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The Investor's Manifesto: Preparing for Prosperity, Armageddon, and Everything in Between. Bestselling author William Bernstein provides this guide to long-term investing. Explains how, to achieve investment success, it is more important to have discipline, diversification and patience, than to attempt to time the markets. You can buy your copy at Amazon by following on the link.

The Elements of Investing. A classic on investment principles by the author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street. Sound investment advice applicable to all levels. You can buy your copy at Amazon if you click on the link.

The Myth of the Rational Market: A History of Risk, Reward, and Delusion on Wall Street. Easy-reading history of the efficient markets theory. An essay on the genesis, evolution, support and limitations of a controversial idea that has profound implications on the investing world. Follow the link and order your copy at Amazon.

Fortune Magazine, a Time Inc. publication, is a leading business publication, covering global businesses and publishing the Fortune 500 list of top U.S. Corporations, among other rankings. You can subscribe with an important discount from cover price, by following the link.

Forbes Magazine is another leading, business periodical. Just as Fortune, it is published bi-weekly and known for its lists. In the case of Forbes, the best known is probably the list of billionaires. To subscribe at an important discount, click on the link.

Wall Street Journal is a leading and authoritative newspaper tailored for the financial and investment community. Offered in print and online form with good discounts.

Money Magazine is a Time Inc. publication on personal finance, known for their annual "Best Places to Live" list.

SmartMoney Magazine is an authoritative magazine on investing, business and personal finance, by the Wall Street Journal. is a leading resource for investing information, analysis and commentary, specializing in funds. They publish several guides and are a definitive resource for investors who want to compare mutual funds. A trial of their premium services is offered by following the link above or this one.

Barron's Magazine is a leading weekly newspaper covering financial and investment news in the U.S.

Other Pages to Visit

No item in the list satisfies you? Maybe you would like to stay at Simple Stock Investing, by visiting one of our most popular pages:

Historical stock-market profitability through the Standard & Poors' 500 index. In this page, the returns of the stock market of the last decades are graphed and averaged. We consider this to be essential info for making investment decisions.

Is investing, gambling? By answering this question, investment basics are explained. This is a 4-page feature.

What is total return? This important concept is explain briefly. Read why price evolution is not what you should follow if you are to analyze the performance of stock or other investments.

The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) is explained, covering its importance for buy & hold investors, and giving implications that should be considered for all kinds of investing.

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