














BOLD is an audio art improvisation ensemble formed by Alexis Bellavance, Nicolas Bernier and rick d'Orion and guests. Inspired by playfulness, the artists are exploring the possibilities of interaction between each other. Through bloody duels, solitary marches and cut-throat trios, they impose their actions as would characters in a Spaghetti Western. Indeed, therein lies the catachresis of the project; it is a movie for the ears, a fictitious soundtrack worthy of cowboy kinetics. From silence to explosion, from long shot to close-up, from well-oiled machinery to haphazard mechanics, from abstract landscape to concrete scenery, from impulsive action to languorous reflection... the language is one of extremes.


May 21st, 2010 : Performance : FIMAV, Victoriaville
Febuary 3rd, 2010 : Performance CD Launch : DAMN : Gatineau
November 6th, 2009 : Performance : Grace Space : New York, US
October 3rd, 2009 : Residency : Le Lobe : Chicoutimi
May 22nd, 2009 : Workshop : Universit de Annecy : Annecy, France
December 19th, 2008 : Performance : Rustines | Lab : Montral
September 6th, 2008 : Performance : Chevalier du noise 3 : Qubec
May 15th, 2008 : Release : No Type
March 14th, 2008 : Performance : The Factory : Hamilton
May 31st, 2007 : Performance : Galery 1313 : Toronto







Alexis Bellavance studied at the visual art and media art school of the Quebec University in Montreal (UQM) and is a member of the collective Perte de Signal since 2003,. His works explore the phenomenon of perception through the filter that is the human body. In grasping the reality and his reverse, he privileged the performance and audio art. His works has been exposed in many places in Canada, in Europe and in Asia. He is a member and cofounder of the collective Priphriques and cofounder of the performance festival VIVA! Art action.



Nicolas Bernier's initiation into musical creation was through popular music. His love of experimentation has inspired him to develop acousmatic compositions, live electronics, installations and art video, as well as music for dance, theatre and cinema. In the midst of this eclecticism, his artistic concerns remain constant: the balance between the cerebral and the sensual, and between organic sound sources and digital processing. He his the founder of the sound art microorganism Ekumen, member of the media art organization Perte de Signal and he his the the art director of Rseaux, a major Canadian electroacoustic concert producer. His works have been awarded and broadcast in festivals around the world.



rick dOrion is a sound and new media artist as well as a self-taught composer and musician who has lived in Quebec City since 1993. Most of his work with sound focuses on digital maximizing and is closely related to noize, musique concrte, free jazz and electro-acoustic music. In tandem or in parallel he develops installation projects in which sound and new technologies are used together to create works which are both performative and static. His current work focuses mostly on reinterpretating, appropriating and re-reading certain art historical concepts, especially musique concrte, Dada and Futurism, without being stuck in the past.




Les univers dAlexis Bellavance, de Nicolas Bernier et dՃrick dOrion sont tout ce quil y a de plus different 

Sur Notype.com, 15 mai 2008

Les univers dAlexis Bellavance, de Nicolas Bernier et dՃrick dOrion sont tout ce quil y a de plus diffrent: lun a la fibre conceptuelle, le second, le soin du travail mticuleux, et le troisime, la patte nergique. Que peut-il bien arriver quand la destine force ces trois canailles travailler ensemble? Peut-tre bien cet change improvis autant quimprvisible, inspir en cela dun certain film de Sergio Leone vous maintenant de deviner qui est le bon, qui est la brute, qui est le truand


By Sven Swift in 12rec blog (Germany) June 22nd,  2008

A fine EP of collective improvisation music to fetch at No Type. Alongside Alexis Bellavance and rick dOrion, Nicolas Bernier provides expanded electro-acoustic collages, field-recordings and subtle ambient textures. Especially the first two tracks Le Duel and Paysage made me listen up. The art of this Montreal triple is to bring their academic sonic research to musical forms. Fresh!

somehow evoking a cinematic narrative through sounds

By Stephanie Vegh, blog, March 15th, 2008

Also visiting Hamilton from further afield were Alexis Bellavance and Nicolas Bernier from Montral, presenting a sound performance work at The Factory. In my limited experience, this is a bit of a departure from their policy of showing video art during the crawl, and I suspect I wasnt the only one confused by the initial lack of action in the screening room. Getting an audience to stick around for poorly-advertised live events on the crawl has always been a source of irritation on my part - and I can only imagine the annoyance of the artists themselves - but I was well rewarded for sticking around to wait for the start of Bellavances and Berniers collaboration, which did eventually draw a respectable group of spectators once the nifty noises started. audio/actes is a live improvisation of sounds generated in point-counterpoint between the two artists in an exchange that is both obscured by the profusion of laptops and electronics and made physically evident with the intervention of simple gestures like plastic wrap being dragged over a microphone. The results are sampled in small doses at the projects website, but the entirety of the experience has more in common with a tradition of oral storytelling, somehow evoking a cinematic narrative through sounds that are both utterly strange and sometimes as familiar as the ringing of telephones and doorbells.