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Polished diamond price
Polished diamond price
Diamond price, diamond value, diamond price estimate
What is the value of a polished diamond? How much does a polished diamond cost? Use our polished diamond price calculator to find out. Easy to use, you only need to enter its shape, its carat weight, its color, and its clarity.
Polished diamond value
Rough diamond price
Rough diamond price
rough diamond price, rough diamond value
How to calculate the purchase price of a rough diamond? Use our calculator to find out the price of rough diamond. Easy to use, you only need to enter the diamond’s crystal structure, its carat weight, its color, and its clarity.
Rough diamond purchase price
Fancy color diamond price
Fancy color diamond price
fancy color diamond price, fancy color diamond value
How much do fancy color diamonds cost? Use our calculator to find out their value. Easy to use, you only need to enter the diamond’s shape, its cara weight, its color, and its clarity.
Fancy color diamond value
Diamond pricing
Diamond pricing
diamond pricing
What are the current prices for polished diamonds? Use our polished diamond prices calculator to find this out (for diamonds whose carat weight is between 0.01 and 5.99.)
Diamond pricing
Auction house results
Résultats ventes aux enchères
auction house results, auction results
Use our search engine to find out about gemstones auctioned by Christie’s, Sotheby’s and the top ten auction houses for gemstones.
Auction results