Forum and links

January 13, 2009 ·

Michael Reichmann

Other Webs

There are many excellent photographers and photographer’s web sites on the net. This page provides links to many of these sites – at least those that are linked in return to this site.

Visitor Comments

Some feedback from you, the folks that support this site.

Recommended Books

A small selection of books which will be of interest to landscape, nature and wildlife photographers.

Links & Resources

Below are links to some of the best web-based as well as more traditional resources available to landscape photographers.  I haven’t attempted to be exhaustive — but to provide information and access to journals, services and information which I have found of greatest value.

Photograph America Newsletter

Written and published by Robert Hitchman, the invaluable Photograph America Newsletter now has more than 65 issues available.  Published bi-monthly since 1989, they cover virtually every major location of interest to landscape and nature photographers in North America.

Not just a travel guide, Hitchman discusses locations from a photographer’s perspective — season, best time of day to shoot, and accessibility.  He also provides tips on available motels, restaurants and other points of interest.  It has become for me the first and sometimes only reference for a successful photographic journey.

Run, don’t walk to get a subscription as well as every back issue.  These are a must!

PhotoTrip USA is always worth visiting because of its portfolios of fine landscape photography by Laurant Martres (the site’s publisher) and others. But, it’s real utility is for access to Laurant’s excellent book, Land of the Canyons, A Photographer’s Guide to Utah and Arizona.



I recommend this book highly as a general purpose photo guide to the region.

The Natural Image Journal

The Natural Image Journal

Written by George Lepp, one of America’s leading outdoor photographers, this journal provides technical reviews, shooting techniques, locations and other advise from an experienced hand.  Well worth the subscription price, especially for Canon owners.

Photo Techniques Magazine is one of the leading American photography magazine.  (I don’t say this just because I’m a Contributing Editor).  Photo Techniques consistently provides a welcome assortment of thought provoking articles 6 times a year.  Their special issues, such as The Magic of Darkroom Art are also more likely labors of love rather than money-makers.

Outdoor Photographer Magazine is an invaluable resource for nature and landscape photographers. Each month’s issue contains enough articles and columns on nature, travel and landscape photography to satisfy any frustrated / housebound photographer.  Their regular columnists include several of America’s top outdoor photographers, including Galen Rowell, DeWitt Jones and George Lepp.

Robert White

Robert White is a leading U.K. photographic equipment distributor and dealer.  During early 1999 I purchased from him Toyo large format equipment, Rodenstock & Nikkor large format lenses, and Schneider Rollei lenses as well.  For Canadians or Americans shopping in England may seem extreme, but for certain products it can lead to significant savings.  For example, I paid 50% less for a Toyo VX125 4X5″ camera from White than I would have buying from the least expensive retailer in the USA or Canada, and I found appreciable savings on Rodenstock & Nikkor large format lenses as well.  A reputable and reliable dealer. Recommended. is another reputable online equipment dealer located in Canada, though he ships all over the world. Brian, the proprietor, specializes in medium and large format equipment and has some of the lowest prices found anywhere. Recommended.


Lenswork Quarterly is in my opinion the highest quality fine-arts photography magazine available today. Their essays are literate and their portfolios outstanding.  Unlike self-absorbed journals such as Aperture, they understand photography for what it is, not for what they’d like it to be.

Lenswork doesn’t yet have wide news-stand distribution so treat yourself to a subscription. Highly recommended if you care about the art of photography.


Photo Net

This has long been one of the best all-around sites on the net for useful, intelligent information and discussion about photography.  But I there has been a trend by regulars and moderators to be curt and even rude to newcomers. I’m not removing this board from my recommended list because it does contain a large library of useful discussions, but because of the unfriendly tone and narrow-minded  attitude found there I will no longer be participating regularly. It’s very sad to see such a potentially useful resource destroyed by ego. Oh well.



This is an great site for late-breaking equipment news.  It also has the largest  collection of MTF lens tests on the net.  A very rich site for technical information on photographic gear.

Calumet Logo.gif (3054 bytes)

Calumet Photo has long been one of the leading photographic equipment suppliers in the country.  They are rarely the least expensive, but they have a huge inventory, many unique and hard-to-find items, and the finest on-line ordering system that I’ve seen.  One you’re registered as a customer, a few clicks is all that it takes to have equipment and supplies on your doorstep a couple of days later. Recommended.

Digital Photography Review

This site, by Phil Askey, is a tremendous resource for anyone interested in the latest news and happenings in digital cameras.  With the advent of relatively affordable pro-level digital cameras (Nikon D1, Canon D30, Fuji S1) over the past couple of years and the flood of high-end digital SLRs and imaging backs that’s bound to follow, this site will become an invaluable resource.

Erwin Puts, a  leading Leica expert and author, has an excellent website called The Leica Papers. It contains lens test reports, technical discussions and Leica lore.  A must for Leica aficionados.

A few scanning tips

This site, by Wayne Fulton, contains the web’s most comprehensive information and tutorial on scanning.  A must for anyone beginning digital imaging processing.  In fact, a must for anyone that owns a scanner.

Accurate Image Manipulation For Desktops

This is, simply put, the definitive web site for understanding how to calibrate your system for desktop photographic colour work.  Some of it is hard going, but there isn’t a finer resource.

The Digital Dog

Andrew Rodney is one of the gurus of digital imaging and Photoshop in particular. His site, The Digital Dog, has a great Tips section which provides a wealth of useful information. A must for anyone doing digital image processing.

Carol Leigh specializes in the California landscape. This site contains excellent and up-to-the-moment guides to photographing wild-flowers as well as fall colours in the state. An indispensable guide. Check out her printed guides as well. Lots of information not found elsewhere.

Imagemap Nature Photo Index

If you want to look at galleries and personal web pages by nature photographers this site has some of the best links around. The number of photographers with sites, and the variety of their work will astound you.

PEI Logo

PEI Magazine is definitely worth looking at if you’re interested in high-end digital imaging. Their web site has an intelligent discussion forum which is moderated by the magazine’s technical editor, Andrew Rodney. Rodney is one of the industry’s true gurus and is otherwise known as the Digital Dog (see above).


Ian Lyons’ Computer Darkroom is one of the best sites on the web for learning about colour management, scanning, Photoshop tips,  and Epson’s latest generation of ink-jet printers. Articles are well written and illustrated. A must read on any of these topics.

Nature Photographers, an online magazine dedicated to the nature and wildlife photography enthusiast.

A new hi-quality online magazine dedicated to nature photography appeared in the spring of 2000. Nature Photographers features portfolios by talented pros, equipment reviews and a reader gallery. An excellent new resource for anyone working in the area of wildlife photography. is a site containing extensive user-written reviews of photographic equipment. It’s part of a larger service called which contains reviews of a broad range of products.

I’ve enjoyed reading many of the reviews. Generally, of the products with which I’m familiar the reviews are unbiased and informative. is an excellent site devoted to panoramic photography. In this context panoramic is used in a different sense that most photographers usually consider. Here it means r e a l l y  w i d e — up to 360 degrees. There is a lot of rich content here, including equipment and software reviews.

Digital Photography Now is a U.K.-based site that offers up-to-date product announcements and reviews. Digital cameras, printers and peripherals are covered, and there’s a discussion forum as well.

DCViews is an excellent site for staying on top of the latest news in the world of digital cameras. It also features camera profiles, tutorials and a discussion forum. It is a very elegantly designed site.


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Michael Reichmann is the founder of the Luminous Landscape. Michael passed away in May 2016. Since its inception in 1999 LuLa has become the world's largest site devoted to the art, craft, and technology of photography. Each month more than one million people from every country on the globe visit LuLa.

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