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Korean War Project Membership


Click Here To Print Membership And Donations By US Mail

$15 Annual Membership.

Mail Membership Dues To:

Korean War Project
Membership Drive
P.O. Box 180190
Dallas, TX 75218-0190

Payable To: Korean War Project

Members and Sponsors

First Contributors
Honoring Units
Honoring Individuals

About Members and Sponsors:

Prior to June 1999, we offered visitors the ability to donate to the Project. We called these donations Sponsorships. It was a bit confusing, so we started our Membership program in June 1999. Many donors have sent more than the basic $15 Membership and have asked to be considered Sponsors.

The Korean War Project is a Texas registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

The Korean War Project does not receive financial support from any agency of government. All costs are paid by Members and Sponsors.

The entire website is free of charge to the public. Membership is not required to visit or use the website. Membership and Sponsorship is voluntary but essential to the survival of the Korean War Project.

Privacy Statement

All information you leave on the Project is available for public access. However, this information is for public use by individuals and legitimate organizations, and not for use in compilations for business use or resale under any conditions.

The Korean War Project restricts use of information for resale or reuse for any purpose whatsoever without expressed and written permission.

The use of email harvesting or the use of other special harvesting software, including special application software, API's, command line controls used in attempts to obtain information by deceptive means, keystroke scanners, or inserted software is prohibited. Attempts to insert unauthorized software will be considered to be a violation of applicable state and federal law. Any attempts to take unauthorized control of assets held by the Korean War will be considered a violation of law.

If you do not desire to be contacted or your employer or agency restricts your ability to receive email, please do not leave your EMAIL address or other information on the Korean War Project

No information left on the Korean War Project is sold to anyone. We do not provide lists or compilations of your information to anyone.

If you believe information you have placed on the Korean War Project is being used for purposes other than intended, please notify the Korean War Project immediately.
Korean War Project Online!!

June 5, 2024

Membership Drive!!

The Korean War Project is Free To All but our Members and Sponsors keep us online.

The Korean War Project has been on the Internet since February 15, 1995. Twenty-nine years. Your help made that possible.

The Korean War Project is Free - But Our Members Keep Us Online. Your Support Determines If We Can Stay Online...

Please keep the Korean War Project in mind when you visit our pages..

Join or Re-Up Today!

We have no corporate or government support. Only you.

We need your help now! A few dollars make a big difference.

Why You Should Donate:

Our Finding The Families Project is the leading national volunteer program to seek DNA samples from families of Missing In Action servicemen. When a family member contacts us, we refer the contact to the appropriate Department of Defense unit to obtain a sample directly.

Our Remembrance section is a one-of-a-kind place to Remember the Lost from Korea.

Our Looking For section has over 110,000 names and entries of Korean War Veterans, Family Members, and Groups, with over 2200 individual unit pages.

Our Casualty Databases are the most comprehensive Korean War files anywhere.

Our DMZ War Veterans pages list hundreds of veterans from 1953 onward.

Your Voluntary $15 Membership or Donation is the only reason we are online today.

No other organization provides the support and community available to veterans and families touched by the Korean War.

Hal and Ted Barker
