Adam Couple – Online Viewing & Download

For episode 35 onwards, please visit for English subbed videos.

Announcement: I have decided to password protect the videos that I upload on MU/MF. The password will change for ALL videos every time I upload a new video. The password would be the answer to the riddle that I would give each time after I upload a video.

The current password is the answer to this question: What did Jo Kwon dress up as in the 1st episode to meet Ga-In?

DISCLAIMER: KkapLineSubs is in no way affiliated to Time2Subs from 2odforum. We are two different groups and KkapLineSubs only sub WGM cuts of the Adam couple (Jo Kwon and Son Ga-In)

DO NOT SEND ME ENQUIRIES ON HOW TO VIEW VIDEOS OF THE ADAM COUPLE BEFORE EP.26. READ THE FAQs. In fact, as a general rule, if you have any questions, please go read the FAQs first. You are probably not the FIRST one to have the same queries.



ENGLISH Subbed Videos

100501 Adam Couple Special
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
100522 Adam Couple Day 26
Part 1 (DailyMotion) Part 2 (DailyMotion) Part 3 (DailyMotion) Part 4 (DailyMotion)
100529 Adam Couple Day 27
Part 1 (DailyMotion) Part 2 (DailyMotion) Part 3 (DailyMotion) Part 4 (DailyMotion)
100605 Adam Couple Day 28
Part 1 (DailyMotion) Part 2 (DailyMotion) Part 3 (DailyMotion) Part 4 (DailyMotion)
100612 Adam Couple Day 29
Part 1 (DailyMotion) Part 2 (DailyMotion) Part 3 (DailyMotion) Part 4 (DailyMotion)
100619 Adam Couple Day 30
Part 1 (DailyMotion) Part 2 (DailyMotion) Part 3 (DailyMotion) Part 4 (DailyMotion)
100626 Adam Couple Day 31
Part 1 (DailyMotion) Part 2 (DailyMotion)
100703 Adam Couple Day 32
Part 1 (Veoh) Part 2 (Veoh)
Part 1 (Dailymotion) Part 2 (Dailymotion)
100607 Come to Play – My Love Special
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
100710 Adam Couple Day 33
Part 1 (DailyMotion) Part 2 (DailyMotion)
Part 1 Part 2
100717 Adam Couple Day 34
Part 1 (DailyMotion) Part 2 (DailyMotion)
Part 1 (TwitVid) Part 2 (TwitVid)

Earlier episodes

Episode 1 – 20 <– The channel has been suspended.

Episode 21 – 25 <– I do not know where ep 21- 25 can be located online. My best answer is to go to 2odforum to download.


I will only put up the links for the download to the ENGLISH SUBBED videos. All subbing credit for ENGLISH SUBBED videos goes to KKAPLINESUBS (formed by a group of fans from Soompi Forum). The subs were not made for any monetary transactions. SO, please keep the videos for your own personal use and not upload it onto other public platforms.

100501 Adam Couple Special
MegaUpload MediaFire
100522 (Day 26) [HK Part 2 – Parade + Chocolate Kiss]
MegaUpload MediaFire
100529 (Day 27) [HK Part 3 – The Day After The Chocolate Kiss]
MegaUpload MediaFire
100605 (Day 28) [HK Part 4 Ga In’s 2nd Event + Fortune Telling]
MegaUpload MediaFire
100612 (Day 29) [Couple Ring + Couple Bungee]
MegaUpload (x264) MediaFire
MegaUpload (XviD)
100619 (Day 30) [New House, New Chapter]
MegaUpload MediaFire
100626 (Day 31) [A Promise DONE]
MegaUpload MediaFire
100703 (Day 32) [200th Day!!!]
MegaUpload MediaFire
100607 Come To Play – My Love Special
MegaUpload MediaFire
100710 (Day 33) – [Mission “I Love Holding Hands”]
MegaUpload MediaFire
100717 (Day 34) – [The Adam meets The Devil in Prada (Korean Ver.)]
MegaUpload MediaFire

If you are looking for download from episode 1 to 25, please visit the 2odforum and fulfill their requirements in order to download the videos.

Either you put in 74 posts in their forum OR make a donation to gain access to the subbed videos.

Video Player (VLC)

Some of you have highlighted that you can’t play the video file that you download from this page. Actually the file is in .avi format and SHOULD play on most media players. I’m not sure if it’s because of the subtitle file. Anyway, if you follow the links below, you will be able to download VLC player, which pretty much plays EVERYTHING so it’s no loss to have it on your computer!

For Mac Users

Please make sure you download the appropriate build for your OS

For Windows Users

For other Operating systems

HJ Split

If you downloaded the files from MediaFire, you would notice that the file names end with a .001. You will need HJ Split to join these files together. Go to this website and get the one that’s right for your OS.

For Mac users, I recommend “Split and Concat”. When you want to JOIN files, please select the CONCAT option and look for the file with .001. As long as you don’t change the file name, they would join all the files together into ONE file. πŸ™‚

666 Responses to Adam Couple – Online Viewing & Download

  1. Minzi says:

    I’m really thankful for your work. I’m really really(x n times) crazy about Adam couple!!!! They are so cute and funny!!!
    Thanks again for sharing the eng sub!!!

  2. Choi Sung Young says:

    Aaaw, thanks for compliling everything together~
    Thanks thanks thanks πŸ˜€
    (: I don’t think I will dl anything yeeeet (:
    I don’t want to go over my internet limit o.0 but it’s soooo tempting heheheh xD

    Once again a HUGE THANK YOU!

    (ps. do you have soompi?)

  3. Anonymous says:

    Thank you s~ooo much for putting this all in one place! Will definitely be coming back regularly to check for updates.^^ I really appreciate all your hard work!! Adam couple w00t w00t!!^^

  4. walcott says:

    thanks alot guys! keep it up. cant wait for eng sub epi 29!

  5. walcott says:

    but its not ready yet!

  6. Syuie says:

    tHe label’s out so the ep will be uploaded very soon right…?
    oh my….I hope it will

    • it will be uploaded as soon as I have the vids but don’t expect it to come in today sorry. I’m putting in the labels first so that it would be faster when I have the links. Follow my twitter account. it’s a better gauge.

  7. Syuie says:

    I’ll be waiting more patiently then..
    anyway THANK YOU so much for your hard work
    and really appreciate the whole subbing team
    *big hug*

  8. hadhinah hafas says:

    thanx so much…but the thing is i can’t play the vid downloaded from megaupload and mediafire…why????

    • if you have downloaded from megaupload, the file is .avi and should play on MOST players. If not, you can download VLC media player. It’s one of the BEST and FREE media players around.

      As for MediaFire, you will need HJ Split to join the files together before they are viewable. Just search for HJ split for windows and Split and Concat if you are using a Mac.

  9. mishee says:

    thanx so much u just dont know been waiting for this hehehe ur making a lot of people happy…..

  10. rma says:

    Thanks Guys. Please keep the good work coming…

  11. bev says:

    thank you so much! wow ure amazing s2

  12. Sundrine05 says:

    i thought they are going to show how they got the couple ring?…when will it be shown???

  13. linesigngain says:

    THANK YOU so much guys for your hard work!!

  14. mishee says:

    ei just wondering if ur to upload fo with gain on it and come to play?thanx…:)

    • We MIGHT be subbing Come to Play. If we do, we will upload Come to Play on the YT channel.
      As for FO, we are not too sure yet because there are other groups who are subbing so we don’t really want to duplicate their efforts. If I can get hold of the subbed video links, I will post it up here.

      • mishee says:

        thanx dear,but really stupid with this downloading thing hehehe if ever sum1 put it on yt with eng sub can u just post the link,sorry for asking u so many things hehehhe but really appreciate ur channel on yt…

  15. Cxsaga87 says:

    Great work guys…and really fast too…Love adam couple…^^. – Greeting from indonesia-

  16. sammy0827 says:

    thank you very much for dat 100605 episode~
    thanks ^^ support you~

  17. khjholic says:

    thank you so much for all the hard work^^ when the lettuce couple left wgm i stopped watching wgm but the adam couple sparked my interest again^^ i just LOVE them^^

  18. Darryll says:

    Great work guys!
    Just wanna will you release day 28 (100605) eng sub?
    Im really looking forward to see that episode. Thanks.

  19. Darryll says:

    Great work guys!
    Just wanna ask when will you release day 28 (100605) eng sub?
    Im really looking forward to see that episode. Thanks.

  20. Miz says:

    THANK YOUx100000
    hehehe.. been waiting for the next episode πŸ˜€
    thank you for your hard work πŸ˜€

  21. rma says:

    Hi There,
    thanks you very much for the subbing hards works… Many people you are making happy each week. So thanks again.

    Ps… I ilke the wallpaper here, did you drawn it?


  22. i2y says:

    WOW!!!! SO GREATFUL that we have your guys!!!! you are the best!!!

    i like the background!!!!!!! sweet sweet

  23. Almus says:

    Thank you guys!!! I love adam couple (L)

  24. haraka says:

    it’s for the first time i visit…
    thanks a lot for you job!
    i really love this so and many people out there too..
    so you really help adam couple to spread their love ^^

    hope could help you if i can ^^

    once again, thanks a lot ^^

  25. Sundrine05 says:

    I’m really thankful for this site. It gives me updates about the couple.
    Hope it’s ok to ask on when and what time does WGM being shown. I would like to know it’s schedule if it’s fine.. πŸ™‚

  26. cxsaga87 says:

    hi, keep the great job…love adam couple…cant wait for the bali episode…^^

  27. chinaeyes711 says:

    thank you very much for subbing We Got Married JoKwon and GaIn cut. really appreciate all you hardwork.

  28. aya says:

    thank you 2x sooooo much for the videos subs.. i really looking for this..
    i waiting this video in t2ssubs channel but they still not upload Ep 28 so when i found your situs really make my day sooooo happyyyyy… thank you again..
    LOVE ADAM couple..!! ^-^

  29. Gabs says:

    Thx for the hard work guys…Keep them coming xD

  30. rez29 says:

    wow…this site is amazing!!
    I’ve downloaded ep28 and 29 eng sub in youtube (not completed), but now imbc has claimed it. I’ve searched in many website and this is the most interesting and complete website. thank you for your hardwok. I have so many question about this adam couple. do you have twitter account? or facebook?

    • My twitter is already on this blog.. user id: kkaplinesubs

      the YT d/l.. for raw or with subs?

      • rez29 says:

        oh, i’m sorry…I thought that isn’t your user. Ok, already followed it

        it’s eng subs, but not complete and with low quality video. the video was cut in the moment when JK snored. and I ‘m really2 thankful for this site, I can found and downloaded the couple rings and bungee jumping episode, although it’s still not sub yet

        is ep 29 the last episode in korea? but I saw the bungee jumping is in 10.3.3. is there any wgm adam couple episode that was aired in korea? *sorry for my bad english πŸ™‚

      • We have released the eng subbed videos up till episode 28 (100605)
        Working on Episode 29 (100612)
        Korea just aired episode 30 (100619)

        There was delay in the broadcast of the episodes because 1. there was the navel ship accident which caused a lot of shows to be cancelled. 2. MBC labour union had a strike that lasted for about 36 days(?) so they didn’t air any new episodes of WGM for a long time. So what we are watching now are all backdated footage.

      • rez29 says:

        really? new house? wow!! that must be fun
        it’s still preview on youtube, can’t wait for the full episode
        hope you inform me if the full episode out πŸ™‚ thank you

      • the raw videos are out.. not the subbed version

      • rez29 says:

        “2. MBC labour union had a strike that lasted for about 36 days”, it’s really disaster for us, lol..thank you again for your information.

  31. chinaeyes711 says:

    is there any chance that you will subbed the couple rings and the couple bungee jump? please dont take it as an order or anything, we are very much greatful for all your hardwork. just wondering because its been a week now and still cant find an english subbed on last week episode. again, thank you very much for your hardwork. hope to see more of your works in the future.

  32. BBKung says:

    Adam couple

    I love you ^___^@

    Thank for kind sub team, you are the wonderful team

    Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu kha

  33. aya says:

    wow.. you’re very quickly from the cashewmania.wordpress situs.. Jjangida..!!!

    • do you mean if i downloaded the raws from cashewmania? I didn’t.. in fact i’m not even the one who downloaded and uploaded..i just link that’s all..

      • aya says:

        no.. i just said you’re very quickly from the cashewmania.wordpress situs that’s all.. ^-^
        ooww.. I think you are the one that uploade this video..
        btw, thank you again for the new ep.. ^-^

  34. ayumi says:

    thx u so much… really LOVE ADAM Couple …!!

  35. Sundrine05 says:

    sorry..i really have no idea..was FO shown last night?

  36. bi_mycloud says:

    thanks a lot guys!!!
    keep d great job!!
    luph u,,:*

  37. umi_chan says:

    thanks for the mF kinky..really appreaciate it..

  38. jaeryumo says:

    thnk you dear,,,OMG!!! i’m late for download!!
    kkapline JJANG!!! cant wait for download…LOveeee~~~ <3<3

  39. Nad says:

    hello… juz asking, how did u make the cartoon background? its very cute. did you draw it yourself?

  40. 3hoshi says:

    Thanks for compiling everything together! πŸ˜€
    I just wanted to let you know that the Megaupload link for episode 28 is the same as the one for episode 29. When I click on it, it starts downloading episode 29.

  41. Rin says:

    thank you very much for this *big hug*

  42. woots says:

    hi can you please do the eng subbing for day 30? Sorry to rush you guys but I’m dying to watch it!! How long do you guys take to upload subbed videos after the episode is aired in korea?

  43. dian says:

    Thank you soooo much…sugohaseyo!!!

  44. cikki says:

    Thank you very much for all the links…

  45. Joyce says:

    Thank you for being so generous and sharing these episodes with us! ❀

  46. d3w_wayz says:

    hi, there!! nice to see ur blog ^^
    i really like it bcoz i’ve found the hardsub .avi version in ur blog…
    so i want to say thank you thank you thank you very much…
    ah! *realized* the word thank you may be is not enough to u so i want to bow while saying thank you very much…. m(^6^)m

    btw i want to ask u sumthin n i hope my question is not troubling u… kekeke
    where are the hardsub .avi version before “100501 Adam Couple Special”?? sorry for troubling u but i just want to watch those videos in HQ…. huhuhuhu
    forgive me for my rudeness.. *deep bow*

    thank you for ur attention… *bow*

    • we formed this team only after the 1st May episode. The episodes before this were all subbed by time2sub (subbing group responsible for 2AM-2PM videos). While I do have them as my personal collection, I can’t really share them. Sorry about that.

      You can go to their forum (search for 2oneday forum), either put in 74 comments or donate a small sum of money to the group. That will give you access to all their subbed videos. πŸ™‚

      • d3w_wayz says:

        aaahh~ i see…
        thx for ur guide… *bow*

        so i have to go to time2sub forum n give 74 comments in n finally i can get the rest video which i’ve been looking for all this time?? *overact* XDDD

        okey then, i will go there to get my treasures…. hahahaha

        thx so much n love ya…. ^^ *hug hug*

  47. Trinh says:

    Thank you so much for all your efforts subbing and uploading it.
    This is very much appreciated, especially from international friends who doesn’t understand Korean.
    Support!! ^^

  48. poompy says:

    thanks a lot………i like your web….and your background …how can i get it?????it ‘s really cuteeee………

  49. JessicaJung90 says:

    Thanks so much for the videos!

  50. poompy says:

    thank you very much………yahhhhhhhhhhh………i love it………

  51. k_ryn_chan says:

    thank you so much for subbing and sharing these
    my favorite couple, so cute n funny together, hope they’ll date for real soon

    • much as I share the same opinion (that they should be together) I believe, it’s better to wish them the best and most happiness in whatever decisions they make. I simply want the two of them to be happy. they deserve it. πŸ™‚

  52. kawaii_panda says:

    i just want 2 say that
    the 200th day special is out :
    part 1 :
    part 2 :
    hehe i hope this helps !

  53. Kkapchyeaa says:

    May I ask, when will episode 33 come out ?

    • don’t know which episode you are talking about… if it’s the episode dated 100703 (ep. 32 here), it should be out soon.. as for the episode dated 100710 (ep. 33), we have not started.

  54. Almu's says:

    Thank youuu ^^

  55. so? says:

    thank you so much dear πŸ™‚

  56. Silence says:

    Thank you for subbing and sharing.
    Just wondering, will you do the Come To Play episode too?!?!?!
    Really want to watch the full show after this week WGM epi. (day 32).

  57. el98 says:

    when is episode 32 coming out?

  58. Sakurai_aeko says:

    Thanks for all the effort you’ve done….. I’m sure all the Adam’s couple fans really appreciate it… I personally being so grateful coz you make it easier for all the fans to get the vid with eng sub… Thanks ^_^

  59. jJoinfollower says:

    Many thanks ,
    your team really hard working for adam’ s international fan.

  60. jo-in addict says:

    why can’t i download in megaupload this 100703 (Day 32) [200th Day!!!]?

  61. yurina says:

    thx for your hardwork! >.< ❀

  62. thesj0000 says:

    thanks a lot. i’ll be looking forward to more videos from your blog. keep up the good work.

  63. dewi says:

    thank you subbing and sharing…
    i’ll wait for ep 33…

  64. dewi says:

    thank you subbing and sharing…
    i’ll wait for ep 33…
    thank you for your hardwork

  65. Ab-Zuag says:

    Um.. do u know where I can download the earlier episodes??? cuz i need them.. to watch..

    • I answered the question sometime back. scroll thru the comments. basically you have to go to 2oneday forum, either post 74 comments to gain access to the subbed video section OR you can simply donate and you would gain access immediately.

  66. fairy says:

    Thank you so much for subbing and uploading to mediafire! much appreciated <33333
    you make my day!

  67. tristy says:

    where is the latest episode
    which aired in 10th july 2010?

  68. sleepcar says:

    would like to thank you for all the efforts. job well done!! ^^

  69. chocousagi says:

    Ya’ll are so awesome. You’re doing a great job. Your site is sooo cute! Kamsahamnida!

  70. umi_chan says:

    thanks for the newest episode upload…^^ taking MF links…hehehe

    kkaplinesubs team fighting…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  71. cersen says:

    I just want to let u know. I’ve known this adam couple wordpress for a month now. And i’m still find ur work is soo cool. Ur dedication to adam couple is just so great. Adam couple’s fans will tottaly love u too πŸ™‚
    Thanks for the sub videos!!
    Have a great day!!!

  72. kpoplovaz says:

    thank you… for your hardworking
    i really appriciate it… kkapline subs
    anw i prefer media fire than megaupload… kekeke…

  73. angelraccoon says:

    I got it… I got it…
    Finally I got your blog… ^^
    Thanks for your hard work… It’s so awe…
    Love Adam Couple so much ❀ ❀

    KkapLineSubs… SARANGHAE!!!!

  74. kwon-gain love says:

    32 is their last episode??? *sad

  75. melanie says:

    THANKS SO MUCH!!! i’ve been looking everywhere for these!!!! =D
    if i knew korean i would help you…but i don’t…

  76. umi_chan says:

    i’m sorry i need to tell you that the MF link is not working.. I dunno why..sorry

  77. umi_chan says:

    emm for 33 epy..btw thanks for the hard work~~

  78. kwon-gain love says:

    heiiiii~ thx for sharingggg..
    this wgm still continue right?
    i love watching them..

  79. babyG says:

    thank you so much for the uploads! your hard work is very much appreciated! fighting!! ~^^~

  80. pup says:

    Good job, bro. Keep on going πŸ˜‰

  81. Anto says:

    Thank you SOOO much.

  82. LOVE says:

    Why dont the videos from Veoh work? D:

  83. LOVE says:

    I tried searching for the Adam couple Day 32 Part 1, they didnt have any results. D: Is there any other way to watch it except from downloading Veoh? It makes me sad if I cant watch this episode and have to skip since Ive been following the episodes since day 1.

  84. LOVE says:

    Oh nevermind ignore that comment! Thanks so much, your website is very helpful! πŸ˜€

  85. pr3cieux says:

    Thanks a lot for sharing!

  86. lynette says:

    thank you so much for the compilation! you guys brought a lot of laughter to us! πŸ™‚

  87. Rei says:

    how do i download the previous episodes before 010510 Adam Special?


  88. anonymous says:

    thank you so much! πŸ™‚

  89. Cat says:

    thank you soooo much for uploading and subbing the vids~~
    you’re a lifesaver!!!
    can’t wait for the upcoming eps πŸ˜€

  90. orangelicious says:

    thanks a lot for the links!! i’ve been searching for these recent episodes.. πŸ˜€
    btw, i’m waiting for the 34th episode.. ^^

  91. adamfanatic says:

    do you have an ETA on ep34?

  92. eune-sshi says:

    Thanks!!! jeongmal gomawo yo πŸ™‚

  93. AngelVillian says:

    You guys rocks πŸ™‚
    Thanks to this site, i could watch adam couple as much as i want to.
    Much thanks to the sub team!
    You guys worked hard!

  94. ei says:

    hi charm just read ur twit i hope ur okay now…..

  95. mishee says:

    h charm i just read ur twit hope ur ok now……

  96. ian anim says:

    thank u so much.i really appreciate your hard day is so gloomy ever since i cant watch it for a few week…thank u so u!!!!

  97. pashke says:

    I’ve been wondering from some time now, what does kkap mean? They say Jo Kwon’s kkap or something but I don’t know what that means (^_^);;

    someone please answer and thank you in advance ^^

    • really should put this under FAQs.. hee^^ “kkap” basically describe this idea of going overboard with one’s actions and movements i guess.

      • pashke says:

        thx for the info, for some reason when I tried searching for what it meant before I couldn’t find it…thx again!! \(^0^)/

  98. Megan says:

    Where can i find the newest episodes, the one where they are working out and the wedding photos…… English subbed…

    Thanks for posting the other ones.

  99. Megan says:

    Where can i find the newest episodes of WGM for the Adam couple subbed. Thanks for posting the other episodes love this couple.

  100. wow says:

    thank you soooooooooo much for the subs! you have no idea how happy i am as i cant understand korean language but i love the shows and this couple and the music and the food and practically everything hehehehe :):)
    very cute background!! πŸ˜€
    btw, just a suggestion here, i hope it helps.. maybe you should start uploading all the videos on dailymotion instead of youtube? just in case youtube removes the videos again 😦 and then on youtube maybe you can just post the link to this blog and then to the dailymotion? πŸ™‚

    • they are on both portals. at least the videos that KkapLineSubs have subbed. the previous episodes are subbed and owned by time2sub so it’s their decision whether they want to move to another portal other than YT.

  101. camille says:

    hey hahaha thank you for the videos hahaha….really thank you πŸ˜€
    so there are 2 new episodes…have you seen it?

  102. Couple :D says:

    Does anyone know where to watch Jo Kwon wedding shoot? [100717] I can’t seem to find it

  103. xaizo says:

    when is day 34 gonna come out. can’t wait to watch it. i bet jo kwon is gonna do something funny in the next episode of WGM.

    • 100717 episode? the raw are already out on saturday (nope, i don’t have the link) as for subbed version, there was an annotated one on YT (can’t remember the link) but hardsubbed version not out.

  104. Gotenks says:

    Thanks for the subs! Just one question though… I think Mission β€œI Love Holding Hands” should be episode 34, right..? [based on WGM’s wikipedia list and my own count, too]

    Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. Thanks again for the subs and keep up the GREAT work!! ^_^

  105. Dreamsss says:

    just wanting to know when will the next episode be out? so i don’t need to check the website everyday. episode 34 i mean 100717

  106. beata says:

    the background is cuteeee >_<
    can i have it?

    Love adam couple so much. thanksss :3

  107. pretzy says:

    thank you very much for posting..:)

  108. Shau says:

    Thanks!!..Really really! Thanks!!!..

  109. haruxen says:

    just asking, do you know where i can watch episode 33? i think its dated as 100717.. im not sure but please help me ^^

  110. Toonigar says:

    Thank you realy very much.

  111. noura says:

    i wanna watch 100717 ep:'(

  112. andrew says:

    when is the next episode (34) coming out??

  113. Dom says:

    Hey!!! Fantastic job on providing adam couple’s fans a place to watch their videos!!! Thanks very very much !!! Keep up the good work k! I will be very appreciative of your hard work!!! =D

  114. titameutia says:

    thx for all links πŸ™‚

  115. aiyoitsjenny says:

    when can i watch day 34 online?

  116. Leisha says:

    Thank you soo much for posting these

  117. andrew says:


    • yobishi says:

      Please be patient. These people are subbing based on their love for our Adam, and we overseas fans are very lucky to have them. It’s not an easy thing to do. So what we have to do is check any updates of this blog, and they’re gonna upload it when it’s ready. Kkapinesubs work is very nice, they subs everything that’s why it needs more time ^^

  118. Rviolin says:

    Thank you ten million times for the hard work
    Thank you every one .. you are the best πŸ˜€

  119. Cher Thu Hoong says:

    When is the next video available for update ? =) ~ Cant wait !!

  120. enairrol says:

    the latest episode now is episode 36…i’m just wondering why aren’t you uploading anymore?i’m not being demanding and all but this page is my only hope..pls pls!!upload adam’s latest WGM episodes!!!

  121. jaeMrs says:

    huaa i rly love this blog ^^
    since i cant get donlod the videos in 2oneday.. still newbie T_T
    anw waiting for ep 34 naaa
    pls pls come out ! HEHE :DDD

  122. Kuro.hato says:

    really really really thnx 4 sub XD~~~~~~~

    i can’t wait 4 next EP

  123. YoonRa says:

    This day is my lucky day.. Coz I found this site!!
    Oh my… Thank you so much 100x for your hardwork~<333 awesome!

  124. Melanie says:

    does anyone know where i can find ep 35 100724 with eng subs?

    • pashke says:

      I dont believe that any eng sub of 100724 has been released yet since it just aired recently…maybe there are soft subs out there but I doubt it…it’s too soon…I usually wait for at least 5 days or more and that’s when I start hunting for episodes…it is frustrating to wait but at least people still make their way to sub…thx for subbing by the way o(^0^)0 hwaiting!

  125. john cho says:

    why dont you guys put up the new episodes?

  126. euhaerin says:

    Aaaa~! Really Thank You for collating and setting up this website!

    Had a hard time searching for the Adam couple’s vids!

    Love them tgt! A couple that brings Joy to others! πŸ™‚

  127. Han Seung Gwi says:


  128. Tin says:

    Thank you so so much for the subs πŸ˜€
    (I can’t stand comments that ask for the most recent ep.- I understand that you are doing ur best to upload the latest episodes so I hope that others can understand that well πŸ˜€ )

  129. AngelVillian says:

    May i know what is the newest episode?

  130. Ren says:

    Thank you!!! Life saver @_@

  131. GarudaNajla says:

    Thank you very muach…..
    Terima kasih…..

  132. joanne says:

    hi (: i really love the background drawings of jokwon and gain. did you draw them yourself? do you know if there is any way that i can get them?

  133. Christina says:

    When will you guys upload ep.34??

  134. Aorihanazari says:

    Thank you very much! Now I can fangirl whoo ❀

  135. teinxsb817 says:

    aigoooooo. right when i was watching a pt 1 of a ep the account gets suspended. FML TT_TT

  136. bikyo says:

    they look so sweet together =)
    and so cute..

  137. Buin says:

    where is ep 36 eng sub? please upload now

    • If this is the tone you use when asking for something, it’s no small wonder if you don’t get anything. I find your tone offensive. And I already state that the videos are not ready from this group.

  138. emhi says:

    thank you so much for the link !! ^^

  139. Five says:

    I’m in love with Adam Couple!! thanks so much much much much for the hard worls and efforts. God bless you, guys.
    hmm, btw, I tried to download ep.30 part1 of Mediafire, but it’s always error link. is any kind soul here want to help reupload? please~

  140. Miloz says:

    When will ep33 be up?

  141. xoxo says:

    oh my God, how do I say thank you to all of you (crews+members who are doing this)
    it is so amazing.. since utube keeps deleting videos from WGM
    thank you so much guys, i dont know how to say.. thank you so much.. ^^

  142. Mysticrsx says:

    Thanks for your hard work in subbing these episodes! I’ve been looking everywhere for them and have been watching raw versions. Now I can watch it subbed. πŸ™‚ Hope you guys continue and thank you.

  143. Hikari says:

    I want to download ep 21,22,23,25…..But the video have been removed…. Can you re-upload again….????Thank’s before….

  144. ayoe says:

    hi. where i can download episode 21?
    thx πŸ™‚

  145. Alvin says:

    i’m sorry but do you know where i can watch ep 21 ? the youtube acc is being suspended already 😦

  146. Alvin says:

    i’m sorry but do you know where i can watch ep 21, the youtube acc is being suspended already. hope to hear from you soon πŸ˜€

  147. Julie says:

    Thanks for all your hard work πŸ˜€
    Its too bad some people keep pestering you with questions that had been answered already , you’re all probably tired of it , I would .. 😑
    Thanks anyways though πŸ™‚

  148. C says:

    Thanks soooooo much for the subs! I appreciate it with all my heart. I’m trying to find the episode where Nickhun guest stars as their english tutor (ep 23?) but it seems that 21-25 are not available.

    Once again, just thank you so much.

    • well, the channel has been suspended and I can’t do anything about that since those videos do not belong to me. But what you can do is go and download the videos from 2odforum.

  149. ne says:

    may i ask , where is the next episode ” 21 – 25 and more ” ? pls rep asap !

    • 21-25 i haven’t been able to locate them cos the acct has been suspended and the vids do not belong to me so i can’t upload. you can go to the 2odforum to d/l them.

  150. Sad says:

    I wanna watch ep 21 – 25 eng sub online . But i cant find it . TT

  151. Sad says:

    right link??

  152. xoxo says:

    where can i find the next episodes?

  153. er-fun says:

    OK, i’m totally understand with the situation.
    Keep Working, Keep Fighting, Keep Helping us with subbed Adam Couple.
    A lot of thanks special for your work.

  154. Nisa says:

    Hi Charm… Thanks 4 Subbing…
    I have a QuesTion… Could u tell where I can download KIM YONG JOON – HWANG JUNG EUM couple???, I like them too….

  155. lambolampo says:

    if u want to find ep 21 and above, try facebook ❀ Adam Couple ❀ fan group,whr they will post the newest ep ASAP.or u go to dailymotion,twitter video the search for the older ep, kkaplinesub or timetoloveadam. are some good hardsubber you can find around dailymotion or youtube.try finding the video, maybe u will have good result.

    • It’s kinda of funny that you ask people to go search for KkapLineSubs when this is where the co-ordinator and owner of the blog posts the links to their subbed videos… -_-

  156. ariel says:

    when are you going to post the latest episode??

  157. yoochun94 says:

    i want to watch latest ep for adam couple.. ep 37 where gain try her wedding dress and jo kwon proposed… i only waych part 2 of this episode and i hope you can sub video faster.. lately, adam couple new episode hard to find on the internet compared to khuntoria couple.. i hope you can catch them up…

  158. thank you so much for subbing them
    cant wait for sub from today’s episode and the next one and the next one and the next one
    kekeke πŸ˜€

  159. cass says:

    thanks for subbing! hwaiting! :DDD you guys have been great & are part of my motivation, I wanna pick up korean so one day I can do subbing too (:

  160. Hehe101 says:

    Where can i download or watch WGM Jo Kwon and Ga-In with ENG SUBS episodes: 34/35/36/37?!

  161. JOEY says:

    Thank you so much for the hard work. I really appreciate it!!!!! I LOVE THIS COUPLE!

  162. Han Seung Gwi says:

    Excuse me? Is this page still active?
    Pls don’t stop because you guys have been doing a GREAT job ^^

    I’ll be patiently waiting for the next episode.

    FIGHTING!!!!! kkaplinesubs πŸ˜€

  163. flo says:

    howcome theres no sound when i watch the videos? =\

  164. Paw says:

    Thank you so much for putting this up! I was searching for a place to watch this couple and I was really relieved and happy when I found this site. I’m looking forward to more of your updates. Fighting! ^_^

  165. ADAMCOUPLE4EVA!! says:

    I LALALALALLAALOOOOVE THE ADAM COUPLE !! their so cute -_- i think ima die. and i also think that if they knew they were known in the states they would be ecstatic! LOL or gain would faint. cause of her fear of us!

    ANYWAYS, Thanks sooo much for your hard work ! i’ve also been watching the adam couple the day they first recorded up until now AND i appreciate subbers and uploaders and the rest of you guys sooo much ! you guys put so much work into it and alot of people don’t see how difficult it really is! thank you soo much , TAKE your time and i’m supporting you guys 100% ! ❀ b

  166. LALA says:

    I really like your website background
    its too cutee
    is there a way to get the image?

    THANKSSS if anyone knowss

  167. eyna says:

    thanks for everything u done. i’m waiting here patiently coz i really like your subs. they’re good. heehehee πŸ™‚ btw, i hope the ep 36 will come soon. God bless u guys! πŸ˜€

  168. Misayuki says:

    Thanks so much!
    You have no idea how much i go through just to look for
    JK and GI eng subbed WGM videos.
    love you. ^~^

  169. aurora says:

    how to use TVU?

  170. pushuphater says:

    thx for everything u all do. i know we all appreciate it.
    i have a favor to ask tho… i have the episode where gain and jokwon were on family outing with chinese subs. so i was wondering if u guys can sub it?
    please reply! πŸ˜€

  171. nattu says:

    hello ^^ thks for share this! ^^

    I want to ask u about ep 21 ~25 …. :/ I just joined to “oneday … but I can’t get it … can u share those links please — I really want to see it .. I wont publish them at all … Is that i just cant get the time to post and ask why I just can’t reply those post … u.u ~
    I hope u help me.. please u.u

  172. Sharlene says:

    Hi I can’t seem to navigate my way around the 2od forum. I want to download episodes 21 – 25. Please advise. Thks.

  173. xaizo says:

    You will announce it when you have episode 34 and 35 right? I just need to know.

  174. Kuro.hato says:

    TT_________________TT i can’t wait 4 next EP !!!!!!! 34&35…….

  175. lilstar says:

    where can i watch the latest of jo kwon and gain WGM? tqvm

  176. hadhinah hafas says:

    sorry to ask, but i just don’t understand…sorry, because i missed a lot of adam couple episode because i was warded…did you guys already sub ep 35, where they went to choose wedding dress???and how can i watch the vid…did you guys upload it in youtube or not anymore????sorry for all the questions but i’m just blur and i need some clue…if you could kindly reply asap i would be thankful….thanx….=)

    • we have not uploaded 100717 onwards. we are still working on those vids. But time2sub has already released theirs. So you might want to pay them a visit. The best way would be to follow their twitter account. πŸ™‚

      • hadhinah hafas says:

        thanx…their vids have been blocked by youtube…=(

      • i think the latest one they post on twitvid. i don’t have the link handy but i think checking their twitter would help..

      • hadhinah hafas says:

        so, you will upload the ep 34 and 35 later right?so, i will just wait for yours…how about today ep? it will be a bit later than these two ep right?

  177. yoshi says:

    Sorry x_x I didn’t mean to make you angry or anything. I thought since you were looking for the epidsodes, that I would help you. I didn’t know that if it wasn’t the owners’s video you wouldn’t post it. My bad if you stated somewhere that , that wasn’t allow. My apologies.

    • i’m not angry. i understand that you were just trying to help. but because i know how it’s really sucky to see my team’s vid being uploaded by a third party thinking it’s perfectly fine. It’s insulting because every video my team has churned out has been properly documented and linked in this blog so no one should have a problem finding the videos.

  178. 지원 says:

    νž˜λ“€κ²Œ λ…Έλ ₯ν•˜λ©΄μ„œ λ§Žμ€ λΉ„λ””μ˜€λ“€μ„ μ˜¬λ €μ£Όμ…”μ„œ μ•„μ£Ό κ°μ‚¬ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€~ ^^

  179. Mary says:

    Does 2od also have episodes 26 and above?

    • of course. they sub everything that’s got to do with the OneDay boys! πŸ™‚

      • Mary says:

        Oh shoot, accidentally clicked the wrong reply button T_T *Please delete the first one.*

        I see. πŸ™‚ I was thinking to download both from 2od and here to compare. Sometimes I get lost with 2od’s subs because there would be dialogues w/o subs. T_____T But I’m really really thankful to them.

        Thanks for the info!

  180. rny says:

    hello guys,,
    please update your site..

  181. yukie says:

    i love ur background! i didnt realize it at first, but after see it again i realize it is full of adam couple details (mongoose costume, oh bang shil-egypt, container house, etc.) LOL!!! great work!

  182. Mss89 says:

    I ‘ve read your tweet.
    I know some ppl keep asking you abt subs, and some ppl were not polite.
    But just want to let you know that you have our support. You guys spend your time and effort to sub Adam’s vids, want to share the love for Adam couple. We really appreciate your hard works.
    Dont let those things ruin your mood.
    Love you

  183. Panini says:

    Hi guys! I just wanted to say that I really appreciated all your hard work and I’m sure a lot of other people are too. Sometimes I would find subbed videos on other sites and I would watch it but I always wait for your videos to come out because they are of really good quality and you guys always try to translate things like korean sayings or metaphors or things like that where as others usually just translate it literally. Keep up the good work ^^ and thank you for all that you do for us AC fans πŸ™‚

  184. nymphescent says:

    thank you… words can’t expressed how much i’m grateful for the working links.

    all the links are great and the trans are just so right!!!

  185. hadhinah hafas says:

    thanks sooooooooooo much for spreading the love of adam couple to the world!!!thanx for the hard work…<3<3<3
    LOVE you guys!!!

  186. SlowDmotion says:

    Can I ask a question, AM I the only one experiencing slow loading on dailymotion?

  187. Sue says:

    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR WORK! I’m really appreciated it!!!

  188. Munky says:

    ah, time2sub got suspended DDD: ep 1-20 can’t be watched on youtube T___T

  189. randomkidinthecorner says:

    All of the videos from 1-20 have been blocked. It says that the timetoloveadam account has been suspended… does this mean that we wont be able to watch them on that channel anymore? D:

  190. casadia says:

    do u have ep 1 – present ? sry , i just started watching …

  191. Minnie says:

    Thank you guys so much!! ❀

  192. AnnabelAndroid says:

    Heyy! Thankyou for all those subbed videos! πŸ˜€ ❀
    Anyways, could you put up the links to download/ or upload ep 21-25? I can't seem to download the videos from 2odforum even after fulfilling all the requirements. 😑

  193. casadia says:

    how do i find the adam couple vids on 2oneday?

  194. kiechan says:

    yey finally I can watch epd 34 πŸ˜€
    thank you for your hard work~
    keep fighting ^o^/

  195. shortstufflai says:

    thanks a lot for subbing! i love this couple so much πŸ™‚
    thanks again!

  196. 지원 says:

    im just curious, what if other people want to download
    the videos, but they dont know the answer for a specific question? 😦
    is the password really necessary…? γ… γ… 

    • it’s not entirely necessary and part of the reason is really to entertain myself. But the questions aren’t going to be difficult.
      There are other sources (such as t2subs) to download videos.
      I do not want ours to be the easier alternative.

  197. user one says:

    I managed to unlocked this password kkkk
    It’s so fun, the sense of achievement! πŸ˜€

    Continue doing the same but please don’t post a question too difficult ^^


  198. Rico says:

    hmmm.. sorry.. but can i ask you for the password for episode 32?? or maybe can you gives me the clue?? because as i read the comment from user one, he said that you gives the question. but i cant find where is the question… hehehe..

    btw.. great works guys.. i’m very grateful for your job. keep going..

    • the question is in the announcement part at the top of the page. Kinda proves my theory that no one reads.

      the password’s the same for all the videos.

      • fanier says:

        dont worry, i read the questions, its true …it kinda fun, but the important thing is it work for me…..he..he………………thanx alot, ur life saver…btw why u didnt upload epi 35-47………………..????
        i hope this forum still active………

  199. gunyu says:

    sorry,,I just wanna ask,,
    days means episode?
    I want to download but I confused! thx

  200. Extremely thankful says:

    I was Adam couples fan from the start but during spring I was angry at MBC for not broadcasting new episodes and was myself quite busy and then during summer I finally decided to start watching missed episodes. For the past two weeks or so I was devastated and depresed because I coudnt find episodes 26+ and then I finally found this site I felt like I was in heaven. I am extremely thankful for uploading episodes in dailymotion. Fighting.

  201. aNoNyMouS says:

    please help me.. :((

    i’ve been trying everything just to watch ep 29 onwards…. but i cant guess the password correctly… all i can think of is squirel and bear but its not the right password…. :((


  202. Rico says:

    wow.. thank you very much. really appreciate it. haha..
    may I know when will the episode 35 out??

  203. Third says:

    uhhh..i couldnt fully understand what you said about finding the episodes 1 to where am i actually suppose to find all the episodes?..

  204. Nazaret says:

    Are you maybe going to reupload the first 20 episodes? I watched the first 8 and I can’t find the rest anywhere… ahhhh so sad T_T

  205. cikki says:

    I also managed to unlock the link…
    I had to watch ep 1
    I never thought the answer could be this animal…
    Actually I never heard this animal before…

  206. chuu says:

    thannks. πŸ˜€
    can’t wait for ep 35!
    “Bali” (:
    -adamcouple- (cute,petite – cool, sexy?)
    and the background is absolutely amazing, it’s the cutest thing i’ve ever seen.

  207. winie says:

    i really love adam couple… but after u put password on the link… i always got error in the middle of download…this make me frustated…. i think my answer is correct .. could u explain to me why?

  208. icepluk says:

    i’ve been looking for this for a whole of my free time..

  209. icepluk says:

    i’m going to die when i got this page..
    thanks to anyone who have this page..

    the make me envious..

    i won’t remove this WGM…
    i’ll keep it in my notebook forever..

  210. camille says:

    hi….umm how can we get hold of your password? i really want to watch this…. πŸ™‚

  211. fanier says:

    sorry..i had triy to see all over the page,but i cant see the questions, can u help me please………………….. thanx b4

  212. Riris says:

    thanks a lot for your hardwork…
    I kinda miss this couple, I need this badly, hehehe………….

  213. rizkaeka says:

    hello, can i ask you the answer from the question today? because i’ve tried many answers to downloading but it didn’t work, or it uses CAPS LOCK in it? thank you. and you rock!!

  214. SY says:

    :] I wanted to say thank you again ^^
    This website is awesome πŸ˜€ Come here for all the adam couple goodness ahahah ❀
    And it's super organised ^^ ~~~

  215. nayix says:

    Thanks~ I am totally in love with this couple~~

  216. aNoNyMouS says:

    hi.. πŸ™‚

    i manage to unlock your videos but the part 2 of episodes 31-33 are corrupt or damage so i cant play it even though i’ve already downloaded it…

    can you help me?

  217. HoongHoong says:

    i cant get the download.. The answer is not bear ? Kwon dressed a bear right ?

  218. RYL says:

    Hello! Do you know if Day 35 is coming up??

    Thanks!! πŸ˜€

  219. hazel says:

    hello , why there no new upload of WGM ?
    i can’t wait to see both of them goinq to bali all these !

  220. Wanda says:

    Why can’t I download your vid on MU nor MF? It’s protected..
    can u tell me the password?thanks..^^

  221. Starlynnnnne says:

    hi hi ~

    Firstly, thank you soo much for compiling these episodes πŸ™‚

    check with you .. are there any more episodes after 17 July (day 34) ?

  222. lovvie says:

    thanks sooo much!!!! <33333333

  223. PaNdA says:

    why can’t I download the video on MU nor MF? it’s protected..(using password)..

  224. noealean says:

    why can’t i download the 31 and 32 episode by internet download manager?? i tried to download it, but it always failed. but guys, thank you for your hard work. i really appreciate it.

  225. Third says:

    hey there..just wondering when are the next episodes coming out?:D

  226. tokan says:

    ermm hey, are there really an answer for the password ?
    i’ve tried like every animal that looks like in the video but still cant get it right..
    i even google the animal which matches the one in video, but then try to unlock the password still cannot..

    please help…

  227. Adam says:


    How long does it take for the subbed to be uploaded? πŸ˜‰

  228. 7iew says:

    Do u have the episode where Ga-in try out the wedding dress before they went to bali? if nt mistaken, it should be aired on 24th july 2010. I couldnt find that episode anywhere..

    Hope u can upload it..thanks~~~

  229. chiearl says:

    hi.. thank you so much for putting up such a wonderful website! i regularly check this for updates.. πŸ™‚

    by the way, im kinda tconfused though, does episodes mean the episode it was shown in korea? or no?

    and also, when will the videos after episode 34 be out? i watched the latest episode where gain showed kwon her bare face but it has no subs so im kinda relying on to your website. but no matter how long it will take i’ll wait for it πŸ™‚ keep up the good work πŸ™‚

    • nope. the episode number is just for the Adam couple. And this website DOES NOT COUNT the Adam Couple Special (broadcast on 1st May 2010) as an episode. This means that it’s a stand-alone episode.

      As for when the vids after 34 would be out, it’s out when it’s out.

  230. Shnnyxx says:

    OMG! I LOVE THIS WEB, it has been abt a month since i watched WGM due to iMBC taking down of Adam couple’s vids. just found this web today!!!! im so glad that i found it. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  231. felice says:

    thank you so much for putting this together. I have to catch up on WGM because the videos in youtube got deleted and all. thank you thank you thank you for letting me watch the episodes that i missed. fighting!

  232. Ella says:

    Thnx for all the links!
    I just have a question in some of the download ones they asked me for a password
    what should i do?

  233. Rico says:

    just want to know.. if u’re have uploaded a new video, would you tell us??

  234. dense says:

    How do you change the theme into this one for a free hosted blog??
    I noticed ppl said free hosted wordpress theme are not allowed to change theme unless it is provided by them-which is very limited. How come you can have different theme from the one they have provided?

  235. chantal nesbeth says:

    thank u so much for yur hard work wgm is like a drug to me…jus want to know when day 35 is coming out and can u please let me know when it does…once again keep up the good work

  236. winie says:

    can’t hardly wait for guessing the next question to download! hahahahaha….
    guys, i really give u all two thumbs up. i think your subs is the best among the others.. you really smart put the words, so i can read it comfortly.. even t2subs is already subs the next episode, but i will be patient waiting u guys upload the video… hwaiting!!!

  237. Venus says:

    Wanna ask, why ep 31 only have two?
    It’s suppose to be that short?O:

  238. anie says:

    I want to ask: i want to stream using TvU but it saya i have to install the TVUPlayer in order to watch. Is it safe? should i install?

  239. socheata says:

    thank you so much for shairing adam couple^^

  240. Munky says:

    oh my i’m so thankful for the subs ^^ but also sad because i can’t post 74 times for t2s. it doesnt work on my mac T__T huhuhu i only watched from 26 onwards~ T_T

  241. HaLim ~ says:

    hi twilightelusion ! ^^
    first off, thank you so so much for all your hard work,
    i love this site !!! ^__^

    i was looking to download episodes from 100612 on for my adam couple video collection, and i was wondering how do i get the password for them ? O.o
    i see the riddle for the current episode, but is it still possible to get the riddle for the older episodes ? thank you very much for your help ^^

  242. chia says:

    i can’t guess what the password is..
    i typed monkey, bear, panda, ferret…but never get right 😦

  243. kawaii_panda says:

    thanks for putting this all together !
    when will the next episode epiosde be subbed !

  244. Shnnyxx says:

    Hi, btw may i know when’s ep 35 coming up? sorry abt that but i cant wait for it!

  245. strawberryjam says:

    whoah! thank u for providing subs! i’m so excited to DL my lost episodes.. episodes 3 – 9.. then episodes 28 and up! so sad that ur channel was suspended for the 3 – 9 epi 😦

    i appreciate so much ur effort in doing this! kmawo πŸ˜€

    • well sorry to disappoint you, what we have to offer in terms of downloads is what you see on this page. anything earlier, you would have to go to t2subs (part of 2odforum)

  246. Louis says:

    Hi, I’ve a question…
    the 34th episode was on air on 100717, after that episode there are any other episodes or the show is on summer holiday?

    By the way, thatnks for your work…
    I really enjoy this program!

  247. Kaity says:

    I appreciate the hard work!
    I love the adam couple (:

  248. lala says:

    i m really interested in watching the adams couple from the begining but i cant find any links, or anywere where i can download the episodes, what and where is “2odforum”?
    please help!!!!

  249. Hanny says:

    Thank you so much for your hard work. ^^
    I love them.

  250. sicoy says:

    hey i found a channel with a lot of adam couple episodes..


    • You do realise that this person does not have permission to upload the videos right? I even asked him/her to remove the video. great that you are enjoying but DO NOT SHARE THE LINK HERE. It’s super disrespectful to me.

  251. Boklau says:

    Hi =D
    great job on the videos ^^
    I was wondering if the episode where the adam couple and the khuntoria couple meet is out yet?

  252. KC Chan says:

    i’m just a new fan of the adam couple and i want to watch the first episodes. is there any place that you know of that has subbed videos of it?

  253. LucentShade says:

    May I know where’s the episode after 34 ?
    I thought they had the wedding photo shooting already in Bali ?

  254. Third says:

    great job dude or im just wondering when the next episodes are coming out? or you can just send me a link where i can watch this couple..i really dont mind if their subbed..i just like how they treat each other..hahaha

    • Third says:

      ei there again..i just read your “about kkaplinesubs” i understand how this behalf of everybody who’s been asking when the other episodes are coming like to say sorry..hahaha..anyway..keep up the great job guys..hope to see your work soon..:D

  255. Venus says:

    Kwon&Gain 100724 not out?

  256. Steffany says:

    I’m confused on where am I suppose to go to watch the videos.

  257. LucentShade says:

    I see.
    So you guys aren’t going to continue the subbing work ?

  258. Miloz says:

    Where’s ep 35? Reply pls.

  259. LucentShade says:

    I still thanks for you guys’s awesome subbing
    if you guys continuing the work in future, I will support πŸ™‚
    Hwaiting !

  260. kronlim says:

    Thanks for all your hard work!!
    I have a question though.. why are they called the adam couple?? Thanks!!

  261. mary says:

    hi do u do ep1 starting on
    thnks great vids keep up

  262. mary says:

    trust me they have alot of fans from eng (london)
    &&we love u jokwo&gainx3 inever saw them on the news in eng? T_T man wished i did

  263. effa says:

    OMG! i try to search wgm jokwongain in youtube. but, its really hard to fnd. thank you to you.. xD

  264. Walnut says:

    Hey there xD, Just wondering but have you guys completely stopped subbing AC due to other groups subbing it? Anyways I loved your subs and thanks again for all the patience and time you’ve put into providing us with all this content! I recall and incident where someone had posted a very rude and offensive comment, and as a result you guys stopped subbing or have slowen down the process. But anyways, Thanks so very much again :D!

  265. Anonymous123 says:

    Hello, thanks for the subs!! I really enjoy watching these. Umm could I ask like…. I thought ep 34 and 35 were gonna be released together

  266. Shnnyxx says:

    Happy Birthday, Kwonnie! ❀

  267. Mandibule says:

    =____= yeah ppl tends to forget that you guys are also human and have a life.

    grrr thanks for subbing, πŸ˜€

  268. socheata says:

    Hi… just wonder if you still have ep1-20?

  269. socheata says:

    too bad that u can’t share here. but would u mind if i ask u to share me by send the link to my email ( i promise, i won’t reupload them anywhere cause my sister and i really wanted to watch those episodes that’s why i ask u. i beg u.. please~

  270. Shnnyxx says:

    i tried searching for t2subs but couldnt find, can you help me?

  271. elian says:

    why episode 100717 can’t download??? there’s a password for it???

  272. Julie says:

    thanks for uploading these episodes XD
    will you be uploading further episodes anytime soon?

  273. munky says:

    wow judging by the comments, you must be pretty pissed huh? not to worry i appreciate everything tons πŸ˜€

  274. Chor says:

    Hi, I wld firstly like to thank you for sharing the subbed videos of adam couple. I wld just like to ask where can I watch ep 35 onwards (eng subbed)? Are u all still in the process of subbing it or it has been prohibited from sharing because of copyright issues? Also, I wld like to ask if you know where I can watch khuntoria episodes as well, from ep 1 onwards preferably. Sorry for asking so many questions, any inconvenience cause is regretted. Ur assistance is sincerely appreciated. (:

    • snowingsun says:

      for khuntoria you can search for w2d on dailymotion. they subbed khuntoria episodes from the first one :)) and for adam couple you have to go to 2oneday forum but in order to see the subbed videos you have to have 74 post first :))

  275. Raaaiii says:

    I can’t figure out the password for mediafire download can you send it to me thanks…

  276. Annabel~ says:

    Heyy~ πŸ™‚
    Are you gonna upload ep 35 onwards soon? I’m really looking forward to watching those eps. 😑
    Thankyou for all the hardwork uploading and stuff! πŸ˜€ ❀ Loveyou loads loads!

  277. kawaii_panda says:

    thanks for links
    but when i got the question right , i downloaded it and i couldn’t play it because the file was code was wrong or something

  278. sasa~bear says:

    Thank you sooo much for your hard work ! i’ll be looking forward for the future eps that you’ll be uploading. Even though other ppl have also been subbing this, thank you for subbing this as well even tho you may be very busy. Many ppl really appreciate it ! once again , Thank you ~!! ^^

  279. yasmin says:

    Will u be updating on new episodes? Urs is the only website that is showing episodes with eng subs,so thx!^^ Do update:D

  280. SmallGirl says:

    Thank you for everything . I enjoy it ! (:

  281. Emma says:

    You guys are so organized! Really good work with timing and the subtitles are very accurate. Can’t wait for upcoming episodes.

  282. Zen says:

    Hey! Just wanna say thanks(: Im a big fan of the Adam couple so yeah^^

  283. camille says:

    hey πŸ˜€ when’s the next episode coming ? can’t wait…. πŸ˜€ thanks for uploading πŸ˜€

  284. thank you thank you thank you! β™₯ β™₯ β™₯

  285. thebiskut says:

    hi..hi..thnx for uploading n the sub…(^___^)
    but can u update for the next ep35 until ep40?
    really appreciate it….(^_______^)

  286. pinku-ichigo says:

    I’m so happy because I’ve got my sister, little and older brother to watch the Adam couple. It just shows how great the Adam couple are!
    Thank you for subs!

  287. scchoco says:

    just wondering when will ep 35 be on?
    really looking forward to it
    thank you

  288. snowingsun says:

    hey from what i read you said you don’t have early episodes and suggest us to look at t2s for ep 21-25. so i conclude that you have ep 26-onwards? if you have can you tell me how the numbering here works? i’m a little confused. is (day **) is the number of the episodes?

  289. Derek :D says:

    Hey thanks for all the uploads!! U’re great. Hope that there will be more vids coming up ^^

  290. Lance =D says:

    Thx for the subbings and for all your hard work…is there no current website to dl ep1 ~ 25? I dont want to make 74 posts in a forum…Just havent got the time..LOL~

  291. hanmie7227 says:

    hi there~
    thank you for sharing the lovely hardsubbed wgm between jo kwon and ga in~
    This is my first time watching this show~and already attracted to the pair~
    love them so much~
    I really want to watch them, but I have to watch it first since I don’t know the answeron your questions~
    heheheh~might takes a time~
    by the way~thanks for sharing it~

  292. shawntel agujar says:

    it was a challenge to get the password.
    but since i watched from episode 1 to the present.. πŸ™‚
    i got the password.. πŸ™‚
    thanks for subbing and compiling.

  293. andre says:

    when is episode 40 and above come out?
    i really looking forward to it. this is the best season of we got married.
    me and my gf really spending a whole day watching it. xD

  294. forpeace4 says:

    thanks for subbing whats here…i know the answer to the question but when i enter it nothing happens…fustrated!!! i wanted to download ep 36. help i know he wore a m–G—- costome but nothing happens!

  295. syahira says:

    Hi, I would like to download the videos but it says that they are password protected. Could you let me know the password??Thanks so much!

  296. Triple AAA says:


  297. Erica says:


    Thank you so much for subbing. Where do i watch ep 35 onwards? Will you be uploading them or i just did not see it anywhere? Also, where is the video that i have to put the password in?

    • password is only if you want to DOWNLOAD the videos. Online viewing, not an issue.

      you can go to for the more recent episodes. Of course, the other source would be time2sub. πŸ˜€

      • Donghae says:

        if you tell us to go to, this mean that you won’t upload any other episodes?

      • it just means i’m giving you guys the link to watch the MOST RECENT/FASTEST SUBBED ep. I haven’t quite decide if I want to stop subbing yet. But I won’t be uploading subbed episode from other subbers.

  298. JaB says:

    That would be a shame for the kkapline sub team to stop subbing. I haven’t seen your work in a while sadly. You put out great episodes. The others may be faster, but you guys translated everything that was on screen and what was said by the hosts in the studio. None of the others do that. Please don’t stop..

  299. chiearl says:

    Hi i’m back again.. to tell you honestly, i bookmarked this page and checks it regularly to see if you uploaded new subbed videos.. i do agree that the other blog sites offers fast subbed videos and i honestly say that i do watched recent episodes from there… But after watching those, i admit that you guys are doing a great job by subbing even what the MCs say (others don’t do that)..

    So please, don’t stop subbing… 😦 yeah you’re right that the need for subbing is no longer that strong but we are still after the quality right? please do sub… don’t stop please?? 😦

  300. Shnnyxx says:

    OMG, please dun stop subbing! though there are some other webs that also provide subbings, i will stick to watching only from this web page, since i’ve alr done so for the past eps.

  301. Kuro.hato says:

    yes i agree with u chiearl, i’m waiting the sub from long time so please do sub plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  302. isza says:

    is there any continuation for epi 34? its looks like its not yet finish for that episode.

  303. Nik says:

    I love what you do! I’m eagerly awaiting episode 35. Please continue on with what you’re doing! fighting! ^^

  304. Jojo Stewart says:

    hi~ i just wanna ask how do i download everything
    its not working in the MU and also MF
    it need password and It did not show the riddle either~!!
    please reply me ASAP πŸ™‚
    thank you

  305. Ifah Zarifah says:

    Hey there, I tried to download the file but they’re protected with passwords :/

  306. Phateebabee says:

    Hi : )
    Just wanted to put in my THANKS too …. BIG UPZ to your website and your team for your hard work… Much appreciated from here : ) .. Really don’t have the words to express my gratitude as being a fan of the adams couple and how hard it is to find sites that we can watch with subs and that is available to ACTUALLY WATCH… and not have “video deleted or unable to find file” on videos … hehehe
    MALO ! ! MALO ! ! MALO ! !
    (It means thank you in my lanuage)

  307. Phateebabee says:

    Hey just being nosy … hehe … are you guys korean?? I just saw the time difference, right now is 2.20am (where i am at) and its around 10pm on the website …
    bwahahaha sorry just had a thought … that you would probably reply saying im stupid .. pwahahaha … im actually gonna blame it on your website being interesting that I think I have viewed and almost read everything you have in it and its around 2am in the morning … hehehehehe … LMAO!! Cant wait for all updates of FF and episodes … MALO AUPITO!

    • blog owner (me!) is Singaporean and lives in Singapore so our time zones ain’t that much of a difference. Although I wish I’m staying in Korean tho~ πŸ˜€

      • Phateebabee says:

        EEEHHH??? Wow : )
        I so too wish i lived there … and also speak and understand the lingo … its too precious : )
        Thanks again : )

  308. Colin Wang says:

    Hi! Great Videos! Thanks so much! How many episodes are there in the Adam Couple WGM and are they all going to be on this website later?


    • We are on hiatus. till further notice. πŸ˜€ there are other links to watch the Adam couple subbed. πŸ™‚

      To date I think they have 45 episodes (Including the horror special) to date.

      • Colin Wang says:

        Alright! Thanks for replying so quickly~

        Also could you possibly post the site where all the episodes are?
        Sorry for the inconvenience haha!

        Thanks so much! You’re the best!

      • ALL episodes, if you are talking about ONLINE viewing, i think it’s going to be difficult to find. I know they exist BUT these channels are not owned by the group who did the subbing so I don’t post them.

        But a good source to get the subbed videos from the beginning would be from 2odforum. They do have a requirement of 74 posts in their forum in order to access their subbed videos. The quicker alternative would be to donate. As to how much to donate to qualify, you would have to find out yourself.

        Do follow time2sub on twitter to get the links to their latest subbed videos.

        The other source where you can watch english subbed videos is from But they only started subbing the Adam for the past 2 months or so. They are fast tho.

        But yes, all these answers could have been found in the FAQs or in the other comments. But I have found that people usually hate to read from the beginning to the end.

      • Colin Wang says:

        Thanks so much! Such a detailed answer..
        Again, thanks alot! I will follow you guys on twitter..

  309. Shnnyxx says:

    Hey, I’m from S’pore too!

  310. trisha says:

    .omg.!!! i really love this site.!!! at last i can watch videos again.!!!

  311. trisha says:

    .go adam couple.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  312. dav8 says:

    thanks so much i love this site but do u know were i can find episode 1-20 if u dont know its ok thanks for all your work we apreciate it

  313. kwini says:

    Hi. do you know where can I find episode 35 onwards? πŸ™‚

  314. Colin Wang says:

    charmedlife66 says:
    September 27, 2010 at 2:34 am
    ALL episodes, if you are talking about ONLINE viewing, i think it’s going to be difficult to find. I know they exist BUT these channels are not owned by the group who did the subbing so I don’t post them.

    But a good source to get the subbed videos from the beginning would be from 2odforum. They do have a requirement of 74 posts in their forum in order to access their subbed videos. The quicker alternative would be to donate. As to how much to donate to qualify, you would have to find out yourself.

    Do follow time2sub on twitter to get the links to their latest subbed videos.

    The other source where you can watch english subbed videos is from But they only started subbing the Adam for the past 2 months or so. They are fast tho.

    But yes, all these answers could have been found in the FAQs or in the other comments. But I have found that people usually hate to read from the beginning to the end.

  315. soleternity says:

    appreciate the uploads. without a doubt your files are the best around . amazing quality and translation. files downloads are nice too =]

  316. mally says:

    thank you soooooooo much!!!!
    i was looking for these everywhere!
    i love it soo much, now i just have to watch them πŸ˜›

  317. Diane Hoang-Doan says:

    100501 Adam Couple Special
    ^ is that just ep 25?
    i watched the first part of it, and it didn’t seem to branch off ep 24’s stuff >_<

  318. Diane says:

    Ohh, okay. (; thanks!

  319. XT says:


    • we’re on hiatus anyway. it’s going to be confusing if we mirror it tho cos the caption will look totally weird. πŸ˜€ but thanks.

      • XT says:

        haha but maybe its just me but i wouldnt mind πŸ˜› heh…pardon me for my horrible english but…what is hiatus? heh:P

      • hiatus=taking a rest with the possibility of stopping.

        Maybe because I’m doing the translation with the intention of learning korean plus, not very nice to distort a language that way. That’s my personal view tho.

  320. andre0407 says:

    Hi there. Sorry to be an ass, but are there any hints for the password on the 100607 Come To Play (My Love Special)’s MF links?


  321. emjhei says:

    is the answer in english???

  322. jan says:

    hello:) are you goin to upload ep 35 and above? (: i really hope you do cause you’re doing a great job! Thanks! (:

  323. rosby says:

    grabbed the SP because I’m not sure if I took it from 2OD before but I was looking around for different subs πŸ˜€ so thank you! was a bit worried about the pw (if caps or anything) but got it on the first try πŸ˜€

    thank you!

  324. Debs says:

    Will there be anymore videos about Adam Couple? (:
    Thank You uploading so many nice videos about them.

  325. liju says:

    Thank you for the online video i really like adam couple then other couple. wish to see more episode of them.It really hard to find the new episode of them in my place.
    P.s your English is very good and clear

  326. Cerchero says:

    Hey, i watched the shows, but i have no idea the name of the suit Kwon wore on the 1st time. Help please? I am unable to answer the passwords. Help please!

  327. la_chan says:

    what is the password?? i have no idea what kind of animal costume that kwon wear… tell me please…

  328. martha says:

    The mediashare downloads are locked can i hane the password or somthing to unlock it?

  329. anandita10 says:

    how i can download this video ?
    pleasee,, about the question i know the answer but i dont know how to answering..
    pleaseeeeee help me,,
    i really like this couple

  330. aira says:

    hello! thanks for compiling adam couple’s videos…
    i’ve been lurking in your website for a long time now.. =)
    i love the fanfics that you and others? made.. =)

  331. Zack says:

    Hi. Thank you soooooo much for the compilation. I love your website to the maaax. Awesome.!!!! (: May I know where do I have to click in order to watch the other episodes? heh…. to tell you the truth, I am still a newbie for this… πŸ˜€ Thanks. and with love.

  332. zoprun says:

    ep 26 until 28 HK…. why i can’t download those films?
    then should have i got it?

  333. Amelia says:

    Really love your wordpress. it so hard to find these with subs now. just to check, are you going to upload the rest of the eps?

    Thanks for the hardwork!

  334. tasha says:

    hye there.. i wanna ask something. i tried to download the adam couple eps 30 using the megaupload. but i can’t. it state that i have exceeded the download limit. what’s that mean? i have no idea bout it.

  335. Han says:

    How many episodes are there in total? [just for the adam couple]

  336. Mandibule says:

    ): bouhouuu, is it official? Your team will stop subbing?

  337. princess says:

    thank u for uploading the episode 26 to 34.
    i really like it,and its really hard to find episodes with sub.

    thank u and thank u for your hardwork..

  338. Vivi says:

    may I ask about what episode when they ride on a motorcycle? -this is where i saw it i really wanted to watch this episode;) i’ll wait for your answer;) THANK YOU SO MUCH;)
    *if anyone knows please tell me;)

  339. nicky says:

    hi how do i find the next episode? the day 35 and so on?
    thank you πŸ™‚

  340. Lizzie says:

    Thanks so much for uploading WGM episodes ^_^
    Out of curiosity, what episode of WGM is on your background and is that episode subbed yet? And are you going to sub ep 35+?

  341. Nicholas Koh says:

    Thank you so much for the video πŸ™‚ but why is all the vids I downloaded have to be repaired before watching ?

  342. reggie says:

    hi, i dont think snjeung have the episodes 35-41 on her site? do you know where can i watch these eps?

  343. wengie says:

    woaah, I totally love you guys. finding this blog made my day complete. thank you so much, kamshamnida! I was wondering when ep 35 + will be uploaded? thank you so much for your hard work, really appreciate it! πŸ˜€

  344. jesbergs says:

    thank you!!! weee!!! πŸ˜€

  345. khjholic says:

    hello^^ thank you so much for subbing their episodes^^ i would like to download their episodes..if its okay..can i ask for the password??^^ thank you so much!!^^

  346. khjholic says:

    ohh i over looked the question. sorry..keke i now now^^ thanks!!^^

  347. PASSWORD? says:

    is not bear?

  348. pit says:

    WHere i can find the pasword chingu????can you help… i am fans adam couple….. please…^^

  349. bom says:

    where the update eps? are u not gone realese the new one, like their 1st year anniversary?

  350. sheera_sungmo says:

    i search like crazy for the password even in wikipedia..but i cant find it..
    i try to search for adam couple,jo kwon and gain ,2am,brown eyed girl..but i cant find it..
    i try the password for teddybear,teddy bear..but its still invalid..otokkee~
    if u really dont want to reveal the password here can u just give the clue what i supposed to type at wikipedia..i will be a big help..thanks~

  351. sheera_sungmo says:

    m__c__ or m__ c__ i tried both..still it invalid..
    nway thanks for the fast reply..

  352. pit says:

    ….owh thank you,, but,,, ,uhmmmm what you mean in wikipedia??i’m still understand,,,,,, >,< ,
    .but.. hy nice 2 meet you , charmedlife66,, i'm new fans of adam couple^^

  353. Lunatic Bunny says:

    hi… n where i can find the riddle?? i cant find it in ur video or else…

  354. hoshi says:

    can you give me a link of that forum which you’ve mentioned at the top….i wanna download these ep. but are they full ? or they are just adam couple ? if so whats the differance between these episodes you gave and other episodes you mantioned? thank you so much btw D:

  355. Mona says:

    HI I’m from Iran
    thank you for giving us this Opportunity to whatch WMG. I love this program and because we cant watch it here i download them . πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
    what i want to know is when i downloaded this episodes how am i suppose to whatch this kind of videos with avi.001 suffix, which programs do u suggest??
    I’ll be greatfull if sombody tell me plz send me an email πŸ˜‰

  356. Hi, does anyone know where I can find all the epsodes from the beginning with subttles?

    • hoshi says:

      yes i was thinking that too i dont have the 1 to 25 episodes and 40(36)th episode… i know 2od has, but it wants too much i dont wanna donate or post 72 posts….i tried some but in the end i gave up… so i am asking these question too…

  357. bu says:

    i think it’s very gernerous of you to sub this and MOREOVER replying every comments that asked the very same question without any compliants (why don’t they just scroll down and read, argh!)

    so i’m complaining in your place
    just kidding though, very nice work anyway πŸ™‚

  358. jellyfish says:

    hey! when i click on the link, i get redirected to the dailymotion website. and then the video is just a black box and it doesnt play! i was able to watch ep1-25 provided by time2sub on dailymotion! but i cant seem to be able to watch yours. its just a black box that isnt playing anything. please help! kamsahamnida! (:

  359. girl says:

    hey. i cant watch the videos on daily motion! its just a black box! please help! thanks (:

  360. Yinn says:

    not sure are you a chinese but still,


    heartfelt apprecation πŸ™‚ arigato ^^,

  361. Hi, i can’t watch the videos on daily motion. is there like,a reccomended browser to use?
    like Firefox,google chrome or anything”? Reply please.

  362. Guys,Watch the Videos On Google Chrome! It Works best! ^^than firefox and internet explorer~ Trust me!
    Thankyou so much for uploading!

  363. Veronika says:

    thank you so much for these episodes πŸ™‚
    But the Adam couple special episode requiers a password on the megaupload, also how do I fix to play the episodes with the avi.001 ending, my usual player would say they are an ivalid form…

    Thank you so much

    • If you read the end of the page, you will see that I have put the recommended software and how you can go about joining them together before watching. So yes, i hope that answers your question.

  364. Rosana says:

    I really like adam couple..
    but in here cant donwload because of private..
    so can u tell me how to download that??
    please admin..

  365. Ed says:

    are there any other video player than dailymotion it takes ver long to buffer

  366. BenKS says:

    The Mediafire link for Day 30?? Its tinyURL instead… I don’t seem to load any page from it…

  367. Sandra says:

    Thank you so much for posting these! I really wanted to know what happened after ep. 25! Thank you! κ°μ‚¬ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€

  368. tooney says:

    where is ep35 eng sub ?

  369. kenzou says:

    the password for MF file is simple if you not lazy 2 google it
    first i thought it was bear i dont know it has a name

  370. shiqin says:

    help me. where can i get the password for download these vids?

  371. shiqin says:

    wahh.. i cant figure out the password. wat i knew is he wore costume in 1st episode.. me…

  372. aya.chan says:

    thank u very much…
    love this couple.. love 2am also.. ^^
    i’ve been look every where
    thanx to upload

  373. hai naku says:

    u still dnt knw the ans . ? it’s very simple . . hehe . i so wanna help u . . >.<

  374. shiqin says:

    is there other episode after episode 53 in snjeung web?

  375. vu ngan ha says:

    i can’t watch. why?

  376. V.i. says:

    Thanks for posting these! I really love the Adam couple.. but what happends next? where can I see the next eps? and again THANK YOU SOO VERYY MUCHH! ❀

  377. noxie says:

    finally i found the right site for watching adam couple..kamsahamnida for making this possible have a nice day ^^

  378. shiqin says:

    i wonder how WGM is filmming.. is this reality program or, drama?
    confuse about gain, kwon relationship..

    • WGM is a REALITY program.
      I have to admit it is difficult to define the exact genre that it belongs to.
      It is definitely NOT drama.

      My guess is that the couple is given a situation (mission) and they have to react accordingly to the situation.
      I think that’s the best I can say.

  379. eunice says:

    how do i download the videos? its password protected 😦

  380. tpah says:

    ehm..thx to u.. is hard to find the story about them online…

  381. Pingback: Re-watch WGM Adam Couple « snjeung

  382. Pingback: Re-watch WGM Adam Couple « snjeung

  383. naruchi says:

    thank you sooo much for all the videos..

    but, do you know where can i watch the 1st ep??
    i really want to watch that…

  384. fathiahZ says:

    this is the best!! thanks a lot..

  385. fazie says:

    how can i get eps 1-25?
    can you give me the link please…

    please reply. thank you.

  386. loveAcouple says:

    Thanks so much guys ,I really appreciate your work:)
    I have been trying to watch Adam couple I finally found it here
    love adam couple

  387. Jokown89 says:

    Am feel sick … why u close mediafire & megaupload by password… i cant watch WGM at dailymation its have problem and didnt open anything just black screen OMO … if u keep ur passoword at mediafire & megau then why u put it at ur wibsite?!!

  388. noveisza insyiah says:

    i love adam couple,,
    i hope they become real..

    but how do i download the videos? its password protected 😦

  389. lin says:

    thaankk youuu soo muccchhh.. i really love adam couple.. ❀

  390. josephine marquez says:

    i love adam couple!!!1
    where can i find all episodes with subs??

  391. Lakshmi says:

    Erm.. Which is the first episode?? I just find it to start from day 25? I want to watch it from the beginning till the end 😦 Can some one pls tell me which is the first episode??

  392. nemo says:

    hi. they are really really beautiful couple
    I’m from mongolia.

  393. kil pulip says:

    i really love this couple….thank you for upload this video.
    =) kamsa hamida….

  394. Camille says:

    Hello! Thank you very much for subbing and uploading download links! πŸ™‚

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