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The best film I’ve seen about elections in a very long time.

         -Norman J. Ornstein, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute

This insightful movie shows how the business of electioneering seeps from Washington into every competitive local congressional race in America.

           -Scott MacKay, political analyst, WRNI/Rhode Island Public Radio


Timely and important . . . In the tradition of classic political documentaries like Primary and The War Room, the film does what the mainstream media doesn’t – it gets behind the headlines and  helps us understand the dramatic political changes that are occurring in this country.

-Mark Jonathan Harris, Director, Into the Arms of Strangers:

Stories of the Kindertransport

Captures the energy and tactics behind the Democrats’ reversal of fortune . . . Especially interesting to see Rahm Emanuel in action.

-Philip J. Cook, Co-author, The Winner-Take-All Society

Awesome . . . moves adroitly from the grassroots to the Congress and other “halls of power.”

        -Rye Barcott, Fellow in Social Entrepreneurship, Harvard University

More on HouseQuake from Scott MacKayhttp://www.wrni.org/blog/scott-mackay/movie-democratic-2006-us-house-takeover-feature-ri-international-film-festival
read the articlehttp://voices.washingtonpost.com/reliable-source/2009/10/rs-docfilm20.html
read the articlehttp://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/22/us/politics/22baker.html?_r=1
read the whole reviewhttp://www.projo.com/news/efitzpatrick/edward_fitzpatrick_0806_08-06-09_T1F999H_v22.361701d.html#slcgm_comments_anchor
read the articlehttp://www.newsobserver.com/entertainment/story/166498.html

Captured the drama, the intensity, the excitement of the campaign in a way that I’ve rarely seen done . . . marvelous and dramatic . . . A really human documentary.


read the articlehttp://www.nationaljournal.com/njmagazine/pl_20091031_7871.php
read the articlehttp://www.washingtonian.com/blogarticles/artsfun/afterhours/13914.html
read the articlehttps://secure.rollcall.com/news/39801-1.html?type=printer_friendly
read the articlehttp://www.politico.com/click/stories/0910/film_looks_at_dems_win_in_06.html
read the articlehttp://thehill.com/capital-living/65043-political-tremors

   -CNN Senior Political Analyst Bill Schneider

read the articlehttp://www.rollcall.com/issues/55_39/politicspoker/39408-1.html

Smart and perceptive and poignant and entertaining.

         -Josh Kurtz, Senior Editor, Roll Call