Featured Charity: Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation (by Judy)

The Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation, founded in 1999, has its focus succinctly stated on its web page:

The IBC Research Foundation is dedicated to researching the cause of Inflammatory Breast Cancer, also known as IBC, an advanced and accelerated form of breast cancer usually not detected by mammograms or ultrasounds. Inflammatory breast cancer requires immediate aggressive treatment with chemotherapy prior to surgery and is treated differently than more common types of breast cancer.

The IBC Research Foundation has been integral in my not feeling so alone in my disease. It has a Facebook page and its website is full of great information about IBC and the research efforts of the Foundation. Sections on the website include: IBC 21st Century Research; Awareness; Photos of IBC; and, Donations and Fundraising. One of the impressive things about The IBC Research Foundation is that, like some other grassroots organizations, the bulk of its fundraising efforts go towards researching IBC.

The IBC Research Foundation conducts its business and pursues its mission and goals in the latest 21st Century cyber fashion with no real estate, no building space with high rents, and with volunteers all over the country working out of their home on their own computers. We use the Internet to increase the awareness of IBC and its symptoms through our website. We use e-mail lists to connect the geographically wide-spread group of volunteers pursuing the mission and goals of the Foundation. Those same volunteers distribute many thousands of brochures throughout North America each year. We provide a nationwide toll-free telephone number (1-877-stop-IBC or 1-877-786-7422) for those seeking a direct connection with a human being or who have no internet access. We also attend many cancer conferences, mini-conferences, and symposiums each year to remain current with research and researchers, introducing many of them to the most aggressive breast cancer, IBC, while encouraging these researchers to include IBC biospecimen samples and/or patients in their research.

The IBC Research Foundation has been an invaluable resource for me. Consider donating to them instead of purchasing another pink item. As before, any amount will help their efforts. I strongly support this organization.


Cross-posted to Just Enjoy Him.

2 Responses to Featured Charity: Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation (by Judy)

  1. Great information on IBC. Many people are not aware of this type of breast cancer. Thank you!

  2. Claudia Nixon Fauver says:

    Thank you for constantly drawing attention to IBC. Way too many doctors, as well as the general public, are not familiar with the signs and symptoms of IBC. Together we will all work on that.