Results Driven Internet Marketing For Industrial and B2B Firms

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    Industrial AdvertisingEveryone knows that the internet is a revolution in the way people get information and communicate. Yet most industrial and manufacturing firms have done little to nothing to take advantage of it. And so they continue advertising in every-dwindling mediums, while ignoring the largest and most lucrative advertising medium ever invented: the internet. The future of industrial advertising is online. Those who take advantage of it will prosper while those who ignore it will be left behind.

    Industrial Advertising: Your Best Return On Investment

    Consider what it costs to advertise at one trade show. With travel, shipping, materials, and setup, the cost can easily be over $20,000. For that same price, you can optimize a web site to attract organic visitors, as well as implement an aggressive pay per click campaign for an entire year. And how many potential clients were you hoping to get at that trade show: a dozen, maybe two. With the internet, an optimized site can gain thousands of leads and hundreds of clients over a year.

    That’s one of the great advantages of internet marketing for industrial firms: the competition isn’t nearly as fierce as B2C markets. So the effort to rank organically, as well as the cost of paying for clicks is far lower. And yet the average B2B product costs many times the average consumer good. We advertise products on pay per click that cost tens of thousands of dollars, and yet pay only pennies to attract quality leads. That kind of ratio exists nowhere else as far as I know.

    The advantage of internet advertising over traditional mediums holds equally true for ads in trade publications and industrial directories. Sure, they are well-targeted mediums, but so is internet advertising. And what is the total audience of any industry magazine or directory when compared to the entire internet? Just a tiny fraction. And while the older ad mediums continue to decline, each year the number of searches performed on Google, Yahoo, Bing, and others continues to increase.

    Advertising On The Internet: Leveling the Playing Field

    The other great advantage of the internet is that the size of your company or advertising budget means very little. Even the smallest budgets can achieve great results for promoting their firm. And there is no method of advertising that achieves such a quick return on investment as online. So, if you’re a large firm, you can make a big impact quick online. But if you’re a small firm, you can begin advertising on the less competitive terms and markets, and elevate your budget as your revenue increases.

    Some of the older advertising mediums include:

    • Industry Magazines Ads
    • Trade Shows
    • Industrial Print Directories
    • Newspaper
    • Yellow Pages

    Examples of internet advertising options:

    • Organic Search Engine Rankings
    • Pay Per Click: Google, Yahoo, Bing, Facebook, etc..
    • Online Industrial Directories
    • Local Business Listings
    • Online Yellow Pages and Pay Per Call
    • Linked In
    • YouTube
    • Online Media Purchases for online newspapers and magazines
    • Industry forums and blogs.

    The future of advertising is on the internet. And all industrial firms—or any business for that matter—will continue to rely more on online traffic for continued business growth. The earlier you start the transition the better, as the competition online will only get tougher. There is a battle going on for the top spots in the search engines for all market niches, including manufacturing industries. The quicker you get in the fight, the better your chances of emerging as one of the winners in the future of advertising.

    A True No-Obligation Consultation

    Fill out the form at the top of this page to receive a Free Consultation on how we can help your manufacturing firm grow its business through advertising on online. You will be contacted not be a salesman but the internet consultant who would be in charge of all aspects of your industrial advertising campaign. It’s about as low pressure as it gets. So contact us today and see how we can help your manufacturing firm thrive in the internet age.

    » Learn more about our Industrial Marketing services

    About Us

    Net Marketing Advisers: A Full Service Marketing Firm

    Industrial AdvertisingNet Marketing Advisersoffers low cost, high impact Industrial Advertising for industrial or manufacturing firms. Our SEO consulting services will increase sales at your firm, regardless of your company size or marketing budget. We’ve helped even the smallest firms rapidly expand through strategic search engine optimization plans.

    National Reach

    Providing Industrial Advertising To Clients Nationwide

    From our office in Southern California, Net Marketing Advisers LLC provides Industrial Advertising services to clients throughout California including San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego as well as nationwide. We have clients in Texas, Florida, New York, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia. We serve industrial, manufacturing and B2B firms in various industries and company size. Check out our client portfolio page to see examples of the Industrial Advertising web sites we create for clients that perform as well as they look.


    Industrial Advertising for a variety of Manufacturing Industries

    Net Marketing Advisersoffers Industrial Advertising and professional and affordable web site designs for businesses of all sizes and industries, including electronics firms, metal fabrication , investment casting, construction equipment, machinery suppliers, metal stamping, plastics manufacturers, steel suppliers, chemical producers, industrial services, maintenance and testing firms, building materials, beverage, automotive, metal cutting, rolling , stamping, laser cutting, business services, computer components, textile, packaging, printing equipment, engineering, excavating, farm machinery, food services, freight, gas and oil, mining, hospitality, horticulture, hydro plants, building supplies and materials, fasteners, industrial chemicals, machine shops, machinery rental, generators, paint supplies, paper products and mills, piping and pipe fitting, plumbing supplies, transportation, sheet metal, site work, communications, trucking, welding and more. Contact us to see how affordable Industrial Advertising can be and how an optimized web site for your company can help you take advantage of the online demand in your market.