Canadian Online Casino Technology

Online casinos are often early adopters of the latest technology, and have been known to incorporate the latest technological advancement into their design in innovative ways. Driven by the need to compete in a crowded market – one that is increasing in popularity year on year – casinos love to find ways to make their site stand out from the crowd.

Canada is no exception when it comes to the popularity of online casino sites. The liberal approach to regulation has allowed the industry to blossom here, and all the biggest technological trends can be enjoyed in Canada. Here we round up the biggest tech innovations making waves in Canadian online casino.

online casino technology

Mobile gaming takes over

The rise of mobile casino has been sharp, and the technology is catching up. Mobile is now king, and the trend looks set to continue. Smartphones are the perfect platform for online casino; they are convenient, always with us and the ideal shape and size for playing casino games. New games and Canadian online casino sites are now created with mobile users as the first consideration. The trend has started to move away from apps towards mobile compatible sites, which don’t use up any storage space.

New casinos with welcome bonus are raising the bar

New casinos are getting more exciting every year. A great example of these kind of changes is without a doubt casinos that don’t require opening a player account. These kinds of sites are something literally no one could have imagined to go live already at year 2018 but here we are, witnessing the changes happening at a very rapid speed!
casino bonus
It is simply amazing at what speed the industry and technology are evolving and sometimes it feels like even the greatest casino gurus are finding it hard to stay on track of everything that is going on. When you see a new casino with wider selection of casino bonuses for Canadian players, go ahead and get to know it better. Almost every welcome bonus, known also as a sing-up package consists free spins combined with tiered deposit cash bonuses. Each new online casino is a chance to see something that you have never seen before, and it offers you a glimpse of the future.

Security and speed

One of the things that can hold people back from using online casinos is the fear of making online transactions. No matter how secure a site claims to be, there is always a concern that something could go awry. Canadian casinos have therefore been putting in a lot of time and energy to beef up security and give peace of mind to customers. Casinos use the latest encryption tech to prevent hackers from stealing data, and now this is often in conjunction with MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) which is used to speed up transactions safely.

Other new security measures include facial and fingerprint recognition, both of which make transactions faster and safer than ever before. If a casino requires players to pass a facial recognition test before making a transaction, it will make it virtually impossible for anyone to hijack your account.

Live dealer games

Online live dealer casino games are not exactly new, but faster and more stable internet connections are making this once-niche market more viable and mainstream. Live casino is the closest that Canadian players can get to a land- based casino from their own home or mobile device on the move. A live feed to a casino studio with real dealers, plus the opportunity to interact with both the dealer and other players, creates an unparalleled authentic casino experience. The live dealer market is currently dominated by just a couple of major providers, but expect more to get in on the action in the near future.

Virtual reality

One step on from live casino is VR. This is still nascent tech in the online casino market, as it requires some specialist hardware for the player, but it’s the next big thing. Don your VR headset, and find yourself in a virtual casino, where you can walk around and interact as you would in a bricks and mortar establishment. The sky is the limit when it comes to the layout and décor of these virtual establishments, and it’s the most immersive and interactive way to play at a Canadian online casino.

A helping hand from AI

Artificial intelligence has found its way into so many areas of our lives, particularly online, so it’s no surprise that online casinos have found use for it. As well as analyzing playing patterns to suggest new games that we might want to play, it is also of great value when it comes to responsible gaming. AI can help to identify potentially problematic playing habits and suggest ways to modify them.

AI can also come in handy for online support. While nothing will ever beat a real customer support agent for the tougher issues, AI assistants can shoulder some of the more frequent queries and concerns. We are already used to using virtual assistants on our phones and in our homes, so turning to AI as a supplement to human support is no great leap, and helps to improve efficiency and availability.

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies

Another piece of online tech that is coming into its own in online casinos is cryptocurrency. Bitcoin may have started it all off, but there are multiple other cryptos out there now. The main advantages of using cryptocurrency in a Canadian casino are speed, security and anonymity. Since they don’t go through the usual banking channels, transactions are much faster. And as the currency isn’t linked to a personal bank account, it is safe from interference and totally incognito.

Wearable technology

This is one advancement that is still in its infancy, but watch out for it nonetheless. At present, smartwatches are the only widely available piece of wearable tech on the market, but the demand for them is growing rapidly. Some games are already available to play on a smartwatch, and as more pieces of wearable tech become available, expect casino innovators to take advantage of this additional platform to the fullest.

Game design keeps getting better

Many of the tech innovations used in online casinos are support for the main event – the games themselves. But improved technology is also being used to directly improve the games. Each generation of online casino game is better than the last, in terms of both graphics and functionality. More games with 3D graphics are being developed than ever before, and games designed primarily for mobile users are set to become the norm.

The future of casinos is online

Recent years have seen a decline in custom to land casinos, and a parallel rise in the use of their online counterparts. As we’ve seen, the employment of the latest technological advances means that the experience at a virtual casino can even surpass a trip to a brick and mortar establishment.

In terms of both tech and regulation, the future of Canadian sites looks bright. Some of the biggest and most advanced casino sites have established themselves in the Canadian market, and these big names also have the resources to take advantage of the most cutting-edge tech available. And with the authorities continuing to take a hands-off approach to online casino legislation, it seems that players in Canada will continue to benefit from the latest innovations for years to come.