Christians and Pool Tables

>> Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A lot of my readers are probably curious about a unique post title like Christians and Pool Tables. What this is a reference to is the fact that pool hauls have long been thought of as unsightly places where there's excessive drinking and smoking going on and maybe even worse things that I'd prefer not to even think about it. Places like this are generally thought of as the types of low class locales that devout Christians like your author and a sizable amount of the readership of this blog consider themselves to be a part of.

The title of this post could just as easily have been Christians and Bars or Christians and Strip Clubs, or even Christians and Bordellos but I wanted to go with the PG title instead of the PG-13, R, or X rated options that I just threw out there. The crux of this article is to examine both what drives men and women alike to frequent these sorts of unsavory places that are on the opposite end of the holy spectrum from a peaceful Sunday church service.

The lesson that I would like readers to take away from this post is that while it is easy to turn ones nose up at supposedly lower level Christians who seemingly succumb to vices that are possibly beyond their control the Christian thing to do is to help these wayward souls find redemption and grace and beauty as we are all children of Christ.

There's no doubt that in pool hauls in the plains of Texas troublemakers are shooting pool and the same thing is undoubtedly going on across the bible belt and down through the bayous of Florida where men who never had the opportunity to go to college proudly pump quarters into a University of Florida pool table in some bar on the outskirts of town and are ordering up beers and puffing on cigarettes when they should be home with their wives and children.

The lesson to be learned is to spread the gossip of Jesus Christ and the virtues that any man or women regardless of religious affiliation can attest to. Simple mantras like the golden rule that teaches us to do onto others as we would have others do onto us are in many instances quite literally words to live by.