The tree. A metaphor for growth.

You are stronger than you realize. Like a magnificent tree, born from a tiny seed, you are moving from a state of unconscious possibility to unfolding greatness.

Like roots that anchor deep, no matter what the soil, you have undeniable strengths to survive and succeed.

The tree’s trunk, beautifully weathered by its past, provides solid yet flexible stability no matter the season or the storm.

The more a tree is nurtured, the easier it will grow and the more profuse it will blossom.

And the tree’s branches reach out towards the sun and to touch the stars. Tender buds open confidently in full expression to simply become what it was meant to be…


Who could you be if you confronted more of your fears and self-limiting beliefs? How would you love yourself and others if you developed deeper self-love and self-compassion?

Are you on a spiritual path? Are you a Lightworker? Awakening? Many individuals seek additional support as they are growing spiritually as concurrent growth is needed emotionally, psychologically, mentally, consciously, physically. 

As part of transformational growth, shadow aspects of self are pushed to the surface and are projected and/or reflected in our attitudes and relationships. This presents an opportunity for us to transform/transmute into higher levels of soul-consciousness, self-compassion, self-forgiveness and self-love. 

“We often learn to seek power and control for the illusion of security and forego the soul’s invitation to transfigure wounded patterns into healed patterns of expansive Love and new soulful growth.

The most essential relationship we have is with ourselves. As we learn radical responsibility and own everything that we experience around us and within our relationships as a reflection of our own soul evolution, we grow exponentially from the shadow into our beautiful unlimited potential in this reality.”

Do you already know how to dig deep into your own self work, and want support digging deeper? Influenced by decades of my own self journey as well as over three decades as a therapist, I believe in approaching fear, vulnerability, relational responsibility with humility, openness, and through the heart’s deep desire to heal all barriers to self-actualize with heart-centered love and spiritual integrity leading the way.

Psychotherapy Services

 In private practice since 1997, I currently focus on working with adults in individual, short term therapy who desire inner and outer manifestations of realizing deep authentic change.  I assist my clients in their journeys of acknowledging the depths of their emotional experiences to transform their shadows and fears, thus amplifying their light, aspirations and spiritual gifts.  I enjoy the process of supporting my clients in unlocking their whole selves and unleashing their full potential. 

I am licensed as an LCSW in the state of Illinois and provide both teletherapy and in office psychotherapy services. My office is located in the Morgan Park/Beverly neighborhood of Chicago.  I am in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois PPO. I can work with client’s out of network benefits, and/or accept private payment. 

Spiritual Consultation 

Through PrayerSmith, I also provide spiritual education, consultation and healing direction/guidance through prayers, mantras and manifestation practices. I offer Lightworkers groups, manifestation workshops, and retreats. You can find any current offerings here. Though I am informed by the continuity of all of my professional roles and personal experiences, the work I do through PrayerSmith and spiritual consultation is not therapy.  Please visit www. to connect with my transformational prayers and spiritual offerings

“I believe we are truly spiritual beings having an earthly experience for our own and our collective spiritual expansion.  I believe we incarnate into our life to create experiences facilitating soul-directed healing and growth.  While we seek love and happiness, it is through owning and navigating pain and challenges of duality and divisiveness that we grow exponentially.  I believe we create our own realities, and can transcend previous patterns to realize our capacity and actualize our spiritual potentials in our earthly lives. 

I believe we are pure love and true magic incarnate, and (as drops of water in the ocean of Oneness) as each of us awakens, we help shift our collective earthly experience.”

I invite you to contact me to see if I am a good fit to support you in your transformational journey.

About Me

“We can either stay the sum of our experiences, or we can own that we are powerful creators of our own stories and our own unlimited destiny.  Through owning and taking loving radical responsibility for our life’s expression, we can transcend limiting beliefs and manifest through our own Higher-Self’s spiritual direction.”

Lisa Catania has been a practicing psychotherapist for over 30 years.

She is also a Lightworker, facilitating healing for individuals through personalized living prayer, mantras and affirmations. Through PrayerSmith she inspires deep and profound spiritual personal transformation. Over the past 10 years, she has led spiritual workshops and retreats in Chicago; Sedona, Arizona; Michigan and Costa Rica.

Lisa is the author of Sacred Phoenix: Prayers to Awaken Your Divine Transformation. To connect with her transformational prayers, and to learn more about PrayerSmith’s offerings, please visit

Lisa is also a business owner and mentor, cofounding Beverly Therapists, a private practice therapist collaborative on the southside of Chicago.  Beverly Therapists is a unique community of independent therapists, each with their own private practice. Lisa’s psychotherapy office is located at Beverly Therapists. To learn more, visit

Lisa Catania is licensed to practice psychotherapy in the state of Illinois. She is in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois. She also accepts private pay clients. Please contact her for more information:

Lisa M. Catania, LCSW, MSW

773 / 719 – 1751

10725 South Western Avenue
2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60643

Groups & Retreats

Reiki 1 Group: Self-Love, Vulnerability, and Healing 

In addition to our emotional, intellectual, social and physical self-identification, we are spiritual, energetic beings. We manifest wellness and disharmony in our bodies and experiences, reflecting the sum of our conscious and unconscious beliefs/experiences. Through spiritual and psychological self-awareness, and heartfelt connection to ourselves and all of life through our loving intentions, we can begin on our journey of incredible holistic transformation. 

It is through the journey of connecting with our vulnerability with our self-loving, spiritually-empowered dedication that we can transform ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically.

Reiki is one form of energy healing. Someone is “trained” in Reiki by transfer of the energy medicine through a teaching about energy medicine and a ritual/“blessing”. It is then nurtured and sustained by the recipient’s ongoing practices. Traditionally, the recipient is encouraged to engage in a 30 day purification practice, including a daily self practice of connecting with Reiki healing graces.

This 6 Week Circle will include nurturing and deepening one’s practice of energy healing through teaching/exploration, a blessing of Reiki transmission, and a supportive circle throughout a 28 day integration practice. Together, we will create a sacred container of safety and support to connect with and share our vulnerabilities, and to create space for holistic transformation through our practices of self-love. 

We will experience holding space for ourselves and each other with unconditional love and nonjudgmental support. With curiosity, we will expand our openness about the truth of who we really are, and the meaning of our earthly life experience. A fundamental group agreement, all spiritual beliefs/practices and diverse self-identification are welcome here as an expression and means of one’s own journey of self awareness and spiritual expansion.

Date: Tuesdays beginning January 9 (1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13)

Time: 6:45 to 8:15 PM

Place: In person at Beverly Therapists, 10725 South Western, 2nd floor (stairs access)

Minimum four participants; maximum eight participants

$250/paid at time of registration. Nonrefundable. 

Alignment with spiritual teachings and group experience is essential. Lisa will schedule 30 minute consult prior to participants signing up for the group. (Lisa reserves the right to direct potential participant to alternative avenues for growth.)

If you are interested in joining the circle, please contact Lisa directly at 773.719.1751. 



 To inquire about my services or to make an appointment, you can reach me as follows:

Lisa M. Catania, LCSW, MSW

773 / 719 – 1751

10725 South Western Avenue
2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60643