Acessing a console of a domain in a Sun Enterprise 10K

Here is the procedure to reset a domain in a Sun E10K. I don’t know if there is some detail missing but here is what was done with help of my friend at work.

To access the console of a domain hosted in a Sun E10K, first you need to know which number is this domain. I grepped the /etc/hosts to find out

root@ssp:/ # grep -i e10kdomain1 /etc/hosts e10kdomain1 dom07 # SB 06

Become the user ssp and enter the domain hostname

root@ssp:/ # su – ssp
Use of this network is restricted to authorized users only. User activity may be monitored and/or recorded. Anyone using this network expressly consents to such monitoring and/or recording. BE ADVISED: if possible criminal activity is detected, these records, along with certain personal information, may be provided to law enforcement officials.

Please enter SUNW_HOSTNAME: dom07

Use netcon to connect to the console

ssp:dom07% netcon
trying to connect…
Unlocked write permission is granted.

I connected to the domain’s console and the domain is locked. To reset it, you’ll need to know the system board to turn it off. Run domain_status and check the last column

ssp:dom07% domain_status
dom07 Ultra-Enterprise-10000 OnDemand02 5.8 6
dom10 Ultra-Enterprise-10000 OnDemand02 5.8 9
dom15 Ultra-Enterprise-10000 OnDemand02 5.8 14
dom09 Ultra-Enterprise-10000 OnDemand02 5.8 8
dom01 Ultra-Enterprise-10000 OnDemand02 5.8 0
dom02 Ultra-Enterprise-10000 OnDemand02 5.8 1
dom05 Ultra-Enterprise-10000 OnDemand02 5.8 4

To power down you issue bringup -A off and the system board that the domain is running on

ssp:dom07% bringup -A off SB 6
Trying to get bringup.lock lock… OK
Checking that all other domains are down……… NO
Bringing up domain dom07
WARNING: Host is active; filesystems may be corrupted.
Do you really wish to continue (y/n)? y
Is this command executed because of a “Hung” Host (y/n)? y
Starting: hpost
Opening SNMP server library…

Significant contents of /export/home/ssp/.postrc:

Using blacklist file /var/opt/SUNWssp/etc/OnDemand02/blacklist
proc 12.2 12.3
Reading centerplane asics to obtain bus configuration…
Bus configuration determined to be 3F.
phase cplane_isolate: CP domain cluster mask clear…
phase init_reset: Initial system resets…
phase jtag_integ: JTAG probe and integrity test…
phase mem_probe: Memory dimm probe…
phase iom_probe: I/O module type probe…
phase jtag_bbsram: JTAG basic test of bootbus sram…
phase proc1: Initial processor module tests…
phase pc/cic_reg: PC and CIC register tests…
phase dtag: CIC DTAG tests…
phase mem: MC register and memory tests…
phase io: I/O controller tests…
phase procmem2: Processor vs. memory II tests…
phase lbexit: Centerplane connection tests…
phase npb_mem: Non-Proc Board MC and memory tests…
phase npb_iopc: Non-Proc Board IOPC register tests…
phase npb_io: Non-Proc Board I/O controller tests…
phase npb_cplane: Non-Proc Board centerplane connection tests…
phase nmb_procmem2: Non-Mem Board Proc vs. memory II tests…
phase final_config: Final configuration…
Configuring in 3F, FOM = 8192.00: 4 procs, 4 Scards, 4096 MBytes.
Creating OBP handoff structures…
Configured in 3F with 4 processors, 4 Scards, 4096 MBytes memory.
Interconnect frequency is 99.902 MHz, from SNMP MIB.
Processor external frequency is 199.805 MHz, from SNMP MIB.
Processor internal frequency is 399.610 MHz, from proc clk_mode probe.
Boot processor is 6.0 = 24
POST (level=16, verbose=20) execution time 4:03
Boot processor 24 written to /var/opt/SUNWssp/etc/OnDemand02/dom07/bootproc
Updating domain dom07 with bootproc 24 domainInstance 0 and interrupt vector MIB… OK
Starting obp_helper -m 24 -A off… OK
Starting netcon_server -p 24 … OK

Power on the domain with bringup -A on. No need to specify the system board this time

brsbssp02:dom07% bringup -A on
Trying to get bringup.lock lock… OK
Checking that all other domains are down……… NO
Bringing up domain dom07
Starting: hpost
Opening SNMP server library…

Significant contents of /export/home/ssp/.postrc:

Using blacklist file /var/opt/SUNWssp/etc/OnDemand02/blacklist
proc 12.2 12.3
Reading centerplane asics to obtain bus configuration…
Bus configuration determined to be 3F.
phase cplane_isolate: CP domain cluster mask clear…
phase init_reset: Initial system resets…
phase jtag_integ: JTAG probe and integrity test…
phase mem_probe: Memory dimm probe…
phase iom_probe: I/O module type probe…
phase jtag_bbsram: JTAG basic test of bootbus sram…
phase proc1: Initial processor module tests…
phase pc/cic_reg: PC and CIC register tests…
phase dtag: CIC DTAG tests…
phase mem: MC register and memory tests…
phase io: I/O controller tests…
phase procmem2: Processor vs. memory II tests…
phase lbexit: Centerplane connection tests…
phase npb_mem: Non-Proc Board MC and memory tests…
phase npb_iopc: Non-Proc Board IOPC register tests…
phase npb_io: Non-Proc Board I/O controller tests…
phase npb_cplane: Non-Proc Board centerplane connection tests…
phase nmb_procmem2: Non-Mem Board Proc vs. memory II tests…
phase final_config: Final configuration…
Configuring in 3F, FOM = 8192.00: 4 procs, 4 Scards, 4096 MBytes.
Creating OBP handoff structures…
Configured in 3F with 4 processors, 4 Scards, 4096 MBytes memory.
Interconnect frequency is 99.902 MHz, from SNMP MIB.
Processor external frequency is 199.805 MHz, from SNMP MIB.
Processor internal frequency is 399.610 MHz, from proc clk_mode probe.
Boot processor is 6.0 = 24
POST (level=16, verbose=20) execution time 4:02
Boot processor 24 written to /var/opt/SUNWssp/etc/OnDemand02/dom07/bootproc
Updating domain dom07 with bootproc 24 domainInstance 0 and interrupt vector MIB… OK
Starting obp_helper -m 24 -A on boot SB 6… OK
Starting netcon_server -p 24 … OK

Follow the console with netcon

ssp:dom07% netcon -g
trying to connect…
Unlocked write permission is granted.