
Born 1976 in Montreal, Canada, Rebecca Hoppé works and lives in Hamburg, Germany.

Her book ‘Ballet' - a photographic project, for which Rebecca Hoppé accompanied choreographer John Neumeier and the dancers of the Hamburg Ballet, front of house and behind the scenes, in both Hamburg and New York, over a period of five years – was published 2010 by EDEL and highly praised by the press. Her large-format b/w photographs consist of abstract studies of the dancers at work and posed portraits, also providing fascinating glimpses of rehearsals and live performances.

She was part of the photographer team of the 'Clublexikon Hamburg' that won the Bronze Nail at the ADC Awards 2012.

2020 Rebecca Hoppé created her first short film "MMXX" which visualises an emotional state of mind in today’s world due to the devastating outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. "MMXX" was officially selected by numerous film festivals around the world.


Rebecca Hoppé
Stellinger Weg 36
D - 20255 Hamburg
phone: 0049 177 2244396
mail: go@rebeccahoppe.com

Copyright ©2023 Rebecca Hoppé - All rights reserved