Posted by: Health & Lifestyle Coach Julie | 13/06/2011

June 2011 Health Coaching Article for APAC (Asian Pacific Alliance of Coaches)

Health coaching for healthcare professionals (i.e. RNs, MDs, PAs, PTs, OTs, SPs, RTs, SWs, RDs, etc.) is a new industry in Asia. After presenting on the topic to APAC earlier this year President & Dr. Woraphat Arthayukti offered me the opportunity to write for the monthly newsletter.

So if you’re interested in learning more about health coaching and the differences between health coaching and traditional health teaching/education click on the link below. Enjoy and thank you for sharing the message!

Wouldn’t it be great the next time you went to the hospital/clinic/health office if someone was trained in health coaching and can assist you in reaching your health goals/long term healthy lifestyle? Asked you what was most important? Respected and honored what you wanted to work on vs. telling you what you needed to do?  🙂

June 2011 Asia Pacific Alliance of  Coaches Newsletter (after clicking scroll down to page 4-5 to view article)


Namaste (“I honor the Spirit in you which is also in me” -Deepak Chopra)


Julie Chiu, RN, MS(Hons), CHC, IC® is a certified health coach, seminar leader, trainer, nurse, and pioneer of mindfulness-based coaching in the Asia-Pacific region. She is Hong Kong’s only Certified Health Coach (National Society of Health Coaches), Intrinsic Coach®, Certified Intuitive Eating Pro® Counselor and Mindful Living Behavioral Specialist. She also serves on the professional advisory board of the National Society of Health Coaches and is a contributing author to “Evidence-based Health Coaching for Healthcare Providers: Program Manual”, 2nd Edition.

 Julie is known as the “How To” Lady and helps clients gain more clarity on their passions, overcome obstacles, break free from unhealthy lifestyle habits, and reach their goals through individual coaching, corporate seminars, and group workshops. In addition to coaching clients, she writes for online and print media and conducts lectures and workshops on mindful eating, weight management, stress reduction, effective communication, changing limiting thought patterns, law of attraction, and evidence-based health coaching.

Posted by: Health & Lifestyle Coach Julie | 06/06/2011

Mindfully Coping with Noise Pollution by Julie Chiu

Approximately two months ago, I was asked by a representative for a property management company to write an article for their monthly newsletter. I was honored and said, “Sure! Thank you!” I recently found out that because of certain reasons my article will not be published in their newsletter. Why let a good article go to waste, eh? So here it is. Enjoy! 🙂

It seems like there’s always some type of construction going on in Hong Kong. Normally, you don’t notice it and it doesn’t affect life until it is in your building or close to your building. How to deal with this situation?

Here is a story: A woman left her stressful corporate life and moved to Bali for one month to meditate, relax and perform yoga. She rented out a private bungalow in a remote area to have the peace, quite and seclusion she so desperately wanted. Everything that first day was amazing, peaceful and blissful. But that first night as she was getting ready for bed the stray dogs in the area kept barking and howling. She tossed and turned all night. First she was irritated, then annoyed, then yelled out in anger and frustration. The dogs kept barking and howling.

The next day she went to her meditation class exhausted and frazzled. She had a horrible time meditating and her teacher noticed this. The teacher asked her what the matter was and she told him about the horrible night she had listening to the dogs. She noticed how refreshed and well rested the teacher was and asked him if he lived in another town and if she there were any bungalows near him for rent.

The teacher told her he was staying in a place not too far from hers. “It is not the dogs that are the problem, it is your mind and how you perceive the situation.” He then described to her that it was her negative thoughts about the dogs (“Those crazy dogs need to stop howling all night!”) that created the negative feelings towards her situation (anger and frustration) which then created the negative behavior (insomnia) and the negative result (exhaustion). If she desired a more positive result (peace and bliss) she needed to start being more aware of her limiting thoughts and change them into more productive ones.

She thanked the teacher for his insight and that night when she heard the dogs again she became more mindful of the thoughts creeping back up, “Those crazy dogs!” However, this time after she was more mindful of these initial types of thoughts she was able to soon replace them with, “These dogs are communicating something to each other which must be beneficial for their survival. I can appreciate the need for this type of sound in this type of environment.” With acceptance she was able to embrace the situation for what it was (dogs barking and howling) without putting any type of negative or positive attachment towards it. She was able to then have a calmer feeling which helped her to sleep (behavior) and feel more relaxed (result) the following day.

Notice how some neighbors in your building really complain about the noise while others find a way to live with it? Why is that? How can some people experience the same thing differently? One neighbor can perceive noise pollution as something that is part of living in Hong Kong’s concrete jungle,  is not phased by it (“Another person renovating their flat, let’s see, where are my earplugs?”), and is able to move on with his/her day. Whereas, another neighbor might view noise pollution as something that is so intolerable they become so angered by it he/she calls the police, complains to family, friends, co-workers, neighbors about it, etc. If these negative thoughts towards noise pollution perpetuates, it will lead to an uncomfortable state of living.

The problem is not noise pollution. This cannot be controlled, just like you cannot control the weather or dogs barking. Fortunately, you can change how you perceive the noise. One of the things you are in charge of is your thoughts.  When your thoughts change your feelings change, then your behaviors change to the noise in your environment, which will lead to a better result.

With mindfulness, or awareness, you can become free from the negative attachment towards it. The great thing about awareness is that you can apply mindfulness to all aspects of your daily life and free yourself from self-inflicted suffering. Why perpetuate self-inflicted suffering when you can end it?

Julie Chiu, RN, MS(Hons), CHC, IC® is a certified health coach, seminar leader, trainer, nurse, and pioneer of mindfulness-based coaching in Asia-Pacific. She is Hong Kong’s only Certified Health Coach (National Society of Health Coaches), Intrinsic Coach®, Certified Intuitive Eating Pro® Counselor and Mindful Living Behavioral Specialist.

Julie is known as the “How To” Lady on breaking free from unhealthy lifestyle habits and helping clients achieve personal success and freedom through creating positive behavioral changes in their lives through individual coaching, corporate seminars, and group workshops. In addition to coaching clients, she writes for online and print media and conducts lectures and workshops on mindful living (weight management, stress reduction, effective communication, etc.), law of attraction, and evidence-based health coaching.

More information:

Mindful Eating:

Facebook Fan page:

Law Of Attraction:

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Meetup page:

So a fellow coach-colleague of mine, Jeremy Stunt of Limbic Capital (thanks so much for sharing, Jeremy!) emailed me an article from NeuroLeadership Journal on mindfulness in February 2011 and I finally got a chance to read it! It was patiently waiting on one of four large piles on my desk. After going through and decluttering three of the four piles this past weekend (to read about my opinions on the positive benefits of decluttering click here) I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and was pleasantly surprised on the great content of this particular article. So pleasantly surprised, I’ve decided to blog about and share it here…

This article basically describes how “mindfulness” has been increasingly used as a tool for maintaining health (i.e. stress & weight management), improving performance (i.e. improving communication), and treating illnesses (i.e. anxiety, depression, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, addictions, etc.).

Being a true believer, practitioner, and coach of mindfulness-based theory, principles and practice I was really happy to read this article (as you can imagine)! This article basically validated the work I do and helped me realize that other people believe in the benefits of mindfulness practice as well. Sometimes, it can be lonely on the soap box trying to share and educate others on the whole “mindfulness” approach, especially here in Hong Kong. It was comforting to me that other healthcare professionals value and experienced the benefits of mindfulness in their job as well.

These are the “take-aways” or “ahas” from the article: Read More…

Posted by: Health & Lifestyle Coach Julie | 22/05/2011

Mindfulness is “Hip” and Collaborating w/the Competition

So recently, I met up w/Sarah Armstrong, director of Cambridge Weight Plan Hong Kong (CWPHK). Talk about sleeping with your competition (just kidding)! For the past 2 years or so, I’ve heard about CWPHK and its services but have never met the director. Truthfully, when I first heard about CWPHK my first feeling was that of ‘competition’. Here is another Hong Kong company promoting weight loss and weight management. By nature, I tend to have a competitive personality so it wasn’t a surprise that I initially had the feelings of “me against you” and Darwin’s “survival of the fittest”! Thankfully, this all changed!

Upon closer inspection, the realization that we can peacefully coexist and actually collaborate with each other occurred. How great is that? We realized that even though we target the same audience the process by which we help and support our clients are different and unique. Sarah supports her clients by providing them a structured food plan which has been shown to be successful. It’s an “This is what you eat and you will lose weight” approach.

Mindful Eating Lifestyles Ltd. on the other hand, supports clients by helping them understand why they eat in the first place and how to use mindfulness eating strategies to understand when they are hungry and when to appropriately stop eating when satisfied.

It was also wonderful to find out that Sarah is an advocate of Read More…

I shared this post with a friend recently and thought it would be nice to share it again here on FB w/all my buddies.

There is a reason life is the way it is now. If it’s not the ideal situation you’re wanting, look for the gratitude and life lesson. We are all on this roller coaster journey together. Celebrate the highs and ride through the lows. It’ll help you appreciate life.


So as another update…I've been journaling on another website ( for the past 2-3 years and decided to post some related entries onto this health coaching blog. Here's an entry from Dec 08…right around the time we moved to Hong Kong: 31 Dec 2008 While getting hair done yesterday, was reading Anita Johnston's "Eating in the Light of the Moon". Cant stop praising this book! Love all the wisdom it has in it! Love it, love it, lov … Read More

via Evolution of Coach Julie Chiu, RN, MS, CHC, IC®

Posted by: Health & Lifestyle Coach Julie | 01/05/2011

Coping with Negativity by Sister Jayanti

Not too long ago, I had a Skype coaching session with a client entrenched in a negative feedback loop. Most of it dealing w/the negative thoughts he had towards his parents and towards himself. I used some cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), neuro-linguistic programing (NLP), and mindfulness techniques to help him become aware/conscious of some of those thoughts and to change them around.

This reminded me of my own history of negative feedback cycles. Some negative feedback loops I was able to handle quite efficiently, be mindful of, and get out of quickly; however, I am fallible too sometimes and remember being stuck in negative feedback cycles longer than desired. But that is okay as well (self-compassion is key) because there was a lot of learning that occurred, and I am a better person for it. Looking back at them helps me appreciate life on a daily basis because of the awareness that I’m not in that negative cycle today, and that I choose most days to change limiting thoughts into more compassionate and productive ones.

Interestingly enough I found the following article at this website: There are several 1 min guided meditations and other articles listed. The one below really resonated w/me…that is why it is being posted and now being shared with you. Namaste.

Coping with Negativity

By Sister Jayanti

Sister Jayanti is the Director of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University in the United Kingdom.

Sister Jayanti explains how to handle negativity within ourselves and when it comes from others.

In this world there are so many questions about our future, the environment and population, the financial and political situation, distribution of resources. You only have to pick up a newspaper to realise the world is in a horrendous state. It is easy to become negative. If I want to become negative I can find 1001 reasons to be so. If I allow all these factors to influence me then yes, it is as if 1000 guns were pointed at my head, so I feel extremely negative. Another factor is the people I am surrounded by; it is very easy to become influenced by their negativity. I may be influenced by people that I work with and sometimes it is their negativity attacking me, then it becomes difficult to maintain my balance, lightness and happiness because of their negative reactions and responses to everything, or it could be my negative response towards them. I might not like the way they talk to me or look at me, so there is a gradual build-up of feelings of being pressured from all directions. So how do I escape? Read More…

Posted by: Health & Lifestyle Coach Julie | 29/03/2011

Adding Social Media Buttons to WordPress blog posts/website pages

Wow! I was looking for an updated way to feed WordPress posts automatically into FB Law of Attraction Fan Page ( but because FB has been updated so many times I can’t seem to find the best and most current way to do this. I thought the NetBlog feature was the answer but it’s still a work in progress.

On my sidetracked path, I stumbled upon a site that gives you a code to insert into WordPress blogs/websites for Social Media Marketing links! How cool is that? The site is:

And the bookmarks look like this:

Add to FacebookAdd to DiggAdd to Del.icio.usAdd to StumbleuponAdd to RedditAdd to BlinklistAdd to TwitterAdd to TechnoratiAdd to Yahoo BuzzAdd to Newsvine

Now go ahead and click on one of those buttons and share with your friends to help them out as well. Doesn’t it feel good to help others? It does for me. Keep paying it forward, my friend. It does a soul good.

Thanks to for the original post. 🙂

Dear Colleagues,

You are receiving this article because you have shown an interest in the field of health coaching through contact with the National Society of Health Coaches. Please feel free to share this article in total, including its copyright designation at the end. Thank you!

The National Society of Health Coaches welcomes our first 2011 guest editorial from Julie Chiu, RN and Certified Health Coach, Intuitive Eating Professional and Weight Management Counselor.

Use Health Coaching and Mindful Eating for Weight Management…. Including Your Own!!

By: Julie Chiu, RN,MS, CHC, IC®

With the New Year having just arrived and resolutions in abundance, why not consider the concepts of health coaching and mindful eating to help others and ourselves move through ambivalence and stay on track with weight management? Here’s some ideas to use the principles of health coaching, motivational interviewing and mindful eating to shed those excess pounds!

Understand Your Motivation for Weight Loss and Set SMART Goals

What are the reasons that foster a desire to lose weight? Is it a health issue? Is it an emotional one? What are some realistic steps you can take to work towards your goals?

Identify Your Beliefs and Values around Food, Weight, Body Image, and Self-Worth

If you don’t like fitness, what are the reasons? Try to peel away the onion to see what the core values and beliefs you have about weight, eating, fitness, body image, and self worth. Long term changes may not last if you’re not keenly aware of the drivers of your inner motivation.

Mindful Eating Approach to Weight Management

Whether it is a bushel of broccoli or a bag of cookies, anytime you eat in excess to what your body needs for fuel the excess is stored as fat. One way of preventing excess fat is eating just enough fuel that your body requires for its needs. Not too much (will cause weight gain) or too little (will decrease metabolism). One way of providing your body with the right amount of fuel is through mindful eating.

Mindful Eating is eating with the awareness of your hunger and satiety cues. Basically, you eat when you feel physical symptoms of hunger and stop when satisfied. There is a difference between true and false hunger. With several other mindful eating strategies and bringing attention and intention to how you eat, the excess holiday weight will come off naturally.

Those with a strong emotional connection to overeating have found journaling to be particularly helpful. An Awareness Journal is different from a Food Diary. The food diary allows you to record the quantity, type of food and the time it is eaten. Conversely, thoughts, feelings, and physical signs of hunger and fullness are recorded in an Awareness Journal. What thoughts and feelings do you say to yourself when have an overeating episode or when you have a “good day” of restrictive eating? What, if any, associations are there? Carefully reflect on these and enter them in the Journal.

Additionally, make SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Realistic, and Timed)! For example when it comes to fitness, instead of having a general goal of working out 4 times a week; instead, a SMART goal would be “I will do cardio once a week for at least 30 min, yoga once a week for at least 20 min and weight training twice a week for at least 20 min”.

Engage in “Change Talk”

The research of Drs. Miller and Rollnick have discovered that the more one talks about change, the more likely one is to change. Keep talking about change and surround yourself in the environment, or mood of change, because the more you think, talk, behave positively towards change, the more likely change will happen. When you take a step towards your goal, congratulate yourself and use those positive feelings to move another step closer.

Are you ambivalent towards change? Do you have the desire, but find yourself in negative or limiting thought patterns? Ask yourself how you can change them into more positive thoughts. For example, when you find yourself in February or March exercising less than four times a week and thoughts of “I enjoy yoga, but I’m too busy”…”,but I’m too tired” creeping in, carefully consider what you can effectively do about the factors preventing you from moving forward to your goal. What are the options?

Perhaps changing those negative thoughts into statements like: “My health is important to me”, “I will make time for fitness”, “I feel great when I exercise”…and”I want more of that” will be more productive alternatives!

Recognize Your Readiness for Change

Of the six stages of change (pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation/determination, action, maintenance, relapse) what stage are you currently in? If you’re in the contemplation stage (recognize there’s a problem, but not ready to change) what are some small steps to get you closer to the determination stage then action stage?

Ask yourself on a scale from 1-10 how important it is for you to create the change you want to get to achieve your SMART goal. Also, on a scale from 1-10 how confident are you that you can make the change? Once you are actively pursuing your goal(s), continually assess your score and bring in the support you need to keep the score high!

Health Coaches are people too!


Julie Chiu, RN, MS, CHC, IC® is Hong Kong’s first and currently only medically educated and trained Certified Health Coach, Intrinsic Coach®, and Intuitive Eating Pro® and weight management counselor. She is also a speaker, blogger, registered nurse (US 12+ yrs), and managing director of Mindful Eating Lifestyles Limited (MEL Ltd.).

She coaches people in achieving positive behavioral changes to improve their health and well being and frees her clients from whatever unhealthy habits currently entrenched in. For a free 30 min introductory phone/Skype health consultation, email her:

©2010 NSHC All rights reserved.


To view content of NSHC’s health coach certification, education and training program, Health Coaching Made Easy for Healthcare Providers, click the following link: Also, please remember to put in Group ID# 369643 (write number down before clicking on link) in shopping cart. Thank you!

Posted by: Health & Lifestyle Coach Julie | 07/12/2010

Learn the 3 Steps on How to Deliberately Attract what You Want

How to Apply Law of Attraction to Your Life:
3 Step Formula for Deliberate Attraction

We’re coming to the end of 2010, for many of us, it’s been a year of full of challenges and opportunities for growth.

No matter how you like your 2010, we’re sure you will want 2011 to be a year with more abundance: better relationships. career, finances, health, and more love & joy!

In this holiday season, we’re giving you the great gift of attracting more of what you want in your life through mastering Law of Attraction. Say “YES” if you love that!

Please join us on 12-Dec-2010 (Sunday) for a Fun 3-hour highly content-rich, high participation training workshop!

In this group workshop work with partners and learn the How to Attract the Life You Want by learning the Secret for Deliberate Attraction:

* Why you are not attracting what you desire
* Why affirmations don’t work for most people and how they can
* Tools and strategies to help YOU receive what you want
* The secret to becoming more abundant

There are 2 sessions available:
10:00am-1:00pm (Julie)
2:30pm –5:30pm (Sylvia)

Date: Sunday 12 December
Venue: Bamboo Grove Club House, C6/F, Facility Room, 74-86 Kennedy Road, Wanchai (Mid-Levels, behind Hopewell Center)
Directions:28 Green Minibus, Wanchai MTR, or Taxi. Make sure behind Hopewell Center on Kennedy Rd. Entrance to building complex is on the same side as Hopewell Center (Kennedy Rd). Cross overpass and Club House is near Block 82. Take Club House elevator to Facility Room on C6/F.

Registration:, please indicate which session you will be attending (10A or 230P).

Cost: $600 per person [Participants of our LOA Introductory Seminar are eligible for a special price of $500 (saving $100!)]

Register today to RSVP for this wonderful seminar (Please indicate which session you would like to join). Feel free to pass this email to your friends and family, we would love to share the Secret of Deliberate Attraction with more people!

Looking forward to see you on Sunday 12-December!

Sylvia & Julie

About the Seminar Leaders:
Sylvia Chan is the organizer of the Law of Attraction Meetup Group and the first Chinese-speaking Certified Law of Attraction Facilitator in Hong Kong. She came from a business background with years of experience in sales, marketing, management and finance. She has been studying and practicing Law of Attraction for quite a few years and is very passionate about the subject. Through seminars, workshops and 1-on-1 coaching, she has been helping people to get clear on their goals and desires, and to derive steps that can help them achieve their dreams.

Julie Chiu, RN, CHC, IC® is a certified Law of Attraction (LOA) Facilitator, Hong Kong’s first medically trained certified health coach, and an Intuitive Eating Pro® Counselor. She coaches “awareness” and “mindfulness” strategies to clients who want to break free from unhealthy patterns. She is known as the “How To” Lady – helping clients achieve personal success and freedom by creating positive change in their lives through individual coaching, corporate seminars and group workshops. In addition to coaching clients, she writes for online and print media and conducts lectures and workshops on LOA, mindful eating, and health coaching.

Contact us NOW to schedule a COMPLIMENTARY session at your workplace/organization.

Posted by: Health & Lifestyle Coach Julie | 02/12/2010

Boost Productivity While Networking Video & Sessions up to #44

Who here likes some tips on boosting your productivity while networking? I certainly do! Say “Yes” if you like great tips! This great link offers some great tips/questions to ask others. Got this from a BNI (Business Networking International) email. Thank you, BNI! It’s about 7 min long.

Free coaching sessions update: now up to #44. I have a goal of offering 100 free empowerment coaching sessions. For privacy reasons, I have decided to just list the number rather getting into the specifics of each telephone coaching session. The general subjects/themes in the past few weeks have been: goal setting, fitness goals, mindful eating, and analyzing stumbling blocks and removing them in order to deliberately attract true desires.

Who would like another tip!? This one is a Law of Attraction tip: now that I’m also incorporating more energy and focus on Law of Attraction coaching and training seminars, one thing I’ve learned how to deliberately attract more of what I’m wanting is to record, share and/or say out loud the wonderful things/events that happen. Imagine yourself as a magnet. Being more aware of these wonderful events will bring more wonderful events. Think about it, ever had a wonderful day and it just got better and better? Ever say to yourself, “Wow, this is such a coincidence! This is serendipitous! This is so freakishly great!” Well that is positive law of attraction.

So for example, I recently came back from a trip to Ho Chi Mihn and my husband and I were upgraded to business class. How great is that? I shared this w/a friend and guess what? We were upgraded again on the flight back to HK! Another example, this week I have a bit more time than in the past few weeks and mentioned to myself, “Oh, wouldn’t it be great to take advantage of this free time and network and also to see and reconnect with g/fs? Well, presto chango. I was asked to be a substitute at a BNI function, received three invitations from girlfriends to meet up, etc, etc. 🙂 You get what you vibrate.

If you would like a place to post and share all the abundant things you’re attracting into your life so you can attract more of whatever it is your wanting (e.g. fulfilling relationship, career, health, finances) go to and share it there with all the others. Oh! And remember to “like” this LOA fanpage as well. Thanks I appreciate it!

Plug: next two workshops-

1) Introductory Mindful Eating workshop next Thurs at Bamboo Grove: 9 Dec 1230P-230P.!/mindfuleating?v=app_2344061033

2) 3 hr Deliberate Attraction workshop 12 December 10a-1p or 230p-530p at Bamboo Grove. $600HKD.!/LOA.HK?v=app_2344061033

Julie Chiu, RN,MS,CHC,IC® is a Certified Law of Attraction Facilitator, trainer, seminar leader, empowerment coach and registered nurse. She is also Hong Kong’s first and currently only medically trained certified health coach, Intrinsic Coach®, and Intuitive Eating Pro® Counselor.

Through private coaching, corporate seminars and group workshops Julie trains and guides clients on how to achieve personal success and excellence in their health, relationships, finances, and career. Julie is known as the “How To” Lady on breaking free from unhealthy lifestyle patterns and helping clients achieve personal success and freedom through creating positive change in their lives.

For a free one-on-one introductory phone/Skype consultation email her for an appointment today(limited time only)! She also hosts Law of Attraction and Weight Management workshops in Hong Kong and teleseminars internationally. Contact her today for a COMPLIMENTARY at workplace/organization today!

For more information go to:,, (become a fan of mindful eating and Law of Attraction and select “Like” today), or email:

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