Jennie's Pride and Prejudice Fan Site

(Please Note: This site contains material that is, in effect, a spoiler for the original work. If you'd like to read the original or watch a film adaptation without being spoiled, read cautiously.)

The content of this mini-site is part and parcel taken from an overview of the Pride and Prejudice fandom that I put together for a multi-fandom recomendation LiveJournal community called crack_van.

darcy and lizzy
Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy & Miss Elizabeth Bennet
(Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle from the BBC's 1995
production of Pride and Prejudice.)


So, why is there such a collection of fan fiction on the internet today that is based on a book by Jane Austen? The answer is simple. In 1995, the BBC aired its famous production of Pride and Prejudice.

The Darcy "Look"

They cast Colin Firth as the brooding, smoldering, and sexy Mr. Darcy. They took a little poetic license and added a scene where he dives into a pond. Immediately after, he happens upon Elizabeth Bennet again for the first time in months and his shirt is wet. She gets flustered at the sight of him (I would say she got wet at the sight of him, but that's just crass! ;) ), as did fangirls around the world, and the rest, as they say is history.

The Wet!Shirt!

Poor Colin Firth has since been elevated to pop icon status. He can't seem to escape Mr. Darcy and, according to recent interviews (as well as his willingness to play Mark Darcy, an homage to the original Mr. Darcy, in not one, but two Bridget Jones' Diary movies), it looks like he's actually stopped trying.

I'd say that it is reasonable to assume that most of the P&P fic out there was largely inspired by this BBC production, commonly referred to as P&P2.

For more information on all things Pride and Prejudice, check out the Pride & Prejudice FAQ at The Republic of Pemberley.

Our Friend Jane

Pride and Prejudice Plot Overview (Note: SPOILER WARNING!!!!!)

Character Photos & Descriptions (Note: SPOILER WARNING!!!!!)

It should be noted that there are two major types of Pride and Prejudice fan fiction. The first type are stories that are set in regency-era England, like the novel. They are generally either meant as epilogues or retellings of the original. The second type are stories set in modern times. While they generally contain the same themes and resemble the plot of the original story, they can greatly differ in style and tone, etc. All of the other general things we know and love about fan fiction apply for both types. While most stories center on the relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth, some are about other couples. There are het and slash pairings and ratings vary from "All Audiences" though "Adult." There are some genuinely wonderful original characters, as well as plenty of "Mary Sues."

Fan Fic Links

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Last updated: August 21, 2007.