Old Ellerbe Road School

Louisiana is the #1 Most Haunted State in the United States.

Old Ellerbe Road School:

The Legend-
Legend has it that several elementary students and the school janitor mysteriously vanished from the school and never returned. Afterwards, the parents closed the school for good. The sounds of children’s laughter and cries from a delirious and crazed man are said to be heard emanating from the grounds.

The Facts-
Ellerbe Road School was started in the 1950’s as George Washington Carver High School and eventually closed in 1973 due to an inability to attract enough students. For years afterwards, the school stood vacant until 1981 when Baptist Christian College leased the property. They closed the doors in 1985 citing low attendance.

Since the abandonment of the school, local law enforcement and thrill-seekers have noticed evidence of satanic rituals on the property.

Despite the lurking legends of the school and grounds, there does appear to be something ominous going on there.

Drivers, trespassers and passers-by have reported the appearance of roving, dark shadows, cold spots and the distressing feeling that something invisible was watching them.

~ by Voltima on October 13, 2009.

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