheaded and counter-productive

Donald Trump is a convicted felon

Historic, yes. Game-changer? Don’t bank on it

Trump v Biden: who’s ahead in the polls?

The Economist is tracking the race to be America’s next president

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South Africa’s election

South Africa stands on the brink of salvation—or catastrophe

To prevent a coalition of chaos, Cyril Ramaphosa and the Democratic Alliance must do a deal

The failing ANC is rejected by over half of South Africa

The country now faces its biggest test since the end of apartheid

How to save South Africa

The rainbow nation needs an alternative to decline under the ANC


Britain’s election

Incompetence or opacity: the choice facing British voters

The first week of the election campaign points to a failure of political competition

Bagehot: The British election is becoming an episode of mob justice

A punishment beating is on the cards for the Conservatives

Interactive UK election 2024

General-election forecast: will Labour destroy the Conservatives?

Our seat-by-seat prediction for Britain’s next Parliament

The seats where Labour is concentrating its campaign firepower

Our analysis shows that activists are not just being dispatched to Tory targets

The Israel-Hamas war

Who is responsible for feeding Gaza?

Arguments fly over Israel’s duty to maintain aid

Outrage at a strike in Rafah is unlikely to change policy

America has already said the incident does not cross its red lines

The ICJ orders restraint from Israel in Rafah

But the court has no way to enforce its judgment, and there is no chance Israel will heed it

What does it mean to recognise Palestinian statehood?

Ireland, Norway and Spain will be the latest to do so

Stories most read by subscribers

Featured read

Canada’s jade mines boomed on Chinese demand. Now that’s over

Local indigenous groups are happy that jade mines will no longer scar their lands

The war in Ukraine

Tracking the Ukraine war: where is the latest fighting?

Our satellite view of the conflict, updated daily

Ukraine’s desperate draft-dodgers drown in the river of death

Thousands of military-age Ukrainians are risking their lives by swimming across treacherous waters

There is an explosive flaw in the plan to rearm Ukraine

Europe lacks TNT and other propellants for shells and missiles

Ukraine’s desperate struggle to defend Kharkiv

It is holding off Russia’s attack — for now

Other highlights

A century after his death Franz Kafka is still in the zeitgeist

From TikTok to TV to new tomes, the author continues to inspire writers and readers

Six non-fiction books you can read in a day

Resolved to read more? There may be no more rewarding genre than the short book

How lab-grown meat became part of America’s culture wars

Conservatives have beef with petri-dish steaks

Meet America’s most dynamic political movement