Music + Passion = PAUL PENA

04 Sep

ETA: Interview with Paul Pena from The Human Chorus


“It’s all about the music” has become quite cliche’, nowadays. If you want a REAL example of this credo, see Paul Pena.

Paul’s family came from the Cape Verde Islands and a Creole background. As a young child, he learned guitar from his father, Jack, and as a teenager, was classically trained in flamenco music.

Paul Pena first hit the American music scene at the Newport Blues Festival back in the late ’60s. Although blind, Paul became one with music and it was truly his “home”. After a few years of performing with the likes of B.B. King, John Lee Hooker, T-Bone Walker and Bonnie Raitt, Paul recorded his debut album, Paul Pena, released by Capitol Records in 1972. It got little attention and has been out of print and unavailable for quite a while.

While researching all things Pena, I came across a great new blog, Feed Me Good Tunes. JT, one of the contributors, wrote up a very apt review of the debut album in June that I think captures it best:

Paul Pena could have been something. Paul Pena’s music was captured briefly in precious few recordings, considering his legacy in music spans over three decades. And yet, his soul lives on in this, his first album, one that’s been out of print for as long as I can remember.

Overall, it’s a seamless, gorgeous, glorious blend of blues, classic rock, and soul, sung with the smokiest baritone and clearest electric guitar. Pena’s playing and arrangements are sunny and bright, richly layered with chorus voices and slide guitar. His lyrics are full of hope and curiosity for the world around me, and read like a road map to understanding and maturity. Where are we going in the world? What is my place? What do I have to offer? What can I give back? Where should I go next?

As we enter the summer months, and an endless tangle of FmGT posts aiming to pin down the elusive summer sound, this album screams June, July and August. The airy arrangements and shimmering guitar riffs work tirelessly and breathlessly in the sunshine. This is true “larger than your headphones” music; you’ll sing along without really knowing the words, you’ll hum the melodies, you’ll pick at yr air guitar, you’ll subconsciously break out the handclaps, the adoration, the adulation and the uncensored joy in Pena’s music.

Choice cuts include the opening track, “Woke Up This Morning”, a shimmering expression of Pena’s determination to transcend his obstacles and get where he wants to be. “Gonna Make It Alright” is a breezy, bright song that grows out of a very Meters-esque riff into a nasty, deep groove. “Something to Make You Happy” is seven minutes of gritty, shuffle blues, anchored by a frenetic bassline and soulful B-3. “When I’m Gone” is another meditation on the meaning of his life and the value of his existence, presented in his unmistakable style.

Pena’s music is as good as any coming out of this era in American music. The seamless blending of so many genres is a joy to listen to, especially when wrapped in Pena’s virtuosic guitar-playing. If he was better-known, he’d surely stand in the pantheon of great blues players, but as it is, he’s still relatively-unknown.

Download this, and enjoy it. Spread it around. This music is too good to keep under wraps.

Pena’s life was defined by several layers of misfortune, sadness and tragedy, but in listening to his music, you’d never know it. I hope you get as much enjoyment out of Paul Pena as I do.

Additionally, he provides all eight tracks of Paul Pena. I, like JT, feel that it’s critical to share Paul Pena’s work, so I’m also posting them here for others to discover and enjoy. This album is epic, yet basically unknown. I’ve added a short review of my own, as well.


Woke Up This Morning – Paul is a wonderful mixture of James Taylor and Bill Withers on this first track. A mellow melody with powerful lyrics.

I’m Gonna Make it Alright
– This one is very Wet Willie-ish to me. Great bass lines, guitar and the music is just real. I particularly enjoy the subtle crackles of the LP.

The River
– Nice, slow blues ballad with rich voices and instruments. When listening through headphones, it’s hard to believe that this was recorded with little manipulation 35 years ago. Music the way it’s supposed to be.
One for the Lonely – Good, old fashioned early ’70’s rock. Pena was an opening act for the Grateful Dead at one point and there is that vibe to this song.
Something to Make You Happy – Not my favorite on the album, but very much in the vein of the anguish songs of the day.
My Adorable One – Just when you think you can pigeon-hole Paul, he throws a hard curve. This song SHOULD have been done by Otis Redding or Sam Cooke. Awesome….likely my favorite of this compilation.
When I’m Gone – Another beautiful acoustical. Fantastic musicianship and just a great song.

Lullaby – Soothing acoustics from a brilliant player. Demonstrates Pena’s vast songwriting capabilities.

Paul made a lot of friends along the way, with Bonnie Raitt being one of the most loyal. Paul provided back up on her first album and shortly thereafter, recorded New Train in 1973. It was on the Bearsville label and produced by Ben Sidran, who happened to be the keyboardist for the Steve Miller Band. Shortly after the album was finished, Paul and his manager, Gunther Weil, got into a notorious feud with label owner, Albert Grossman, over the album’s content and release. Grossman shelved the album and refused to let Paul out of his contract to record elsewhere. Therefore, New Train tragically sat on a shelf for 27 years until, with the assistance of old friends who recognized Paul’s failing health and who had the desire to see his dream fulfilled it was finally released in 2000.

Paul Pena Bio


When the album was aborted, Sidran shared one of Paul’s New Train tracks with Steve Miller, who immediately fell in love with Jet Airliner. It would be one of the biggest hits of his career and the music world’s only exposure to Paul Pena until the turn of the century. Paul would eventually get his vindication by performing Jet Airliner on Conan, shortly before his death.

New Train was truly brilliant. Jerry Garcia provides backup on New Train and Venutian Lady. Merl Saunders also lent a hand on keyboards.

The great harmony group, The Persuasions, provided back-up on the most famous song on the album — Gonna Move. That’s them in the banter at the beginning. While Gonna Move has been covered by Susan Tedeschi, The Derek Trucks Band, and most recently, Taylor Hicks, the original is my favorite.

Added treats….Susan Tedeschi and Derek Trucks Band doing Gonna Move, Joyful Noise and The Feeling Music Brings on the Early Show:

Taylor Hicks’ Gonna Move (I like this version better than the CD version):

Here’s a short article on Paul’s trials and tribulations. Life always seem to serve Paul the proverbial chicken shit, which he generally turned into chicken salad. Sadly, there are only 18 slivers of Paul Pena for posterity.

If I could recommend one CD in my life, this would be it. It’s simply that good. There are a few songs on this CD that are begging to be covered. There are several that could easily be hits today. If today’s artists are truly students of music and there is ANY justice, more of these songs will be covered. It’s the one way to properly pay homage to Paul Pena.

I would particularly like to see Let’s Move and Groove Together covered:

Man, just a gut grabber.

The other more obscure Pena song that would be a great cover for one of today’s artists is A Bit of Alright.

Paul spent years taking care of his ailing wife and was ill with diabetes and pancreatitis. He was misdiagnosed as having pancreatic cancer and went through unnecessary chemotherapy that likely contributed to his death. However, he still found time to explore music, discovering something a world away that would captivate him in his later years. He stumbled across Tuvan throat singing one night when scanning short wave radio to learn Korean. Subsequently, he studied the music and from that came Genghis Blues, a documentary that ended up winning an Academy Award.

Not exactly my cup a tea, but interesting nonetheless.

Paul passed away in 2005 of complications from his illnesses at the age of 55. Hopefully, a new generation of listeners will discover and share Paul’s diverse music, keeping it alive. That would be a fitting tribute to a guy that was truly “all about the music”. For now, however, do yourself and Paul a favor. Go to iTunes or Amazon and purchase the amazing New Train. You will not be sorry.

New Train review from I Guess I’m Floating.


45 responses to “Music + Passion = PAUL PENA

  1. music maven

    September 5, 2007 at 6:35 am

    OK, here’s the deal. This one is important. I implore you lurkers to let me know you’re out there. This post took me a couple of weeks and a ton of research to complete. The debut album is like finding the Dead Sea Scrolls and Paul Pena deserves robust discussion. If you enjoy this blog in any capacity, please let me hear from you on this post.

  2. Shrewspeaks

    September 5, 2007 at 9:14 am

    I’ll get the ball rolling. I have heard Pena but never contemplated Pena. I have grooved to his tunes and not even known it. After reading this excellent post I feel a tremendous amount of respect for the man behind the groove. I know instantly that New Train will be downloaded tonight from iTunes.

  3. music maven

    September 5, 2007 at 10:01 am

    Shrew, good decision. I promise, this will be even better than the Continuum recommendation. Take a couple of weeks to absorb the songs and then, let me know what you think about it. The only song on the album that I don’t like is Cosmic Mirror. Just a bit too “psychodelic hippy” for my taste.

    I guess no-one else is reading…thanks for commenting.

  4. morewines

    September 5, 2007 at 4:05 pm

    I have New Train. Had it for quit some time. It’s a great CD. I don’t think Paul Pena got all the credit he deserved before he passed away.

  5. music maven

    September 5, 2007 at 4:56 pm

    morewines — thanks for commenting. Of course, I agree.

    I would really love to hear some of his other songs, besides Gonna Move, covered by other artists. This is really good stuff.

  6. Colette

    September 5, 2007 at 8:42 pm

    I agree too. Bonnie Raitt adored the guy, which is how I found about him.

    And you are appreciated MM…..remember there are many (in the millions) blogs that NO ONE EVER reads. you have some very loyal fans.

  7. shrewspeaks

    September 5, 2007 at 8:48 pm

    Hear, hear Colette!

    Do I note a bit of influence of Pena on Cat Stevens? It may just be the time period…but I get some of the same vibe. I can’t wait to dig into this more deeply!

  8. music maven

    September 5, 2007 at 9:14 pm

    Ah, sweet Colette and Shrewsie. As long as you guys keep coming around, I’ll be here. I feel pretty strongly about poor Paul. Here was a seriously talented fellow who most folks have never heard of.

    I think Paul Pena had influence on quite a few artists. He and Bonnie Raitt knew each other for nearly 40 years. I really think that he and Bill Withers have the same voice texture. I’m sure that they crossed paths somewhere.

    Since Taylor, Susan and Derek are acutely aware of Paul Pena’s music, maybe they will pick up a few more of his songs to cover. Sure would like to hear some of these done out in the mainstream.

  9. music maven

    September 5, 2007 at 9:39 pm

    Oh and The River reminds me so much of this gem.

  10. Sunny

    September 6, 2007 at 6:02 am

    Well done, your coverage of Pena. His version of “Big Jet Liner” even in his frail state better the Steve Miller’s hit version. It is a curiousity why Paul wasn’t ever provided more credit and coverage in his time? Perhaps the commercial potential overlooked by too many suits seeking appearance over talent. Perhaps Pena himself chose to keep a low profile.

    He has so many great songs, perhaps posthumously we’ll see more artists pick up his music.

    On the topic of Taylor Hicks, If he’d treated “Gonna Move” with that kind of groove on the CD – for that matter cut the CD with more of that vibe it would have been a much better product.

    I enjoyed this read, nice way to savor my first cup of coffee this morning. Thanks.

  11. music maven

    September 6, 2007 at 7:03 am

    Thanks for your comments, Sunny.

    I think that Paul’s lack of exposure was directly controlled by Al Grossman, the guy who “owned” his contract and stonewalled his album. Basically, Paul could play his music live but was prohibited from recording his music or recording on others’ albums. With no front money for touring and the fact that he and his wife, Babe, were both blind and required additional assistance to travel, playing his music live was really not an option either.

    His wife became ill and Paul cared for her for over 10 years. They survived off of the royalties of “Jet Airliner” and he really was “rediscovered” through Genghis Blues. At that point, his old friends stepped up to assist him to get New Train released.

    Paul’s tragedy was suffered directly at the hands of a label head who simply dug in against the artist. I mean,what kind of “supportive music exec.” blackballs a blind musician that could have made him a boatload of money?

    The ultimate cutting off your nose to spite your face.

    Hopefully, this isn’t happening to Taylor and we’ll see more Nitty Gritty Taylor on the next release.

  12. Shrewspeaks

    September 6, 2007 at 7:58 am

    You know MM, has Leftsez ever posted about Pena? I can just imagine what he would say about Pena’s situation. This just goes to show that the music biz has always been messed up.

  13. music maven

    September 6, 2007 at 9:03 am

    Haven’t seen anything on Paul in the Archives there, but Pena’s story is exactly what Bob has tried to educate people about. I wonder just how many Paul Pena’s there have been over 35 years…but for “Jet Airliner”, Paul would have simply been a jam buddy of B.B. King and Bonnie Raitt.

  14. Colette

    September 6, 2007 at 11:22 am

    That Percy Sledge cut was beautiful, MM. There’s someone who also didn’t get enough credit after one monster hit.

    But you know, I’ve been around the music biz all my life (my brother’s a talented but perpetually struggling jazz musician, and I used to play with bands) and there is so much luck involved in getting any airing and respect…and, oh yeah, enough money to live on too.

    It’s one reason I’m glad people like Raitt, John Mayer and stars who have their own album imprints like David Byrne and Branford Marsalis are going to bat for musicians they believe in.

    By the way, anyone read the NY Times Magazine story last Sunday about the record producer Rick Rubin, and his attempts to make Columbia Records into a company that goes back to finding and fostering new talent? It’s an interesting read. He’s sort of nuts, but he’s obviously beloved by the musicians he works with, very creative, and very passionate about music. One of the main things in the story was the record companies’ tense relationship with Apple, and how iTunes mainly benefits Apple. Rubin wants the record labels to join together to offer their own downloading, but they all hate each other too!

    anyway, enuf about that. what I love is hearing and making music…..

  15. Shrewspeaks

    September 6, 2007 at 1:37 pm

    Okay…after a day of listening to both albums I certainly hear a bit of Jerry Garcia’s fingers on New Train. Boy, where would you map Pena on influence map?

  16. JT

    September 6, 2007 at 7:28 pm


    just found this post. Excellent stuff. I will definitely get you a copy of the debut album, as promised via our email exchanges last week. Sorry it’s taken a while — been tumultuous in my neck of the woods recently, but I will make good on my promise.

    Excellent post, excellent writing, excellent sentiment, and thanks for the nod too.

    Will be bookmarking you shortly!



  17. music maven

    September 7, 2007 at 10:16 am

    Thanks, JT. Glad you stopped by. Your words on Pena could not be topped, so I wanted to include them in this piece. Hopefully, a few more people now know about Paul and will explore more about his work. My hope is that his family, particularly his mother and brothers get to see a real discovery of this relative “unknown” and the real impact that his music has on people who are exposed to it.

    Shrewsie — I’d say that Paul has definitely had some play and influence among the “jam band” types like those who have covered “Gonna Move”…I think at that time 1971-73, he was as known to musicians as Peter,Paul & Mary, Bob Dylan and Janis Joplin — his stablemates under Al Grossman. Dylan is still in court with his estate and referred to Grossman as “a Colonel Tom Parker figure”. More to come…

  18. huckleberryfriend

    September 7, 2007 at 3:02 pm


    Only had time for a quick read through, but wanted to thank you for the great effort. I’ve done a couple of posts that took weeks to put together, so I can appreciate all the time you put into this piece. When I have some free time I plan on coming back and absorbing the music.

  19. brc

    September 8, 2007 at 7:18 pm

    I haven’t had much free time lately, but I enjoy your blog and respect all of the effort you put into it. So, though I’m a bit late to the game, I sat down this evening to give this post my full attention…

    I had heard mention of Paul Pena but never had actually heard his music. Now that I’ve had a listen I find it truly shocking that he is such a hidden treasure.

    I can see what JT means when he talks about the “seemless blending of genres.” It’s really amazing that one artist can pull off so many different styles. Across genres he has a beautiful tone to his voice… very clear, deep and powerful.

    I found myself tapping my toes to “I’m Gonna Make it Alright.” For some reason I think it would be a great song for Taylor to cover. I really like “One for the Lonely.” I agree that it has a very Grateful Dead vibe. “Adorable one” has a very Elvis-like feel to it… very enjoyable. I love, love, love the guitar on “When I’m Gone” and “Lullaby.” “When I’m Gone” makes me think of driving down the highway in a convertible with the wind in my hair. Did Pena write “Gonna Move?” The original is defintely better than Taylor’s CD version (though I like the live version you posted). I think the last two songs… “Let’s Move and Groove Together” and “Bit of Alright” might be my favorites of what you posted.

    MM thanks for bringing Paul Pena to our attention. He’s a real treasure.

  20. Tedheadone

    October 28, 2007 at 2:30 pm

    In 1969, I went off to a little junior college outside Worcester, Ma. primarily to stay out of the draft. In sophmore year ’70-’71, in an effort to keep a few of the 200 students on campus during weekends, concerts were organized. Each one attracted less then 50 people. J. Giels Band was one.

    The other was Paul Pena. It was a very small auditorium with a stage about 2 feet off the floor. Everyone sat on the edge of that stage and listened to Paul. And when he released an album over a year later, I got it, and was blown away. The fall of ’72, now a senior at Marietta College in Ohio, that album stayed on my turntable for about 60 days straight…

    I first heard “Gonna Move” driving down Rt 6 on Cape Cod in October of 2000, not far from his family home. The voice sounded familiar, and I nearly drove off the road when his name was announced after it played.

    I was thrilled when I heard Susan Tedeschi introduce the song into her set list. She told me that she had met him when she sat next to him at an awards show (either Grammys or Handy’s) and went out and got New Train. A few months later, at Wolfs Den at Mohegan Sun I gave her and Derek a cd of his first album, complete with art work I photocopied. They were blown away, not aware it existed. As I walked away, Derek was eyeing the liner notes very carefully.

    As I recall, perhaps incorrectly, he was able to record that first album as a result/prize of winning a competion from WBCN in Boston……

    His first album holds a special place in my heart, one of my “desert island” picks.

  21. music maven

    October 28, 2007 at 5:16 pm

    Ted — I could seriously kiss you. You made my day. I have been ringing the Paul Pena bell since I first heard Gonna Move nearly two years ago. I didn’t know of Susan Tedeschi back then and was introduced to the song via a bootleg recording from a Taylor Hicks’ live show in Birmingham before American Idol.

    After the song, Taylor talks a little about the song being written by Paul Pena, who wrote Jet Airliner. Loving Gonna Move so much, I did a little research and found New Train and it was available on iTunes. I purchased and listened to it for about three straight months. It still has high visibility on my iPod. I had no idea that there was a first album until I saw JT’s post. I was so excited and just wanted to shine a light on Paul and his wonderful music.

    I sincerely hope that more artists pick up Paul’s work and cover more of his music.

    If you haven’t seen it, I recently did a post on Angel from Montgomery, another excellent cover (John Prine) by Susan Tedeschi. She sure knows how to pick ’em.

  22. Jim Miller

    November 16, 2007 at 5:46 pm

    Paul Pena is great. New Train is in my top ten. I’ve been looking for his first album forever. Can anyone get me a cd of it? Please!

  23. pentatonic

    March 13, 2008 at 7:22 pm

    Yep – thanks for the great documentation. I got to meet Paul and see him play a few times before he dies, and it was truly life-changing. A real liver and breather of American music (not to mention Cape Verde and Tuva).

  24. cjowo

    March 16, 2008 at 9:58 pm

    Great blog, music maven!!

    I too love Paul and can not believe the injustice he suffered at the hands of Albert Grossman. Paul was a true genius and did not deserve that kind of treatment.

    I also have a copy of his first LP and it is, IMO, better than New Train, which is smokin’!

    I also have a live recording of Paul from 3-9-2001 at the Warfield Theater in San Francisco, opening for The String Cheese Incident. Its just Paul with a dobro pickin’ and singin’. If anybody is interested in a copy email me at *THIS IS A LEGALLY TRADED LIVE SHOW*

    Also there is a live album of Paul and a harmonica player named Big Bones out there too. I got it directly from Big Bones himself. I emailed him at I believe the album was $20 and well worth it! It took a few emails to get the ball rolling, but Big Bones is a great guy and will send you the disc eventually, just be patient!


  25. John

    January 12, 2009 at 5:23 am

    About 8 years ago my mom randomly bought me this compilation with three blues cds of Muddy Waters, BB King and T-Bone walker. I was barley starting to learn guitar and getting into the blues . For Some reason I kept listening to the T-bone walker cd alot and loved the live recording. as I listened to the recording more I started memorizing parts of the guitar and all the lyrics for the songs and at the end of acouple songs t-bone tells everybody in the crowd to give a great welcome to his guitar player Paul and mentioning he was blind. I had to figure out who this paul dude was. About 2 years before this I had seen the Conan O Brian show were he sings on the show and loved it but totally forgot the name but remembered the video lol. well about acouple years ago I was looking for a new movie to order online and I came across the Genghis Blues dvd and decided to order it. well I googled his name and it all came together lol I have listen to the two albums he has about a million times but they never get old. I am so glad I stumbled across his music.

  26. matt

    February 20, 2010 at 12:14 am

    I have the T Bone CD that is live and Paul plays a smokin guitar with T Bone, so I had to check him out. They erroneously name the tune something else on the T Bone CD!

  27. brandon

    May 1, 2010 at 11:32 pm

    Thank you so much! I found Paul on netflix of all places. his tuvan documentary touched me. It may not have the same effect on everyone, but my dad is a musician and is blind so… im a musician also and am working on ‘center of asia’ among others on new train. just want to sincerely thank you for sharing those tunes from his first album. So thanks again mate!

  28. chris wolak

    May 2, 2010 at 11:29 am

    Musicmaven, I know that it has been more than 2 years since I first posted here, I just got around to uploading the warfield show. Would it be ok with you if I post the megaupload link here?

  29. music maven

    May 6, 2010 at 8:52 pm

    Yes, Chris! That would be wonderful. Gotta keep the Paul love alive!

  30. Judd6149

    September 5, 2010 at 2:56 pm

    MM: Brilliant, brilliant post. I just put up a post on my blog about Paul. It certainly wasn’t as intense and well done as yours, but it attracted a few of your friends on this comment string (@TedHeadOne & @toofarnorth2) commented and sent me to you. Glad they did. Glad there is another passionate Paul fan out there.

    Thanks for finding the grail and making this album available. It is on my “list of finds”. I’m always looking for it in bins everywhere. I am going to find the right moment to play this.

    Cheers. Judd

  31. AH / toofarnorth

    September 5, 2010 at 3:04 pm

    MM .. this was such a superb piece that another reference to Paul Pena triggered my memory of it 3 years later ! Have no idea why I didn’t comment back then – one of my ‘silent running’ moods maybe.
    I understand burnout but you have a gift for doing this . . hope to see you putting it to use again someday.

  32. tishtx

    September 11, 2010 at 4:11 pm

    So I found this in a round-a-bout way. The Frontloader blog posted an article about Paul Pena’s first album this week, which led me to tweet the article. That led to toofarnorth tweeting the link to this post for me. But it was a link from The Frontloader that led to Judd6149’s blog and there in the comments was toofarnorth’s link to another blog, The Rare Stuff which contained a Megaupload link for the 1st album in MP3 format,

    Just thought I would leave it here for anyone that stops by looking for the out of print album.

    I’ve played it 4 times already. New Train will be my next purchase. This man’s voice and writing is amazing. Paul’s voice definitely reminds me of Bill Withers.

  33. Eugenie

    August 12, 2011 at 11:57 am

    I am not really great with English but I find this rattling leisurely to understand.

  34. A maven is a maven

    August 11, 2012 at 11:36 am

    I’m 50+ years old and keep finding good music I should of already known about. Thanks for your blog.

    • music maven

      August 11, 2012 at 3:40 pm

      Never too old to find good stuff. So glad that I came across Paul Pena. His music is truly a joy.

      • lois

        November 25, 2012 at 11:40 pm

        Thanks for a great article! I learned about Paul through Taylor Hicks show in Las Vegas. He encourages the audience to seek out New Train. So glad he did. I just got Genghis Blues from Netflix. I am also glad I came across Paul Pena. I’m also glad I came across your blog!


    February 3, 2013 at 6:20 am

    This specific blog, “Music + Passion = PAUL PENA Music Maven” was in fact fantastic.

    I’m impressing out a replica to present my personal good
    friends. Thanks for your effort-Bertie

  36. Karl Koch

    January 30, 2014 at 11:02 am

    Thank you for putting in the time and effort to share this with the rest of us. I first discovered Paul Pena because of “Genghis Blues”, THEN found out he had written “Jet Airliner”, and looked for more of his music. I never tire of playing and playing along with “Gonna Move”. He brought joy and smiles to my days and I only wish that I had found him sooner and heard him play live.

  37. John Chapman

    April 28, 2015 at 10:15 pm

    Very cool, thanks for your efforts!

  38. Gabriel Archangel

    February 3, 2016 at 2:25 pm

    Paul Pena was the Archangel Phanuel in the flesh singing about Gabriel the Archangel. Cosmic mirror talks about him ringing The Bell you can see hear and feel. That is the rapture. Gabriel is a dude walking around today just like Paul/Phanuel did! So if you want to know what God Almighty looks like in the face look at Paul!

  39. Tony Rosalen

    February 3, 2016 at 2:40 pm

    Paul Pena was Archangel Phanuel in the flesh. He is The Face of God! Cosmic Mirror is Paul/Phanuel telling you what Gabriel the Archangel is doing today, which is walking around on earth today in total awe at most everyone’s actions today. Same as the song Yellow by Coldplay or My type by Saints Motel. The Bell/Rapture is a wave of love that shakes the earth and stars and as in Saints Motels song when you feel the love don’t fight it!!!! Blinded by The Light a song about the brimstone baritone who is Gabriel the Archangel he threw brimstone down on two cities and he holds the trumpet. His son is the bloodshot forget me not who tripped the Marie go round which is Mother Marie’s lineage. Bride and Groom as in the Holy Bible kinda bloodlines. He is the song and foo fighters congregation to Billie Jean by Michael Jackson are about him but you can not see all that yet but you will!


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