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Fri June 07, 2024
(Fox News)
A family may have made history after all four daughters were named valedictorian - a feat that's reportedly a 1 in an 11 billion chance. Home schooled?
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(Daily Mail)
The dark side of Taco Bell?
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(Atlanta Black Star)
Airman's stare leads to deadly shooting by Florida deputy. Who knew eye contact was this dangerous?
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The Merriam-Webster word of the day for June 7 is gossip, as in "Drew has to stop every few minutes to gossip some bourbon"
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(Daily Boulder)
Time to stock up on some herbal tea, I suppose
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(USA Today)
Photoshop this flower girl
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(WFLA Tampa Bay)
Manatee County restaurant refuses to serve alligator
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Farkers, your worst fear has been realized
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Think twice before taking pictures of yourself in drag having sex with your wife. They may end up in a museum in 100 years. Unless that's the part that turns you on, of course
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Day 835 of WW3: Kremlin attempts to invoke historical memories of Cuban missile crisis by announcing Havana naval visit. This after Putin warned he could supply weapons to other nations to strike Western countries. It's your Friday Ukraine war thread
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'My family survived the Titanic - here's my message to billionaires diving to see wreck'. FOOK OFF
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"We have normalised horror"
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A dog has reached hero status after it ran four miles to alert its owner's family of trouble when the man lost control of his truck and crashed into a stream. With a knick-knack, paddy whack, give a dog a bone, his old man came rolling home
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(The Moscow Times)
A drunk Russian soldier killed 7 of his comrades when he threw a grenade into their barracks. Nyet, comrade
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The State of Colorado settles for $8.5 million with a woman who was left handcuffed in a police car, on the train tracks
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If you're in the market for a professional-quality studio and a warehouse full of dubious brain pills, I know just the guy
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(NBC News)
There is no FDA. There is only Juul
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(Huffington Post)
A bird on the head is worth two on George Bush, or something like that
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Goldilocks and the Killer Bear
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(KIRO-7 Seattle)
Garfield High on lockdown after shooting. Odie, Jon, and Nermal now packing heat
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(CityNews Toronto)
Be a sweetie and wipe the seatie if you're using a public bike for the World Naked Bike Ride. Not rubbing your nekkid arse all over a public seat also an option
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Thu June 06, 2024
Australian man preplexed by why 500 tyres showed up in his driveway, why it is spelled with a Y
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(WFLA Tampa Bay)
"Brilliant" Florida woman figures out how to steal a car legally
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(Fox 17 Nashville)
They say that Mark doin burnouts is not too bright on Broadway
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There were also record snowfalls, record colds and an arctic blast. So it all evens out in the end
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World War Two veterans who used a 'Ghost Army' of inflatable tanks to trick the Nazis are finally honored
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(Popular Science)
I think I saw this movie
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(Baltimore Sun)
NeedrebA, Aberdeen, tseitterp town ev'I ever nees
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(KTLA Los Angeles)
4th grade Show and Tell with a Glock
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(CBS 2 Iowa)
There has GOT to be a better way to publicize your movie treatment
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(Local10 WPLG)
IHOP patron gets rooty, tooty, fresh & abusey with syrup bottle
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(Counton 2)
Today's Out-Of-Control Ship Headed For Bridge story comes to you at 14-17 knots from Charleston, SC
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(Quinnipiac University)
Photoshop these environmental engineers
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(VT Digger)
Pro Tip: If you're a police precinct staging a fake school shooting, you may want to give the students a heads-up first
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Predator Hunters land catch of the day, non drag variety, news at 11
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Attempts to recreate the deadly playgrounds of yesteryear remain unappreciated
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Experts say other people are having less sex, point out that you aren't because you can't go negative on that
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Shakespeare in Delaware Park Opening Night Reception. Buffalo, New York. June 20th, 5:30PM
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(The Smoking Gun)
Kilt-wearing Texan admits putting store items up his butt. In his defense, he did return the soiled merch to store shelves
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(WFSB Connecticut)
Martha's Vineyard resident re-enacts D-Day beach landing with his boat
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UK Health Security Agency: "We have an urgent health warning about an E.Coli outbreak linked to a nationally distributed food item". UK public: "What's the food item?" UK Health Security Agency: "Wouldn't it be more fun to guess?"
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(Dallas News)
Southern Baptist Convention's He-Man Woman-Haters committee files motion to expel all congregations with pastors who are also women... unless they're classified as "called ministers"
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Well, we probably can't mine it for precious metals. Can we break up the heat dome with nuclear warheads?
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(Conde Nast Traveler)
Photoshop this angelic oak
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(Fox 7 Austin)
Old and busted: porch pirates. New hotness: title pirates. Yarrr, shiver me encumbrances, matey
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4PM Eastern - It's the Fark News Livestream with Drew, Dill and maybe Christine. Make Dill Read Awkward Headlines edition
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(Central Maine)
Usually only happens in the movies or on Gilligan's Island
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Woman's life "turns into horror movie" after finding prop skeleton in hidden room. Wow, that horror movie would suck
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(NBC New York)
Is that a five foot python under your sink or are you just happy to see me?
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But what are they going to do with their semen now?
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