public String A; OOPS Consultancy Ltd


Recent Changes

AntSpaces provides the capability to run Ant against JavaSpaces. This allows you to coordinate Ant tasks via JavaSpaces, pull out work units from a JavaSpace for distributed Ant tasks to work on, and so forth. See the examples to see how AntSpaces allows you to work with JavaSpaces via Ant.

Thanks to Core Developers for the initial suggestion.


Recent Changes
Current version 1.1

See the CHANGES file in the download for a comprehensive list of changes for each version

Since 1.0:

Since 0.9:


Version 1.1 - release 08-Jul-2005

AntSpaces is released under the Apache license. Right-click and choose Save As if your browser doesn't offer you the option.

antspaces.jar the .jar file to use in Ant, including the required all.policy file (see the usage instructions).

antspaces.tar.gz the source code, tests and documents.

antspaces.jar - MD5 ee6840a47beb16b5ba94289712dd93cf
antspaces.tar.gz - MD5  8a9ef1fc87573c2cb95798b51695d413

Additional Requirements:
You will require a Jini 2.0 setup and a working environment. See for more details.


How to use
This document assumes a working Jini/JavaSpace environment. No attempt will be made here to describe how to set up such an environment, or to troubleshoot an existing setup.

For a good Jini/JavaSpace tutorial, see Jan Newmarch's Guide to Jini Technologies

  1. Ant needs to run with a suitable security policy file (all.policy is included in the .jar and .tar.gz downloads). To enable this, run ant thus:

  2. export$HOME/all.policy
    ant -buildfile build.xml

    amending the path to all.policy as required. If you wish, you can modify the Ant invocation script directly to incorporate this policy file all the time. all.policy simply contains:

    grant { 
  3. Reference the AntSpaces in your build.xml eg.

  4. <taskdef name="javaspace" classname="com.oopsconsultancy.antspaces.ant.JavaSpaceTask"/>
  5. Reference the javaspace task as part of your build eg.
      <target name="main">
        <javaspace ...>
  6. The AntSpace task first needs to specify a JavaSpace
    <javaspace groups="" timeout="10000" >
    which specifies a space belonging to any groups, and a timeout of 10000ms


    Attribute Description Required
    groups specifies a comma-separated set of groups that the space must belong to. If omitted or left blank then LookupDiscovery.ALL_GROUPS will be used no
    timeout specifies a timeout in ms to be used whilst looking for a space. If omitted then a timout of 'forver' is implied no
    transaction if set to 'true', specifies that transactions are to be used. You will need a running mahalo instance (or equivalent). Discovery uses the space groups and timeouts settings

  7. AntSpace Subtasks

    The subtasks all take an net.jini.core.entry.Entry object as an argument - either specifying the entry to be written into the space, or specifying a template to be read/taken or notified on. An entry is specified thus:

      <entry class="net.jini.lookup.entry.Address">
        <field name="country">UK</field>
        <field name="postalCode">SW1A 1AA</field>
    and thus you can specify fields in the entry object to either write or match on. Unspecifed fields will be set according to the default constructor of the specified entry object. At the moment only fields of type java.lang.String can be set.

    A object previously serialised to disk can be specified thus:

      <entry file="{path to serialised object}"/>
    This object must be a serialised net.core.jini.entry.Entry.
    • The Write subtask writes an entry into the space
            <entry class="{classname}">
      to specify a new object, or:
            <entry file="{path to serialised object}">
      to specify a serialised object. or

    • The Read subtask reads an entry from the space. This will hang until a suitable entry appears.
            <entry class="{classname}">
      The Read subtask can save the read object to disk.
            <entry class="{classname}">
            <save file="{path}"/>
      The Read subtask can invoke on read entries.
          <read timeout="5000">
            <entry class="com.oopsconsultancy.antspaces.ser.test.TestableSerializable">
              <field name="A"></field>
              <field name="B"></field>
              <method name="testMethod"/> <!-- no args -->
              <method name="testMethod2">
                <arg type="java.lang.String">ABC</arg>
                <arg/> <!-- null -->





      timeoutspecifies the take timeout, in ms. If not specified, Long.MAX_VALUE is usedno

    • The Take subtask takes an entry from the space. This will hang until a suitable entry appears (unless ifExists is set).
            <entry class="{classname}">
      The Take subtask can save the taken object to disk.
            <entry class="{classname}">
            <save file="{path}"/>
      The Take subtask can invoke on taken entries.
            <entry class="com.oopsconsultancy.antspaces.ser.test.TestableSerializable">
              <field name="A"></field>
              <field name="B"></field>
              <method name="testMethod"/> <!-- no args -->
              <method name="testMethod2">
                <arg type="java.lang.String">ABC</arg>
                <arg/> <!-- null -->






      if set to true, this task will fail silently if a suitable object doesn't exist no
      timeoutspecifies the take timeout, in ms. If not specified, Long.MAX_VALUE is usedno

    • The Notify subtask waits for suitable entries to appear in the space. As each object appears a nominated Ant target is called. Currently Ant targets are called sequentially. No targets will be called in parallel.
          <notify target="compile">
            <entry class="{classname}">




      target specifies the Ant target to call when the nominated object appears in the space no
      leasespecifies the lease, in ms. If not specified, Lease.FOREVER is usedno

The following illustrate some simple examples. Complete example Ant build.xml files are provided with the source code download.

  1. Connecting to a development JavaSpace, and waiting 10s maximum for a successful connection.
        <javaspace groups="development" timeout="10000">
  2. Writing an object to the space.
        <javaspace groups="development" timeout="10000">
            <entry class="net.jini.lookup.entry.Address">
              <field name="street">10 Downing St</field>
              <field name="organization">Government</field>
              <field name="locality">London</field>
              <field name="postalCode">SW1A 1AA</field>
              <field name="country">UK</field>
  3. Writing a previously persisted object to the space.
        <javaspace groups="development" timeout="10000">
            <entry file="address.ser"/>
  4. Reading an object from the space. This gets any address matching the postcode. The object is then saved to disk. If no such object exists, then the read operation will timeout after 5s, and no save operation will occur.
        <javaspace groups="development" timeout="10000">
          <read timeout="5000">
            <entry class="net.jini.lookup.entry.Address">
              <field name="postalCode">SW1A 1AA</field>
            <save file="address.ser"/>
          Got token. Build progressing
  5. Taking a named object from the space and invoking on it. Note that here we wait for an indefinite period of time (actually Long.MAX_VALUE ms). The object is saved when taken. If the object can't be saved, then the operation will fail and the take will be aborted due to transactions being specified.
        <javaspace groups="development" timeout="10000" transaction="true">
          <take ifExists="true">
            <entry class="net.jini.lookup.entry.Address">
              <field name="postalCode">SW1A 1AA</field>
            <save file="address.ser"/>
              <method name="execute"/> <-- no arguments -->
          Found suitable address. Build progressing
  6. Waiting for a named object to appear in the space, and calling a publication task for each appearance.
  7.     <target name="main">
          <javaspace groups="development" timeout="10000">
            <notify target="publish">
              <entry class="net.jini.lookup.entry.Name">
                <field name="name">Publish</field>
        <target name="publish">
            publishing begins...


    No mailing lists exist yet for AntSpaces. Please mail OOPS Consultancy with queries, bug reports, suggestions etc.


    Known Issues
    If you get an error similar to:

    BUILD FAILED access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission setIO)
    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(
    Then you're not picking up a suitable policy file. See How To Use, section 1.

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