In­ter­net Mar­ket­ing Strat­egy, Part 2 of 7

Does in­ter­net mar­ket­ing work? The short an­swer to this ques­tion is yes, but there are plenty of fan­tas­tic ex­am­ples of how it works.

A good one is to con­sider the elec­tion of Mr. Obama.

Re­gard­less of whether you are from the U.S. or not, and no mat­ter what side of the ticket you were root­ing for, one thing has to be said. Mr. Oba­ma’s abil­ity to use In­ter­net mar­ket­ing, in­clud­ing in­ter­net mar­ket­ing meth­ods, helped him win this elec­tion, ac­cord­ing to many professionals.

Mr. Oba­ma’s cam­paign is the most suc­cess­ful in­ter­net mar­ket­ing cam­paign ever conducted.

The e-strat­egy blog called his cam­paign „The Per­fect Po­lit­i­cal Storm”.

They wrote:

His bril­liant use of the In­ter­net and his get-out-the-vote ef­forts will be stud­ied as a text­book ex­am­ple not so much of a mul­ti­chan­nel mar­ket­ing cam­paign as an every chan­nel cam­paign. The cam­paign will be stud­ied within the po­lit­i­cal world for buck­ing his­tory and ac­tu­ally get­ting young vot­ers to cast their vote.

Obama used the many, many tools in In­ter­net mar­ket­ing to help him to win his elec­tion be­cause he and his cam­paign more­over knew the im­por­tance and suc­cess it could bring.

The world goes to the web to learn what it needs to, in to­day’s cul­ture. More so, the In­ter­net pro­vides an easy, af­ford­able way to reach mil­lions of peo­ple every sin­gle day. No other medium of­fers this.

How did Obama use in­ter­net mar­ket­ing to win the Pres­i­den­tial Elec­tion of the United States?

Us­ing in­ter­net mar­ket­ing tools, web­sites, and even things like Goog­leAds helped him to make it happen.

First of all he had his own website.

Be­sides giv­ing in­for­ma­tion about his cam­paign the very pur­pose of this site was (and still is) to get peo­ple to sub­scribe to his email newslet­ter.

Once you do this you’ll get reg­u­lar pro­mo­tional emails. And most of­ten you will be asked to sup­port him with donations.

Be­fore you en­ter his web site you are forced to see the name squeeze page. (If the pres­i­dent elect can do it, then you can do it too to build a list of prospects.) The de­sign and con­tent of the squeeze page changes of­ten, but the pur­pose is to get vis­i­tors to part with their email address.
Name squeeze page from

So­cial Net­work­ing For The Campaing

Next he (or rather his cam­paign) cre­ated a Barack Obama pro­file on ALL ma­jor net­work­ing web sites. That in­cludes the 2 most used web 2.0 sites that we peo­ple from the so called ‘In­ter­net Mar­ket­ing Niche’ are us­ing and pro­mot­ing: Twit­ter and Facebook.

Barack Obama on Twitter

In fact,, a use­ful tool that al­lows in­di­vid­u­als to put out a 140 char­ac­ter mes­sage about what they are do­ing right now was used by Mr. Obama as one of the many meth­ods of in­ter­net marketing.

By gain­ing a huge fol­low­ing and com­mu­ni­cat­ing through them in short clips, he could con­verse with every­day peo­ple, put his mes­sage out and do it all with­out spend­ing a penny for it.

At the time of writ­ing this, Jan­u­ary 5 2009, Barack Obama has a fol­low­ing of 154,537 peo­ple on Twitter.

I’m work­ing on it too, hehe. I ‘col­lected’ my first fol­lower on Dec 27 2008 and to­day, 9 days later, I’m at 946 followers.

Barack Obama on Facebook

An­other ex­am­ple of this is Face­book. Every­one on the web knows that is a haven for younger gen­er­a­tion in­di­vid­u­als who like to find each other and chat. The trend has grown. In fact, busi­nesses, politi­cians, and even em­ploy­ers are us­ing it as a tool to con­nect with oth­ers. Mr. Oba­ma’s Face­book page was yet an­other form of in­ter­net mar­ket­ing that helped him to get his mes­sage out.

You would­n’t be­lieve it, he’s al­ready set his eye on the sig­nif­i­cant year 2012.

And here’s me again.

There’s A Mar­ket­ing Les­son To Be Learned…

I’m not throw­ing my own ac­counts in for pro­mo­tional pur­pose only. I’m throw­ing it in to bring your at­ten­tion to a very im­por­tant fact:

You and I are nowhere near the multi mil­lion dol­lar bud­gets Barack Oba­ma’s cam­paign had, right? 

Yet the very cool thing is – we can use the very same web sites that pow­ered his cam­paign and it does­n’t cost a dime.

I have my own Twit­ter and Face­book ac­count just like the Pres­i­dent elect has, and you can do it too. It’s on a smaller scale, but that’s a good thing be­cause your per­sonal or busi­ness goals are on a smaller scale too.

We’ll come back to that in the next part of the IM Strat­egy series.

Barack Oba­ma’s Per­sonal Blog

Just like many small busi­ness in­ter­net mar­keters he’s keep­ing a blog too:

As you can see, there are ex­cel­lent ways that in­ter­net mar­ket­ing works. For most of the gen­eral pub­lic, you aren’t try­ing to win the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. Nev­er­the­less, these tools can still be used to help vir­tu­ally any­one to gain suc­cess in get­ting traf­fic to their website.

Here’s just a few of the pro­files Oba­mas in­ter­net cam­paign has cre­ated. You could - as part of your own in­ter­net mar­ket­ing strat­egy - make use of the same networks.

Barack Obama on Facebook

Barack Obama on MySpace

Barack Obama on YouTube

Barack Obama on Flickr

Barack Obama on Digg

Barack Obama on Twitter

Barack Obama on Eventful

Barack Obama on Linkedin

Barack Obama on Eons

Here’s an ex­cel­lent vi­sual rep­re­sen­ta­tion that il­lus­trates Oba­ma’s campaign.

It’s worth check­ing out, you could eas­ily cre­ate a sim­i­lar map for your own cam­paigns. Pay spe­cial at­ten­tion to the so­cial net­work­ing il­lus­tra­tion on the right.

See it in full size as PDF.

That’s it for to­day, to­mor­row we’ll fi­nally re­veal the 3-step-in­ter­net-mar­ket­ing-strat­egy. We’ll ex­plore these three parts and find out how you can put them to use no mat­ter what type of In­ter­net mar­ket­ing busi­ness you have.

As usual: Your Com­ments Are Welcome…