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As if gathering a gaggle of goths on one boat in Paris wasn’t weird enough, my fellow oddballs had to go and do it again. The locale is the U.S.S. Hornet in Alameda, California.


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At a time when student journalists have been tasked with reporting from the frontlines of nationwide protests, it is terrifying to see the tensions escalate into violence. Student journalism is essential in order to report timely and accurate information about protests, especially when external news outlets have been prohibited from entering some university grounds.

Imagine if the United Automobile Workers, or UAW, could put its massive strike fund and political clout at the service of stopping the genocide. We need to take the concrete step of supporting reformers across UAW 4811 in the triennial elections taking place from May 2 to May 3.

Across the world, women use beauty products every day. The average woman uses 12 different beauty products daily, such as cleansers, hair products, skin care products, lotions and makeup. When purchasing a new product from the store, most people don’t realize the negative implications these items can have on both their own health, and the health of the environment. 

I recently decided to abandon Alana and only go by Mama Lana, so I call this Mama Lana’s Vegetarian Kimchi Jjigae.

With finals looming, every minute of the day counts. I’ve been diligently using my time to ensure I survive finals week unscathed. I definitely am not getting distracted by the sudden burst of warm weather and all its delightful temptations. But let’s be honest, the struggle is real.