JAAS in Action

September 27, 2009

Several years ago a I wrote a book on JAAS, the Java Authentication and Authorization Service. I really liked the idea of JAAS before writing the book, and loathed it after writing the book. The design was nifty, but the implementation made using it tedious. The publisher decided not to publish the book after the initial round of technical reviews, best summarized by one review I remember, “this is fine, but I wouldn’t pay $50 for it.”

Thankfully, the rights for the book are now all mine, so I’ve put them up free for several years. My old website is currently down, so I’m moving it to this blog.

This blog will contain a blog entry per chapter once I convert them accordingly. Until then, here’s a zip file of all the chapter PDFs and a zip file of the source code.

If you find this at all useful, please leave a comment below: it’s great to hear from folks!