la pensee du jour

Publié le par Fabrice Marre

It's been a while since last time I wrote on my blog. Not that nothing happens in my life, I still have a busy and exciting life but tonight I just feel the need to write about it. Events occur sometimes, and it doesn't happen the way you expected them to happen. It's my case at the moment. I was not in the good mood I use to be, I asked to myself, what's wrong? I've tried to think about it and after a bit of reflection the conclusion is nothing is wrong. Changing the way we see things allows us to change the way we feel about them, it works for me. Here is some tips I've found useful to pump up my mood.

I'd say one of the most important thing is to accept what we have.
We usually expect to be happier when we will reach certain goal or when we wait for a special event, but it can take a while to reach these goals . And when you get there, you can have new and different expectation. Sometimes, this special event just doesn't happen. Happiness is not something you get only at the end, I believe it is acceccible anytime, anywhere. We just need to realize what we have now, and instead of comparing with what we want, or what other people have, we should compare with people who have less, who are struggling, who go through tragedy. We are usually blind about what's happenning in the rest of the world, and in our countries we are extremely lucky.I'm not saying that we should not have goals, or expect anything in life, but we should review and adapt our goals in a realistic way. Life is made of choices, our choices, and there is not only one way to make what we want a reality, but it's a step by step process with many different pathway and during this process, it's important to keep the balance between our goals and our happiness, now. I don't autorize myself to get depressed about things which didn't happen the way I expected them to happen. It is not easy to change our mood but thinking and appreciate what we have, and how lucky we are, instead of what we don't have helps a lot. Things can be difficult but we should focus on the benefit of overcoming these difficulties, it makes us stronger.

Another thing I find usefull is to enjoy simple things everyday.
Everybody can find easily accessible things we like. It can ba as simple as watching birds (Adelaide is good for that, if you pay attention, there are so many kind of parrots everywhere!), clouds, sunsets, having good food, a good book, listenning a nice music, talk with friends.

As I said earlier, changing the way we see things allows us to change the way we feel about them, we make our own limits, our own priorities for everything and we are free to change them once we realize that these limit is just ourself.


Publié dans whereisfabrice

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