Mt. Carmel Technology Planning 

Digital High School Grant Committee Meeting Minutes
Friday, April 24,1998

The meeting began at 6:15 in F4

Present:   Pat Walsh, Joyce Daubert, Nori Hepler, Steve Eisler, Pat Miller, Li Chen, Chris Morris,  John Earnest, Christine L. Boris, Bea Rodriguez, Jeff Wenger, Doug Nicoll, Mathias Cohen, Nancy Gray, Carey Meier, Dan Barnett, Kushal Dave

• Discussion on explicitly including technology in ESLR's better than current wording.
• Steve E. updated committee on the form his sub-committee developed to inform and involve department chairs on the grant writing.  Steve is currently approaching the department chairs individually and getting them started on the process of DHS participation.  His plan is to stagger the departments so that some will be starting as others are midway through the process, and others are finishing.  Steve requested the criterion used in the district's technology skills test to ensure that we cover those skills when we determine implementation of technology in curriculum.  Kushal said he remembered the test being primarily terminology.  Pat Walsh will acquire a copy of the criterion.
• Pat requested volunteers for a sub-committee to produce the grant.  Pat Walsh, Joyce Daubert, Jeff Wenger, Steve Eisler volunteered; Rae Adams and Dr. Elaine Cofrancesco will join them.  Next week the large committee will break into smaller groups to separately examine parts of the grant, including appendices, and write substantive information down to be given to the sub-committee to be used in their writing.  Pat will provide each committee member with a copy of the grant, and each member needs to review it, and choose a part to work on next week.
• Our timeline for grant submission is September 1998 rather than May 1999.
• May 19th - Pac Bell Video teleconferencing seminar:  Pat is arranging for all DHS committee members to have subs and attend.
• We will invite "lead teachers" (from the department chair process Steve reviewed for us) to join our morning meetings to help us with sample curriculum integration.
• Nancy G. requested training information she can give teachers when staff development surveys are given out in May (these are used to plan next year's Staff Development calendar/offerings). 
• Charlie Garten is arranging for low interest loans to purchase lap top computers (through MFCU).  Any computer purchased must come with a 3 year service warranty - a new district standard.
• NEXT MEETING 5/1/98           The committee will be breaking into small groups to work on rough draft writing of grant in parts.  The committee members need to prepare by reviewing the grant application provided by Pat W. and choosing parts each would be willing to work on.  The rough draft information will go to the sub-committee responsible for the grant writing (referred to in minutes above).