Eric D. Widmer

Recent scientific conferences

I have been giving a number of scientific conferences throughout the years. These are the more recent ones.


Sapin, M., Widmer, E.D. Personal networks and the development of individual vulnerability or strength in the life course. Second European Conference on Social Networks. June 14-17, 2016.

Widmer, E.D. Family inclusiveness across life stages: Gender and social class effects. University of Galway. 20 novembre 2017.

Widmer, E.D. Who are my significant family members ? Family inclusiveness, kinship, social class and cumulative advantages. Academia Belgica, Rome. 17-18 mai 2018.

Widmer, E.D. Family inclusiveness, demographic reserves, social class and cumulative dis/advantages. ESA Interim meeting. Kupio, 11-13 juin 2018.

Who are my family members ? Ordinary and extraordinary definitions of family. Présentation au workshop "Informal connectedness in Nordic welfare societies". University of Lund. October 22th 2017.

The intricacies of family inclusiveness, personal networks and spatiality. 5th European Congress on Family Science. Family-Education-Migration. Vienne, 9-11 novembre 2017. 11 novembre 2017.files/other/FFK_2017_Program.print.pdf.

How elders shape their family configurations. International Conference "Feeding the memory to feed the generations: active elders and well-being". Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. May 11th and 12th, 2015. 11 mai 2015..

Who are my significant family members? Definitions of family boundaries in public and private interviews.Juristische Fakultät Universität Basel. 3 décembre 2014..

Das Haus in der Moderne. Herbsttagung des Sinergia-Projekts „Doing House and Family“. Universität Luzern, 7 octobre 2016..

Personal networks and health: Results and methodological issues of various research projects in Switzerland. Université de Lugano, février 2016..

The configurational approach of family diversity: review and illustrations. University of Edimburgh. March 2015..

Collecting family network data. Présentation à la conférence "Family relationships in a network perspective". Gröningen, 30 mars 2017..

Conflict structures in family networks of older adults and their relationship with health-related quality of life. Présentation à la conférence "Family relationships in a network perspective". Gröningen, 30 mars 2017..

Generating networks of close relations in international surveys. A WHO (World Health Organization)-University of Geneva- INDEPTH study, 19-21 juillet 2017. .

Sociological perspective. INTERFASOL (Intergenerational Family Solidarity Across Europe) Training course. COST Action IS1311. Milan, Catholic University of Milan, 23-27 mai 2016, 27 mai 2016.

Widmer, E.D., Carminati, F., Grigoras, C., Galli Carminati, G. How Alice computing centres connect? An exploration of cooperative ties among computing centres. Proceedings of Science. 13th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research. ACAT2010. February 2010.

Gouveia, R., Widmer, E.D. The impact of friendship network structure on conjugal vulnerability in heterosexual couples in a long-term relationship. XXXVII Sunbelt Conference INSNA, 30 mai-4 juin 2017.

Gouveia, R., Widmer, E.D. The impact of friendship network structure on conjugal vulnerability in heterosexual couples in a long-term relationship. Présentation à la conférence "Family relationships in a network perspective". Groningen, 30 mars 2017.

Sapin, M., Widmer, E.D. Personal networks and vulnerability in the life course. XXXVII Sunbelt Conference of the International network. Beijing, 30-4 mai 2017.

Widmer, E.D., Sapin, M., De Carlo, I. Contextes familiaux significatifs, effets de parcours de vie, de genre et de niveau d'éducation. Congrès de la Société suisse de sociologie, 21-23 juin 2017.

Widmer, E.D., Sauter, J. The Association of leisure activties and cognitive functioning in old age: The role of social capital. XXXVII Sunbelt Conference (INSNA). Beijing, 30 mai-4 juin 2017 .

Intergenerational Relationships and Ambivalence in Family Configurations. Plenary session « Intergenerational Relations Between Self-Interest and Solidarity”, Swiss Sociological Association conference, Zurich, June 22, 2017. .

Widmer, E.D. Conflict structures in family networks of older adults and their relation with health related quality of life. Présentation au Welcome day - Beginning of summer semester "Life course influences on health and agency". Université de Genève, le 22 février 2017.

Normes trompeuses et vulnérabilité dans les trajectoires de vie: Définition et illustrations. Présentation au colloque "Le parcours en question: Comprendre les tensions entre les logiques individuelles, collectives et institutionnelles". Université Paris-Descartes, le 3 février 2017.

Anthropology in a world of exclusion: Commonalities, disciplinary perspectives, openings. Participation à la table ronde organisée par le groupe de réflexion éthique et déontologique (GRED). Conférence annuelle de la Société suisse d'ethnologie. 12 novembre 2016.

Widmer, E.D. Approfondissement de quelques questions complémentaires. Les Assises de la familles "La prise en charge extrascolaire et extrafamiliale des enfants de 4 à 18 ans". Université de Genève, le 31 mai 2016.files/other/Programme_Assises_31mai2016 .

Widmer, E.D. Garde alternée: conséquences socio-économiques. 7ème colloque international. HES-SO, Valais. Sierre, 19-20 mai, 2016. 20 mai 2016.files/other/Programme_FR-2.

Widmer, E.D., Vagni, G. Sharing day light with family members. How do individuals share time with others? ESA 2015 Conference. Meeting of the Research Network "Sociology of families and intimate lives" (RN13) of the European Sociological Association. Czech Republic, Pragua, 25th-28th August, 2015, 26th August 2015.

Widmer, E.D., Fasang, A., Favez, N. How is early adult family formation related to coparenting in mid-life? A comparison of first-time families and stepfamilies. Poster présenté à la Conférence de la Population Association of America. San Diego, mars 2015.files/other/PosterPAA_2015.pdf.

Widmer, E.D. Recompositions familiales et fonctionnements socio-affectifs dans l'enfance et le début de l'adolescence. Symposium organisé par le Groupe de Recherche sur la Santé des Adolescents (IUMSP-CHUV), l'Institut des Sciences Sociales (SSP-UNIL) et l'Institut de Psychologie (SSP-UNIL) et intitulé "Les Relations Parents-Adolescents en questions". Université de Lausanne, 4 juin 2015.files/other/Symposium_Flyer_2015.pdf.

Widmer, E.D. Actively generating one’s family:How elders shape their family configurations. Présentation à l'EXPO Milano 2015 "Feeding the memory to feed the generations: active elders and well-being". Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 11-12 mai 2015. 11 mai 2015.files/other/Nutrirememoria.pdf.

Widmer, E.D. Configurations familiales et fonctionnements sociaux-affectifs dans l’enfance et l’adolescence. 16e Conférence nationale sur la promotion de la santé "Promouvoir notre santé tout au long de la vie". Messe Lucerne, 29 janvier 2015.files/other/A5_Hauptprogramm_2015.pdf.

Widmer, E.D. Congrès de la Société suisse de sociologie. Participation à la table ronde "Engagement de la sociologie dans l'espace public / Engagement der Soziologie in der Öffentlichkeit". 4 juin 2015.

Widmer, E.D., Fasang, A. Diverse family formation trajectories and their consequences for coparenting. Colloque organisé par l'Université de Berne, le 10 décembre 2014.

Widmer, E.D., Kellerhals, J. Forces, limites et ambivalences des solidarités dans la parenté. Conférence "Coopération et réseaux familiaux - Rôle des liens de parenté". Université de Lausanne, le 5 novembre 2014.files/other/CooperationReseauxFamiliaux.pdf.

Widmer, E.D., Sapin, M. The shift of personal networks during the transition to parenthood: a gendered process ? Presentation at the Interim Meeting of the Research Network "Sociology of families and intimate lives" (RN13) of the European Sociological Association. Lithuania, Vilnius, 25th-27th, 2014. 26th September 2014.files/other/ESA_RN13_IM2014programme.pdf.

Widmer, E.D., Ganjour, O. Family strategies, social policies and social capital: A comparative approach. Presentation at the Interim Meeting of the Research Network "Sociology of families and intimate lives" (RN13) of the European Sociological Association. Lithuania, Vilnius, 25th-27th, 2014. 26th September 2014.files/other/ESA_RN13_IM2014programme.pdf.

Family diversity growing old: The family consequences of the pluralization of life courses for the elderly. Invited talk in plenary of the Interim Meeting of the Research Network "Sociology of families and intimate lives" (RN13) of the European Sociological Association. Lithuania, Vilnius, 25th-27th, 2014. 26th September 2014.files/other/ESA_RN13_IM2014programme.pdf.

The Life Course as a Factor of Sexual Inequality: Trajectories of Intimate Partnerships, Sexual Attitudes, Sexual Desire, and Sexual Satisfaction. Berlin Social Science Center, Berlin, 10 juin 2014..

Typologies de trajectoires de vie et quantification: intérêt et limites. Séminaire METICE « L’approche biographique dans la sociologie contemporaine ». Université libre de Bruxelles, April 29th, 2014..

Widmer, E.D., Ammar, N. Trajectoires relationnelles et désir sexuel. Présentation dans le cadre du séminaire "Statistique pour sciences sociales et démographie". Université de Genève, 20 février 2014. 20 février 2014.

Preventing separation and divorce ? The impact of personal networks and conjugal styles of interactions. International Conference 2013 "Resources in Times of Vulnerability. Multidisciplinary Perspectives". University of Geneva, 20th-21th June, 2013. June 21th, 2013..

Widmer, E.D., Ganjour, O. The importance of the family in social capital and the welfare states: A comparative approach. European Sociological Association (ESA) 2013, 11th Conference. Turin, Italy, 28th-31th August 2013 .

Widmer, E.D., Gauthier, J.-A., Aeby, G., Joye, D., Roch, P.-A. Life trajectories and social capital in Switzerland: A two-cohort study. Conference at the International Sociological Association. Ankara, 13th-16th May 2013. 15th May 2013.

Widmer, E.D. The salience of kinship: Personal networks and biographies and family values in three cohorts of Portuguese. European Sociological Association 2013 11th Conference. Turin, Italy, 28th-31th 2013 .

Family configurations and social networks. Conférence à l'Institut de Sciences sociales de Lisbonne. Percursos de Vida e Redes Sociais em Portugal: Resultados de pesquisa. Portugal, 24 janvier 2013..

Widmer, E.D., Ganjour, O. Personal networks and family support norms in the different types of Welfare States: a quantitative approach. Interim meeting of the European Sociological Association (ESA) research network 13 "Families, care and work facing the challenges of a globalized world: policies, practices and service". Milan, Italy, 13th-15th September 2012. .

Widmer, E.D., Schicka, M. If I had known our couple turned that way, I would not have stopped working. A biographical account of labor force participation and conjugal love. Presentation at the interim meeting of the European Sociological Association (ESA) research network 13 "Families, care and work facing the challenges of a globalized world: policies, practices and service". Milan, Italy, 13th-15th September 2012. .

Widmer, E.D., Aeby, G., De Carlo, I. Family configurations and social capital in stepfamilies. Committee on Family Research, ISA (International Sociological Association) Seminar. New family forms following family dissolution: consequences in/on postmodern society. With G. Aeby and I. De Carlo. University of Louvain, Belgium, 12th-14th September 2012..

Widmer, E.D. Configurations familiales et biographies individuelles. Ecole thématique CNRS. Porquerolles, 10-14 septembre 2012, 13 septembre 2012.files/other/Porquerolles3.pdf.

Widmer, E.D., Aeby, G., Gauthier, J.-A., Joye, D. The Influence of separation on the composition and organization of personal networks. European Divorce Research Conference. Finland, Helsinki, 11th-13th October 2012..

Widmer, E.D., Aeby, G., Gauthier, J.-A., Joye, D., Roch, P.-A. The influence of family trajectories on personal networks. ESFR Congress, Families in a Changing Europe. Challenges, Conflicts and Intervention. Norway, Lillehammer, 26th-29th September 2012..

Widmer, E.D, Aeby, G., Sapin, M. Methodological and substantive challenges in measuring vulnerability across the life course. International Workshop, Lausanne. 18th-19th June 2012..

Widmer, E.D., Gauthier, J.-A. Cohabitational trajectories against the family developmental model: an application of optimal matching on family issues. Lausanne Conference on Sequence Analysis (LaCOSA). University of Lausanne, 6th-8th June, 2012..

Widmer, E.D., Wall, K. Presentation of the book : Family configurations. Beyond the nuclear family. 10th Congress of the European Sociological Association (ESA). University of Geneva, September, 7th-10th 2011. September 10th, 2011..

Widmer, E.D. Families in space: a configurational perspective. International Workshop, The Everyday Life of Multi-Local Families. Deutsches Jugendinstitut, Munich, 20th - 21st October 2011. 20th October 2011..

Ganjour, O., Widmer, E.D. The network of sociability and family support norms in the different welfare states: A quantitative approach from the data of International Social Survey Program (ISSP). 10th Congress of the European Sociological Association (ESA). University of Geneva, September, 7th-10th 2011. September, 9th 2011 September 9th, 2011.files/other/TheNetworkOfSociability.pdf.

Aeby, G., De Carlo, I., Doan, M.-T., Widmer, E.D. Etude longitudinale sur les couples. Présentation aux représentants de la Caisse Nationale des Allocations Familiales de France (CNAF). Université de Genève. 18 mai 2011..

Widmer, E.D. Contemporay life paths : Between plurality and inequality. Colloque de l'European Society for Research on the Education of Adults - Life History and Biographical Research Network (ESREA). University of Geneva, 3-6 March 2011. 5 March 2011..

Favez, N., Doan, M.-T., Widmer, E.D. Coparenting and child development in stepfamilies. 2011 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Montreal, Quebec, March 31-April 2, 2011. April 2, 2011..

Stepfamilies and child development : Preliminary results from a configurational research on 300 families living in Switzerland. Université de Zürich, 11 novembre 2010..

Widmer, E.D., Giudici, F. My choice of theirs ? Social network effects on occupational changes during the transition to parenthood. International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA). Sunbelt XXX. Italy, Trento. 29 June – 4 July 2010. 1st July 2010..

Families in a configurational perspective: Dyadic and structural ambivalence in family relationships. 5th Congress of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR), Family Transitions and Family in Transitions. Italie. Milan, Università Cattolica, 29 September – 2 October 2010. 30 September 2010..

Changes in Conjugal Life, Conference of the Institute for Social Sciences « Research on Families and Family Policies in Europe ». Université de Lisbonne, 25-27 mai 2010. 26 mai 2010..

Widmer E.D., Viry G., Kaufmann V., Does it matter for us that my partner or I commute ? Spatial mobility for job reasons and the quality of conjugal relationship in France, Germany, and Switzerland. European Sociological Association (ESA) research network Sociology of Family and Intimate Lives. Germany. Wiesbaden, 16 septembre 2010..

Widmer, E.D. Family and job mobility. 5th Congress of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR), Family Transitions and Families in Transition. Italie. Milan, Università Cattolica, 29 September – 2 October 2010, 29 September 2010..

Widmer, E.D. Geographical mobility and family life: How to (re-)think family in a mobile world ? Organization of the Interim meeting of the European Sociological Association (ESA) research network “Sociology of Family and Intimate Lives”. Germany. Wiesbaden, September 16th-18th 2010..

Parcours de vie familiaux, quelle pluralisation, quelles inégalités ? Conférence d'ouverture du colloque "Penser la famille et les transitions de vie... Repenser les politiques publiques". Canada. Université d'Ottawa, 26-27 août 2010. Le 26 août 2010..

Luisier, V., Renaud, O., Widmer, E.D. Influence du genre sur un réseau social de proximité. XIXe Journées Internationales de Psychologie différentielle. Université de Provence, Marseille, 25-27 août 2010. Le 26 août 2010..

Widmer, E.D. Variables, individus, configurations et causalité dans la démarche quantitative. Université d'été en sociologie 2010. Université de Lausanne, 21-25 juin 2010./files/other/écoleDocLausanne.pdf.

Familles suisses face à la Crise, familles en crise? International Scientific Conference Social Aspects of Global Crisis: EU, Swiss and Russian Experience. University of Moskow, 11 décembre 2009./files/other/FamilyCrisisMoskow.pdf.

Entre conflits et solidarités, les ambivalences familiales dans le parcours de vie. Présentation plénière. Congrès de l'association suisse de Sociologie. Genève, 8 septembre 2009.

Changes in identity and social networks during the transition to parenthood. An empirical assessment in Switzerland. With Marlène Sapin. Présentation au Congrès de l'Association Européenne de Sociologie. Lisbonne, 4 septembre 2009.

My choice or theirs ? Work intentions and network members during the transition to parenthood. Avec Francesco Giudici. Présentation au Congrès de l'Association Européenne de Sociologie. Lisbonne, 4 septembre 2009.

Poster presentation “Social network effects on intentions of work participation by Swiss men and women in the transition to parenthood. Sunbelt social network conference. San Diego, 10-15 mars 2009.

Avec De Carlo Ivan, Widmer Eric D., University of Geneva, Why do Swiss trust their government less and other people more than they used to? The impact of cohorts and periods on political confidence and interpersonal trust in Switzerland. Présentation au congrès de la société française de science politique. Grenoble, 7 septembre 2009.

Trois thématiques, autour de la dé-standardisation des trajectoires de vie et des inégalités sociales. Conférence invitée au séminaire ERIS, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales. Paris, 6 avril 2009.

Les familles en réseau: une approche configurationelle de l'intime. Conférence à l'Association des professeurs de l'Université de Genève, 10 mars 2009.

Dario Spini, Eric D. Widmer: Transitions, inégalités et parcours de vie: l'expérience lémanique. Colloque Transition dans le Parcours de Vie et Construction des Inégalités. Colloque lémanique IRIS, Université de Genève, 20 juin 2008.

Co-organisation du colloque Transition dans le Parcours de Vie et Construction des Inégalités. Colloque lémanique IRIS, Université de Genève, 20-21 juin 2008.

Family in the making. Theorizing family in the contemporary European context. Interim- meeting of research network “family and intimate lives”. European Sociological Association. University of Helskinki, 27-29 août 2008.

From Support to Control. A Configurational Perspective on Conjugal relationships. Interim- meeting du réseau de recherche “family and intimate lives” de la European Sociological Association. Family in the making. Theorizing family in the contemporary European context. University of Helskinki, 27-29 août 2008.

Research meeting Trajectoires familiales et réseaux sociaux . ISCTE. Université de Lisbonne, 6-7 octobre 2008.

Sigrist René, Widmer Eric. D. The 18th century Republic of science : an inquiry into the networks and identities of the emerging men of science. In: Workshop Jean André Deluc (1727-1817) and the emergence of modern science. European Institute of Geneva, University of Geneva and Voltaire Museum, 16th-19th April. April 18th, 2008.

Les Suisses font-ils moins confiance ? Effets de cohortes et de période sur le capital social en Suisse. Prof. Eric D. Widmer, Yvan de Carlo. Département de sociologie et LaboDemo. Population et Sociétés. Séminaire de recherche. Université de Genève, 8 avril 2008.

Typologies et modes de conjugalité. Conférence invitée aux premières assises francaises de sexologie et de santé sexuelle. Strasbourg, 3 avril 2008.

Job Mobilities and Family Lives in Europe. Modern Mobile Living and its Relations to Quality of Life. Organization of the consortium meeting. University of Geneva, March 7th-8th, 2008.

Eric D. Widmer et Ivan De Carlo. Why do we trust institutions less and other people more than we used to ? The impact of cohort replacement and historical periods on social capital in Switzerland. Conference in the Workshop : Value Change in Switzerland. University of Zurich, March 13, 2008.

Invitation en conférence plénière au séminaire international : Loving and working in Europe. ISCTE, University of Lisbon. Title of the talk: Labour force participation in the light of family life: motivations, constraints and consequences. February 14-15, 2008.

Patterns of residential trajectories in former Yugoslavia: optimal matching analyses. Paper presented at the TRACES-SCOPES meeting, in Morges, Switzerland, January 9th-12th 2008. January 9, 2008.

Gil Viri, Vincent Kaufman, Eric D. Widmer. Spatial anchoring of social networks faced with commuting. Cosmobilities Network conference 2007, Institute of Sociology, University of Basle, 7-8 September 2007. September 8, 2007.

Eric Widmer and Marlene Sapin: Family Configurations over Time: How and Why do they change? Presentation at 8th Annual Conference of the European Sociological Association Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society, Glasgow, 3rd - 6th September, 2007. September 4, 2007.

Isolated or over-embedded family configurations of 60 individuals followed in psychotherapy. Paper presented at the conference of the Swiss Psychological Association. Zürich, September 13, 2007.

Conférence plénière: Le réseau familial. Présentation au Colloque Au-delà de la crise ? De la déconstruction à la création de nouveaux liens dans la famille, Association Internationale Francophone des Intervenants auprès des familles séparées (A.I.F.I). 24-26 mai 2007. LYON - France. 24 mai 2007.

Marriage optimization driven by macrosociological objectives. Paper at the International Workshop on Computational and Financial Econometrics 20-22 april, 2007.

With J.-A. Gauthier. Multichannel sequence analysis applied to the transition to adulthood. Conférence donnée dans le cadre du congrès Interim meeting of the European Sociological Association research network Familes and intimate lives. Lausanne, Switzerland, March, 14th-16th, 2007. Organized jointly by the universities of Lausanne and Helsinki. Beyond the nuclear family: families as webs of relationships .

Family research and the social network approach: crossfertilization. Interim meeting of the European Sociological Association research network Families and intimate lives, Lausanne, Switzerland, March, 14th-16th, 2007. Organized jointly by the universities of Lausanne and Helsinki. title of Conference: Beyond the nuclear family: families as webs of relationships. 14 mars 2007.

With J. A. Gauthier and René Levy. Life courses of women and men in Switzerland as shaped by institutional and domestic constraints. Conférence du module Life course research de la 4th international conference of Panel data users in Switzerland. Neuchâtel, February 23th and 24th, 2007 .

With Dominique Joye. Cumulative effects and the life course : conceptualizations and operationalizations in panel data . Conference du module Life course research de la 4th international conference of Panel data users in Switzerland. Neuchâtel, February 23th and 24th, 2007. 23 fevrier 2007.

Welcome, Publications, Research