Date & Find Friends in Thailand, Asia, Europe, Canada and USA

Unlimited communication, Direct Contact Details, No "pay-per-letter".

Meet and Date Thai Girls in Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Phuket and elsewhere in Thailand

For over 10 years, French Asia has connected thousands of Asian singles worldwide. As one of the first dating sites in the niche, French Asia is one of the largest and most trusted sites around.

Searching for the right match on French-Asia is easy and simple. Use our search function to find people near you, within your preferred age range. Aside of searching through profiles, we also have a Tinder-like feature. Swipe right if you like the person and swipe left if you don't. Once you and another person both liked each other, there is a match! You will find new matches in your inbox. Since 2002, we’ve been successful at bringing together Thailand singles wherever they may be. Get to browse profiles, chat with ideal people, and find love. Ready to date and find your soul mate?

  • Unlimited messages with whoever you want.
  • All the women speak English
  • Built-in multi-language translator.
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The French-Asia dating site

The site allows direct and rapid connection between members, unlimited contacts, there are all the functions of a dating application. All profiles are verified by our moderation team, contact security is guaranteed when you interact on the site.
With 15 women for one man, you have every chance of meeting with French-Asia.

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