Our special report "Who's Left? 2011" continues this week with Episode IV: A New Hope, the one that started it all. Star Wars was released back in 1977, and the Special Edition came twenty years later. You'd think that nearly thirty-five years after its original release and hundreds of action figures later there wouldn't be much left, but we found forty-five characters that have yet to see plastic. Twenty-two on this list are from the cantina and Mos Eisley, fourteen are Rebel officers and pilots, six are Imperial officers, two are droids, and one is a freakishly tall Jawa that we think deserves attention. Here's our list of "Who's Left" from A New Hope. Click on the links to go to each character's Wookieepedia article and learn a little more about them. Some of them are pretty obscure!

Commander Daine Jir
Commander Nahdonnis Praji
M-HYD 6804
Garouf Lafoe
Brea & Senni Tonnika
Swilla Correy
Rycar Ryjerd
Tawss Khaa
Sai’torr Kal Fas
Arliel Schous
Baniss Keeg
Danz Borin
Lirin Car’n
Yerka Mig
Mosep Binneed
Merc Sunlet
Brindy Truchong
Gela Yeens
Lieutenant Pol Treidum
Lieutenant Shann Childsen
Lieutenant Tanbris
Captain Khurgee
Commander Vanden Willard
General Bob Hudsol
Del Goren
Feyn Gospic
Grondorn Muse
Commander Evram Lajaie
Gold 2 - Tiree
Gold 3 – Ryle Torsyn
Gold 5 – Davish “Pops” Krail
Gold 6 – Hol Okand
Red 7 – Elyhek Rue
Red 8 – Bren Quersey
Red 10 – Theron Nett
Rebel Technician

Did we miss anything? It is a 2 hour movie with tons of background characters. If you noticed any glaring absences, please send us an email and let us know! We want this to be the most comprehensive list available for collectors (and Hasbro)!