Ghost Photographs

Ghost Photographs from the GRS Collection

  1. Faces in the window
  2. Figure in the background
  3. Girl on the gravestone
  4. Shade in the grass
  5. Red Spectre in the forest
  6. Swirling forms in the graveyard
  7. Monks in Hull House
  8. Ectoplasm
  9. Fire in the Sky
  10. Confederate Ghost
  11. Ghost at Gettysburg
  12. Skeletal Image
  13. Graveyard Globe
  14. Shining Strand
  15. Face in the Graveyard
  16. Blackpool Waxwork Face
  17. Brown Palace Ghost
  18. Floating Head?
  19. Man With a Derby
  20. Myrtle's Planataion Ghost
  21. Shadowy Figure
  22. Toys 'R Us Ghost
  23. SS Watertown Ghost
  24. St. David's Ghost?
  25. Old Lady In the Window

Fake or Explainable "Ghost Photos"

Photographs in this section either have a natural explanation or are deliberate forgeries.

  1. Long Exposure
  2. Reflection in the Distance
  3. Dust on the Negative
  4. Flash Reflections
  5. Object Obstructing the Lens
  6. Overlapped Pictures
  7. Bad Film
  8. Last picture in roll
  9. Lens Flare
  10. Bright Spiral
  11. Mistaken Identity
  12. Camera Strap
  13. Orbs
  14. Bugs
  15. Typical Website Frauds!
  16. Iphone Apps
  17. Cigarette Smoke
  18. Light Lag
  19. Long Exposures
  20. Iphone Application
  21. Hampton Court Ghost

For Those Submitting Ghost Photographs, Please Read!

1. We are not currently interested in looking at or analyzing orb photographs taken with digital cameras as there are just too many natural explanations for them.

2. All photographs submitted for analysis must be in either .jpg, or .gif but not zipped files or other extensions! I will not open or unzip zipped files as there are just too many viruses on the internet today. Submissions with zipped files will simply be deleted. They should also be sent as an email attachment to your email and not embedded within.

3. Photographs should be accompanied by text indicating, type of camera and film used, weather conditions, why the photograph was taken in the first place and any other relevant information. Without this an accurate analysis cannot be conducted.

4. If you are sending your pictures for analysis via snail mail using the United States Postal Service and you wish to have your photographs returned, you must include a large self-addressed stamped envelope with sufficient postage and your request to have it returned. If you have an email address, include that.

5. Analysis will be conducted as quickly as possible as there may be many other photographs that I'm currently analyzing at the time of receiving yours, so please be patient!

6. I am a believer that spirits can indeed be photographed but I've actually seen very few pictures that are "paranormal". If I, in MY opinion, regard the image(s) you submit to be not paranormal but an alternative natural explanation, please remember that you did ask for MY opinion and while it may not always be correct or what you want to hear, remember you did ask for MY opinion. I don't believe that anyone is truly an expert in deciphering the difference between ghost and non-ghost photographs but since I've been looking at such photographs for over 25 years and have written a book on spirit photography, I feel I am somewhat qualified to make a judgment on most photographs sent to me.

7. If you would like to have your picture posted to my website, please indicate in your email or letter. Also include whether or not you wish your real name and/or email used so that others might email you with their comments. Without your permission, I cannot legally post pictures to my site.

8. I can also give you my opinion on audio and video clips provided they are sent in either .wav, .mp3, .mpg, .mp4, or avi formats.

9. Please read the article below before you submit your photographs as they might explain what you have. Thank you!

10. Please send the original un-retouched image before any alterations, enhancements, enlargements or corrections. It is very important for me to see the original picture just as it was taken. If you wish to send additional pictures along with the original that have been enlarged, enhanced or circled for clarity purposes, that is fine.

11. You may wish to first look through the Fake or Explainable Section of my website before submitting your photograph. You might find that the image you are submitting has already been analyzed and explained in one of the links.

12. Send your photographs to:


Ghost Photography Articles

Note: The photographs and articles in this section are copyrighted material and cannot be used, copied or inserted in another website without the written permission of Dale Kaczmarek and the Ghost Research Society under penalty of law!

Legal disclaimer from the Author, Publisher & Webmaster: Although Ghost Research Society, Dale Kaczmarek, and all that may be affiliated with this entire website have carefully researched all sources to insure the accuracy of the information contained on this entire website; we assume no responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions. If your picture that you hold sole copyright to, website or any information thereof is listed on this website and you want to update or have it deleted, please email me. Picture copyright will be properly handled by our corporate attorney. Please get permission to visit any location if need be and OBSERVE all NO TRESPASSING signs. Respect the places you visit and investigate.

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© 1998/2022 Dale Kaczmarek. All rights reserved.
Web site created by Dale Kaczmarek