Posted by: travelrat | August 8, 2011

Clipper Race: Pictures and Links

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Southampton: 29th July 2011.

Here are the pictures I took on our sail around Southampton Water on ‘Gold Coast Australia’, one of the participants in the ‘Clipper Round the World Race’, which started from the Solent on Sunday. There’ll be video next week. Meanwhile, there are already some of my articles about it live on the web. They’re at: , and

As I write this, ‘Gold Coast’ is presently off the coast of Portugal, in second place. You can track the race progress at


  1. Hi Keith,
    It must of been a fantastic day for everyone. How great it must of been to be able to go sailing on her, and now be able to watch how everyone is doing in the race.

  2. […] follow them on Twitter @ClipperRace, and see more articles and photos on Keith’s own blog Travelrat’s Travels […]

  3. I would have loved to have been on that boat. It looked like hard work but also a lot of fun. Fantastic shots!

  4. I don’t think I’d enjoy being turned out at O God o’ clock in the morning to scupper the deadlights, or something … but I’d say the fun stuff would far outweigh the downsides!

    (They’re in Madeira at the moment, ‘our’ boat, ‘Gold Coast Australia’ won the first race.)

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