Butterflies and moths are sensitive indicators of the health of our environment. Find out how you can help them. 

Young child colouring in a butterfly sheet with other children stood by a Butterfly Conservation stand in the background

What's going on in your area

Events and activities for all of the family run by Butterfly Conservation branches and partners.

Join Butterfly Conservation

Join Butterfly Conservation

Butterflies and moths are among the most threatened groups of wildlife in the UK. Without your support, we cannot continue our vital work to protect them.

Restore Nature Now

Restore Nature Now

March with us on 22 June as we tell the Government it’s time to act and #RestoreNatureNow


Make a Space for Nature

Since 1945 the UK has lost 98% of its meadows. This habitat loss along with climate change means that our butterflies and moths are in severe decline. But... it doesn’t have to be this way. We are embarking on a campaign to transform the UK into a butterfly and moth-friendly haven and we need you to help.

Big Butterfly Count 2023

Big Butterfly Count 2024 - Coming Soon!

Help us take nature's pulse by joining the Big Butterfly Count. Friday 12 July - Sunday 4 August 2024.

How You Can Help

How You Can Help

If you want to help us save butterflies and moths in the UK, there are lots of ways to contribute!

Learn more about butterflies and moths

Marsh Fritillary (Female/Upperwing) - Iain Leach


Spotted a butterfly but not sure what it is? Our handy identification section will help you find out.

The Last Generation

The Last Generation

80% of butterflies have declined in abundance or distribution since 1976. We may be the last generation to enjoy butterflies and moths in abundance.

Silver-studded Blue - Mark Searle


Volunteers in our Branches manage over 30 Nature Reserves - all havens for butterflies, moths and other wildlife. Why not visit one near you? 

Garden Tiger - Iain Leach

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