NUS Highlights

Learn how our transformative education and multidisciplinary research have nurtured effective global leaders, impacted society and transformed lives for the better.

President's Welcome

We are Singapore’s flagship university. We hope you will be inspired by the many fascinating facets that make NUS a leading global university centred in Asia.

NUS President

Shaping the Future

“At NUS, we are moving boldly — and concertedly — to expand tomorrow's frontiers. We believe that we have the power to shape the future, for the better.”

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Thought Leadership

Distinguished thought leaders, movers and shakers in Singapore and across the globe gather regularly on campus to share their insights and engage in intellectual discourse.

Fewer golf courses and country clubs

Fewer golf courses and country clubs

Land planning recognises the need to respond to change, transition, and even decline. Prof Sing Tien Foo, Provost’s Chair Prof from the Department of Real Estate at NUS Business School comments that the tension between erecting private playgrounds for the affluent and foreign visitors, which generate jobs and economic value, versus using recreational land for open public spaces for ordinary Singaporeans highlights the difficult balancing act that Singapore’s recreational land faces.

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Commentary: What prompts people to deliberately expose themselves to an infection?

Commentary: What prompts people to deliberately expose themselves to an infection?

Nobody likes to get sick, whether from a relatively mild common cold or a potentially more serious condition like malaria. But sometimes, it may be quite rational and even laudable for someone to volunteer to be deliberately exposed to an infectious disease - if not for one’s own sake, then for the sake of science, write researchers from the Centre for Biomedical Ethics at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at NUS and the National Centre for Infectious Diseases.

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