Reflection for IBM

Reflection for HP

Reflection X

Reflection Suite for X

Reflection for Multi-Host Standard

Reflection for Multi-Host Professional

Reflection NFS Client

Reflection for the Web

Reflection for the Mac

WRQ Reflection® for UNIX and Digital connects Windows users to UNIX and OpenVMS hosts, delivering precise terminal emulation and tools that help control IT resources. Certified for Windows 2000, Reflection includes Reflection Links, a snap-in to the Microsoft Management Console that lets you control host access by user, group, or organisational unit. Enhanced Reflection Deployment Manager and support for Microsoft Windows Installer speed distribution of Reflection to any Windows desktop. And, with built-in Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 6.0, you can automate repetitive tasks and integrate host applications with Windows programs to increase end-user productivity.

WRQ Reflection for UNIX and Digital is designed to help you:

  • Control IT resources with administrative tools install, deploy, and manage Reflection with full-featured administrative tools; support for Windows 2000 means you can confidently deploy to a variety of Windows desktops.
  • Gain competitive advantage with newer technologies automate and integrate tasks with built-in Microsoft VBA 6.0; start and run web-enabled Reflection sessions in a web browser.
  • Simplify access to diverse host systems create a common host access environment using multiple Reflection products all with the same interface and features to connect to diverse host systems.
  • Standardise with proven technology and services choose WRQ to provide reliable host access backed by service plans that are customised to meet your needs.


Technical Sales - Andrew Wigg:
Connectivity Consultancy - Tim Griffiths:

Tel: +44 (0) 1832 272843
Fax: +44 (0) 1832 274221
EDAS Computers 9 South Bridge Close, Oundle, Peterborough, PE8 4DH United Kingdom