What Size of Surfboard Should I Get?

March 24, 2021 96 Comments

What size surfboard should I get?

So one of the most common questions we get here is, "what size of surfboard should I get?" I wish that there was a simple answer to that but unfortunately there really isn't. The answer lies in several questions I need to ask you... "What's your skill level, height, weight, goal, type of wave...?" I think you get the idea.

So even though there's a whole slew of options, and obviously a few variables, I will do my best to give you some general rules of thumb.


If you're a beginner, I always recommend going with a longboard. Now, I know longboards may not be cool and sexy but I need you to put your ego aside for a moment. Let me ask you a question. What's "cooler": sitting, falling, and barely paddling a "cool" shortboard OR surfing, turning, and easily paddling a longboard? I hope you answered surfing over falling. If you didn't say surfing... take up a different sport. :) Now, what size of longboard should you get? We'll look at this from a height stand point, and we'll assume that you're of an average weight. Rule of thumb is to get a longboard 3ft longer than your height. So for me, I'm 6' 180lbs and I ride a 9'0". There can always be exceptions to this if you're on the heavier side or lighter side. 

If you want to start out safe we have an amazing no wax hybrid soft top surfboard line that is ideal for the new and progressing surfer.  These boards have a similar ride feel to our regular Epoxy or Poly boards but you eliminate the use of wax which is something our customers love.


You guys are little more tricky because your board selection can be anything from a longboard to a funboard to a fish or shortboard. And they all have different rules. So let's see if I can make this simpler. Longboard- Same rules above, 3ft taller than yourself. Funboard- These boards can be anywhere from 6'6" to 8'6" or so and is more dependent on your weight and what you are trying to accomplish. A good place to start is going to be 12"-24" taller than yourself but will vary by the shape and style of surfboard. Fish- Proper fish size is typically 2-4" shorter than your shortboard. Shortboard- I usually recommend going 2-6" taller than yourself. But this depends on the size of waves you'll be surfing it in.


You guys don't need my help. You now exactly what you want and probably wouldn't take my opinion anyways. :) Well hopefully that helps a little. If this wasn't specific enough for you send us an email or leave us a comment below and we'll give you a personal recommendation. If you're not ready to contact us (afraid we're going to try and sell you something huh?) you can always check our Progression Guide that will give you some more detailed information on this subject.

If you have any other questions, please email us at or call (800) 920-2363 to discuss your next board.

96 Responses


December 27, 2021

This was an absolutely killer read! Thanks bru! Don’t underestimate your knowledge brother, I consider myself an advanced surfer and I still felt like I found some answers reading this. And anybody who is too “advanced” to learn something new from another pro, isn’t very advanced at all. There is a whole sphere of knowledge and skill that comes with surfing, and if your ego is too big to allow you complete your sphere of knowledge, I’d consider you just as much is of a beginner as someone who still hasn’t even stood up on a wave 🤙🏼

Amelia Williams
Amelia Williams

March 23, 2020

Hey, Im 16 and “5,7” and am a beginner/intermediate surfing the south east coast of Queensland, Aus. For the last two years my board was “6,6” but I really struggled to get out the back as it was very hard to duck dive this board. I just got a “6,0” surfboard for my birthday and have not ridden it yet as I am still contemplating on weather to take it back as i really struggle with duck diving but am not the best paddler either- so do u reckon It will suit me or should I exchange it for another one? cheers.


February 27, 2019

Hi, I am a beginner surfer and I am 5’6 130lbs and I was wondering if a 5’8 or 6 foot short oats is the right size? Thanks for the help!


December 11, 2014

I’m 5’10", 130lbs and a beginner/intermediate surfer in RI most of the year, so the waves aren’t great. I’m looking for a new board and can’t decide if 9’ will seem too big or if 8’ or smaller is too small? And unsure of what width and thickness would be best? Any suggestions? Thanks!


October 11, 2014

I appreciate all the guidance I’ve been reading. I am 5’3", 125 lbs, good paddler, can catch and turn on waves pretty easily. I surf in Hawaii when I go to visit family once a year. I’ve been using a 6’10" fun board and love it. I feel really comfortable on it and can handle it pretty well. But am wondering if I can downsize. I’ve been on a 6’4" a couple times, but can’t get up. I’m pretty sure it was narrower than the 6’10". What are your thoughts on a shorter board, and width sizes?

Graham Foster
Graham Foster

September 12, 2014

Hi I have been surfing heavily for a few months now and I am trying to find a good transition board from my 9’ long board to something shorter. I live in santa cruz so the swell can be very unpredictable. I was wondering what board I should go with. I was thinking a 7’6 Jack either epoxy or nexgen ( but i was wondering if that might be too long. Thank you very much

alex sutton
alex sutton

May 07, 2014

I am a 5’7" 160lbs… beginner/intermediate surfer… lookn for a board that does a little of everything from smaal waves to big waves, what size is best..

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

Sol- What is your goal with surfing. Have fun and just catch a bunch of waves or get good and move down to a shortboard?

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

Travis- One of our Pivot Fish should be the trick. What’s your height, weight, skill?


May 07, 2014

Hey Luc,
I’m an beginner/intermediate surfer I’m 5’4 180lbs i try a lil of every wave what would u recommend
Mahalo in advance


May 07, 2014

what about grovlers? i want a short thick board that rips and catches waves easy….i’d also like to catch some air and punt a little in mushy shore break.

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

What have you been surfing on already? What type of wave do you surf (mushy, hollow, etc.)? What’s your goal with surfing?

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

Buying a board for a 12 yr old is a little tough. They are still growing!

The main thing you will want to look for is something that isn’t too wide. At her size her shoulders aren’t very wide and so a wide board will be harder to paddle even though it will be a more steady platform to stand on. I would look for something in the 6’-7’ range but stay under 20" wide. Hope that helps.

Let us know what else we can do for you.


May 07, 2014

my daughter is 12 and is about 4’ 9in. What size board is best for her? I’ve been told a 6’-6’6" board. Maybe a BIC? Something that takes a beating. Her only issue with the big board is that she says (when we rented one) that its hard to paddle because it is big, but certainly doesn’t want to go w/ a smaller board because she’s a beginner. Thanks for advice!

Sean Ingenluyff
Sean Ingenluyff

May 07, 2014

Im 5’11" 155 lbs. beginner/intermediate. trying to get back into surfing. i go to hawaii every year so im trying to decide what kind of board i should get.

Longboarding kicks ass
Longboarding kicks ass

May 07, 2014

Long boarding is amazing…Just sayin.

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

10’ sounds right to me. You may be able to get away with a 9’6" but that would depend on how hard/easy you want the learning curve to be and what your ultimate goal with surfing is.

Foam boards are great if you’re not sure you are gonna like surfing and want to test it out first. If you’re committed to making surfing a sport that you enjoy, than a soft board is a waste of money as you will likely have to replace it within several months. Just not made for long term use.


May 07, 2014


6’4" 220 beginner. Jersey shore. 10’ is what I was told. Sound right? Don’t want to spend alot initially. Are foam boards a waste of time?


May 07, 2014

hey i am wanting to buy a board, i am a beginner can stand up but find duck diving and paddling hard as i am short and light. 5’3" and 68kgs. the boards i borrow are always massive. What should i get?


May 07, 2014

I’ve been borrowing a 9’6" glass Infinity for the last year as a beginner and love it for it’s stability but I’m now ready to by my own board. I’m 5’3" and 130lbs, strong and go out in all conditions. I’m thinking of going with the 9’ epoxy for the float, weight and durability. How does the nose rider compare to the regular shape? What would you recommend?

Good to hear from ya. A 9’ epoxy would definitely make it easy on you—-since the material is lighter than glass you could probably even go down to an 8’6 and still feel rock solid.

If you’re looking for a great all arounder, The Ultimate is where its at. Paddling and catching waves is incredibly easy.

If you’re on the market for more of a technical longboard, The Hangar is what you want.

Sort of depends on what you hope to be able to do with your board and where you wanna end up in terms of surfing style. Give us a buzz and we’ll get you taken care of!


May 07, 2014

I’ve been borrowing a 9’6" glass Infinity for the last year as a beginner and love it for it’s stability but I’m now ready to by my own board. I’m 5’3" and 130lbs, strong and go out in all conditions. I’m thinking of going with the 9’ epoxy for the float, weight and durability. How does the nose rider compare to the regular shape? What would you recommend?

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

@elliot – Rule of thumb for length on a longboard is 3ft. So you’ll want something in the 9ft range. Width and thickness is a variable based on preference. At 140lbs you don’t need to go super thick but I’d go at least 2 3/4" but not more than 3". The main thing about width is you want comfortable paddling. This has to do with your shoulder width… or how comfortably it fits under your arm when carrying it.

I would recommend our 9’ Ultimate. Check it out here –


May 07, 2014

i’m 5’11 and 140lbs, and ive been shortboard/fish’ing for about 3 years now, advanced i guess, but i want to get into longboarding a bit, as i live in florida, but i know NOTHING about what size i should get in one. I know how to surf well, and have even entered competitions and placed, so its not like i’ll be beginning, but i was looking for a performance longboard? Please help me out on the dimensions

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

If you’re just looking to get something with more maneuverability then I would go with a larger hybrid first. Something in the 7’ range. Something like this-

Rick Hill
Rick Hill

May 07, 2014

I’m 6’2 and 240 lbs. now surfing 3 years..first year on a rental 11ft foamie and then i bought a 9 ft Stewart LSP….a little beyond my ability but was told that was a smart thing as I would grow / improve into it.Took some effort but now very comfortable. I would appreciate your thoughts on progressing to a fish surfboard as a precursor to a smaller board. I surf mostly Pismo Beach and Morro Bay


May 07, 2014

For an athletic build like yours we’d recommend something at least 9ft. 9’6" would probably be a little closer to ideal.

You want to be able to catch waves easily and consistently and the stability & ease of paddle you’ll get from a 9’6 is definitely a good place to start.


May 07, 2014

hi, im 6’1" and 16 stone,(muscle not fat !), beginner, and im after my own board now. Any suggestions please im looking at the minimal 8’6", what do you think please


Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

I would recommend our 7’6" Stepping Stone. Here is a link to them.

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

@Tony- Here is what I would go with if I was you. I would get one of our 9’ Ultimate’s. It was designed to paddle easy, float well, and catch waves like a dream. Here is a link to them. Hope that helps.


May 07, 2014

I’m finally getting back into surfing after 20 years.A friend gave me a Haut 8’6" and it just didn’t work for me. I struggled to catch waves, so i looking for good board that will give paddle easier. I’m 6’2 and weigh about 190. I’m a beginner to intermediate surfer and i just want to have fun on the waves

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

I would go with one of our retro fish boards. It’s call the Pivot Fish. Super drivey and great maneuverability. For you height, weight, and skill level, I would get a 6’0" in NexGen. Let us know if there is anything else we can do.


May 07, 2014

hi im 6’1" 170 i would consider myself intermediate. i surf a 6’3 Al Merrick right now it floats me nice and i catch waves, but i want something a little faster with better manueverbility. i surf anywhere from knee high to 2ft overhead. Where i live it is mushy waves, but next year i will be in Santa Cruz for college. I am just trying to get a better surf and rip the wave more and just overall have more fun.


May 07, 2014

Drew — A funboard could work out. Might even be able to swing the jump down to a fish. How long have you been surfing for and what are you used to riding?


May 07, 2014

I haven’t surfed in 6 years but I’m movin to the gulf coast the surf is horrible but I don’t really want a long board I’m 6’ 2" and 235 what size funboard should I get or should I go with a longboard


May 07, 2014

I’m petite – 5’0 and 90lbs and currently riding a 7’5 funboard and 8’ walden magic longboard. Want to add a shorter board to start experimenting with shortboarding – would you recommend a retro fish in the 6’-6’4 range (more transitional) or is that too big and wide? Or just go for it and go for something in the 5’8-5’11 range? Surfing in typically messy coldwater surf 2-6ft beach break but would like something that’s small and could travel with me. Looking for something I could learn to duck dive but still has good stability, paddling and wave catching.

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

Honestly I think that until you can catch, ride, and turn top to bottom on a clean breaking wave you need to stick with you longboard. Inability to turn it and be comfortable with it isn’t a function of the board as much as it is a function of your skill level. That being said, if you choose to go smaller anyways I wouldn’t go shorter than a 7’6". Hope that helps. -Luc


May 07, 2014

Hey Luc,

I’m 5’10’’ 190lbs and I’ve been riding a 9’2’’ longboard and I’m starting to outgrow it. At least I think I am. I still have some trouble riding breaking waves on it, but have a little less problem riding my girlfriend’s 8’ funboard. I’m thinking the size of my board is a little too cumbersome for turning on a face. I was looking into getting a fish as a transitional board but still something I can keep for a while. What would you recommend?

Thanks in advance,


Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

@James- Without question you need to get a longboard. I know you say you dont have a a way to transport but do you have a car? As long as you have a vehicle with doors you have a way to transport your board. Here is a link to our beginner recommendations and a like to the rack system you will want for your car.


May 07, 2014

Hey I was wondering what you would recommend I’m a beginner on the east coast, usually maryland sometimes jersey. I’m 6’2" 240-250lbs but with no way to transport a long board. Not sure if this is a factor or not but I wear a size 14 shoe

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

Widths will vary for sure, but depending on skill level, I would recommend something in the 23" – 23.5" range for your height. Something like this would be perfect.’-nexgen-clear.html


May 07, 2014

Really like the article. I am 6’ and 225 I know i need to get around a 9’6" or taller maybe up to 10’ but what about width for a long board, are there different widths.


Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

I am not familiar with Hammer’s line of boards. We have a lot of great boards though. Let us know if you would like any help with our product line.


May 07, 2014

Wow – great great site, lots of good info.

I’m 5’3", 112 pounds. Just started surfing on the long foam boards, and am able to somewhat get up in the white water. Looking to buy a used board, and found a used Hammer Surfboards mini longboard: 8′ × 22.25″ × 3″.

Do you think this is an ok board for me to learn on?

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

For your height and weight I think the best choice from our line would be the 5’8" Pivot Fish or, if you’re not sure you want to go that short yet, the 6’6" Poacher. Here are links to both of them. Cheers.’8-nexgen-clear.html


May 07, 2014

Hey Linda, it’ll depend on how consistent your wave catch was on your foamie. If you were catching about 70-80% of the waves you were going for, and starting to turn, then you’re ready to move down in size. On a side note, if weight’s a big concern, epoxy surfboards = 20% lighter. A 7’6" or 8’ epoxy would be the best fit.

8ft: more float/stability/weight
7ft 6: more maneuverability/shoulder burn



May 07, 2014

Hi, I’m a beginner only been using soft boards to date in around 8". However I’m now looking for my own board. I’m 5"4 and around 140 weight. I’ve been recommended at 8"6 board. Not sure if I should be looking at a long board or funboard as I think I will struggle with anything too heavy.


May 07, 2014

hi I’m 12 tuning 13…4’9 and about 90 lbs. I have been longboarding but i want to start getting into doing maneuvers but I’m a beginner pretty much going to intermediate. i have been looking into grom boards but i dont have stores that sell that shape down here at the jersey shore and my dad said that a 5’6 is too big and i dont want a funboard either….What size, what shape? Thanks!

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

Honestly I would go with our 10’ Ultimate. You’re a big guy and need a lot of float. Here is a link to those. Let us know if you have any other questions.


May 07, 2014

Hey Rob,

I surfed for about 10 yrs growing up just recently got back into it. I am 6"6 245, athletic build. I have been borrowing a friends 9"2 but looking to get my own epoxy longboard. What size do you think I need? I surf the east coast of FL a lot of wind swells down south and some better ground swell up north. Thanks for your help!

Eric Keuling
Eric Keuling

May 07, 2014

I am 6’2" and I weigh 220, very muscular and lean. I surfed a 6’2" back in the day when I weighed 170, have not been in the water in 15 years, used to shred hard surfed 14 years all shorties. Would like to start shredding again, was thinking a 6’4" or 6’6" what is your suggestion? Thanks, Eric K.


May 07, 2014

I have not started surfing yet but my family just bought a beach house. I am 11years, 5ft tall, about 85 pounds, and will surf in Rhode Island. I am a little confused about what size boards and thought I should get a word from an expert. THANKS!!!


May 07, 2014


I’m riding longboard (9’ and a 9’2) and I want to try a fish.
I would say I’m an intermediaire surfer. I have been riding for 4-5 years. I can ride pretty much everything with my log.
I’m 6’0 and 180 lbs.
What size should I bought?

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

One thing to remember is that getting an appropriate sized long board is very different from the rental boards usually available. A thinner 8’ longboard would be the max size I would recommend.
Going with a smaller funboard is definitely a way you could go. Just be aware that it will be harder to catch waves on by function of the shape. If you’re up for the challenge then you can go that way. It will make the transition to a shorter board easier when you’re ready for that.


May 07, 2014

Hi! I’m 5’1 and 100lbs. I have a small body frame but I’m pretty toned as I am into a lot of sports. I still consider myself a beginner in surfing since I occasionally surf (a month or two intervals) but I’ve been pretty good at catching waves but having a hard time paddling the huge longboards i rent). I’m thinking of getting serious with surfing and so I wanna buy my own board. Thinking of a 7’6 minimal/funboard. But still torn if I should get a longboard instead (the bulkiness is turning me off tho). Any professional advice? THANKS IN ADVANCE! :)


May 07, 2014

Hi, I am a beginner surfer and currently using a 9’ soft top. I am 5’8" and 150lbs, athletic build. I surf in Galveston, TX so the waves are small. I have no problem catching waves. I catch almost every wave I paddle out for. I am even able to maneuver my board across the wave. However, I am ready to upgrade to my next board. I really like the 8’ ultimate epoxy. Do you think this would work for me?

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

Hey Christina,

I would look at our Stepping Stone for you. Should be just the ticket-


May 07, 2014

I’m 4’11, 100 lbs, and 29 yrs old. I just moved to Florida and would like to learn how to surf. What size of board would you recommend for me to start out with? A surfer let me try out his 9’0 longboard but I had little control of it when trying to paddle out :( Thanks, Christina

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

My default for most people is to error on the side of bigger. Most surfers go too small. It’s been a long time since you were in the water. 6’6" or even the 6’8". 50lbs extra is a big difference.

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

Welcome to the world of surfing Sarah. I would go with one of our Poachers. Maybe the 6’6". Here’s a link to the poacher funboards.

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

For your size and weight I would go with a 6’2" if you’re looking at the retro fish. Here’s a link to the retro fish surfboards.


May 07, 2014

Nice! I would go with the 8’6" Ultimate then. I think the 8’ would be too short and the 9’ is a little big. Let me know if you have any other questions.


May 07, 2014

I weigh 140 lbs


May 07, 2014

Hey Joseph,

How much do you weigh?


May 07, 2014

Hey, my dad is looking to move to so-cal and if we do I want to start surfing. I am 5’ 10" so what would you recommend? Should I go with a 8’ or 9’ longboard to start??

Luc Stokes
Luc Stokes

May 07, 2014

Hey Beth,

Yes it is appropriately size for you. However, being in Galveston does change this a bit because you don’t get big waves very often. Our solution for most TX surfers is to go a little bit bigger than normal. I would recommend the 8’6" Ultimate. It will provide you plenty of float and will still be way more maneuverable than your 9’ softie.


May 07, 2014

Hey Mark,

That is the dilemma, maneuverability vs wave catching. Gotta choose bother. :)


May 07, 2014

im 5’11 and weigh like 240 pounds and i dont know what board i should get and i use to surf but i only know the basics XD i need help


May 07, 2014

Dear all:
I will buying my first surfboard. I’m new to it, and after reading ALL the suggestions you give, I still resist to buy a longboard. I think most of the practicalities of carrying it! First of all, I will be buing it in my next trip to San Diego and then take it back to Argentina. You can all imagine the difficulties of travelling with it, plus the fee all airlines now charge for surfboards.
Second, I have been doing bodyboard for a long while, and I master the technique pretty well. I can also ride a skate (if you think this as a plus for surfing).
So, after all this, do you think I should buy a smaller size board?? I was thinking of a turning point or a poacher funboard. My objective with the board is just to have fun. Waves around here are not that big, but depending on the weather and other conditions, sometimes we could get some big ones.
I am 1,62 mts and my wight is 65 kgs. I’m in good shape. Could I have your advice?? Thank you so much, Adrian


May 07, 2014

im a weekend surfer for last 2-3years and looking for a second board now. im using old 6’11 highflyer and on one hand im finding it lazy on turns, on the other too many waves goes under me even if im a good paddler. Im 5’10 and 180lbs. what would you recommend?


May 07, 2014

Speed in a shortboard is created by a few things- Rocker, Concave, Fins. I would recommend renting a few boards and find out what setup gives you what you are looking for. Best of luck.


May 07, 2014

Howsit, I have been surfing since the begginning of last year and I started using a 5’11 x 18"1/8 × 2″1/8 peter daniels shortboard. It was probably not the best decision as it took me a while to get used to such a small board – I am 5’11" tall, and weigh about 155 lbs. I eventually got used to the board, but my surfing did not develop very much as I was using it in Muizenberg, Cape Town – very long and slow waves, not the steepness I needed. I am now back in Durban where the waves are a lot better, and now I can actually pump up and down even 1 ft waves. The only thing now is that I lose speed very easilly. What would be the solution ? If I had to get a board say the same length, maybe 6 foot, and add some volume and make it 2"1/2 × 18″1/2 would it help ?


May 07, 2014

I have been surfing for 20 years, live in Noosa (Sunshine Coast, Australia). before my son was born (he is 4 now), I was surfing shortboards exclusively, 5-6 sessions per week, tons of surftrips, some guns in Indo, happy in up to double overhead surf. Really confident surfer. The birth did my back in and I have been surfing an 8’6 and 8’1 for 4 years now. We have overhead pointbreaks and the boards do really well in that. Winter is beachbreaks with 3-5ft clean fast waves the staple. I have been on my 6’6, 19 1/2, 2 1/2 swallow tail for the first time in over 4 years yesterday and it felt like a thin potato chip skateboard. I am 173cm and weigh 68kgs. I surf 4 times per week and I am an ocean swimmer and pretty fit. I got waves on the board, loved the easy duckdive, paddled easy into waves but it felt too small, too thin and all wrong for me. I could get up on my feet but do no maneouvres and it felt kooky and unstable.
I want a shorter board (than 8’1) for every day beachies, easy duckdiving, but enough length to cruise on waves and do some manoeuvres (reos, round house cutties etc). Any advice??? You recommend your hybrid fish to be even shorter (6’4 at the most for my height), but given that my 6’6 felt tiny, I am now at a loss. Any comments much appreciated!


May 07, 2014

Welcome to this awesome world of surfing. It’s an amazing lifestyle and once you’ve been bitten, you will never be the same. :)

I would go with the 8’ Ultimate.

Make sure you download our guide and get yourself learned. :)

Alizah Jane
Alizah Jane

May 07, 2014

Hey, I’m 17 5’1 100lbs small frame (I’m a ballet dancer) and am the beginner of beginners. I’ve never touched a board in my life and have an ultimate fear of the ocean. But my goal this summer is to get over that fear and pursue my dream to learn to surf. I was wondering what board I should get to begin with and any advice you might have :) Thank you


May 07, 2014

You’re going to need to go with a bigger board so that it will float you well. If you went custom we get get you down to a 9’ Ultimate and compensate by going thicker, but if you go stock plan on getting a 10’ Ultimate. Enjoy. :)


May 07, 2014

You don’t have to make your first board a longboard but if you don’t know that learn to surf will be harder. Of the 2 between Poacher and Turning Point I would go with the TP. A little more versatile. I would still recommend a longboard though for your first one. 8ft for you. ;)


May 07, 2014

What is your skill level and where will you be surfing?


May 07, 2014

Hey im in progress of finding a second hand board. I over developed on my muscles i though going for a wider board for my short height might be good?

Im 5’ and 73 Kg – stocky – I ve have seen a few board: 6’9" by 20", 2"1/4 thick

6″ × 21″ × 2 1/2" Quad fin Fish and a 6’4" popout surfboard. Which is going to be the best; what do you think?


May 07, 2014

Ya we recommend going shorter but the board also has more volume. Our 6’4 Jack is like 20 1/2″ × 2 3/4". So it’s quite a bit more foam and would float you fine.


May 07, 2014

Ya I think it’s too long. I would go 8’6"; 9’ at the most. The Ultimate is what you’re after.


May 07, 2014

I’m 50 but pretty athletic. I’m 5’6" and about 160 lbs. will be riding small surf in Virginia beach. Don’t have the strength I use to have but still the desire to surf. I have my eye on a 9’6" epoxy longboard. Do you think this is too long for me?
Thanks for your help!


May 07, 2014

So cool that you have your fam involved. Love it! Yes we have a board that would be perfect. It’s called the Poacher and is essentially a shrunk down longboard. We carry it in 6’6", 6’10", and 7’2". If she is feeling comfortable on a 7’6" then the 7’2" would prob be the ticket. Here is a link to them –


May 07, 2014

I’d go with the 9’. Plenty of float and the reduced length will give you more performance. Here is a link to our Ultimate longboard (the board I’d recommend).


May 07, 2014

I would look at our Bean in probably 6’2". I think it’s a little thick for your weight, but you’re so tall that you will want the length. A custom may be in order. Let us know and we can help you with either. Here’s a link to the Bean.


May 07, 2014

My daughter just turned 8 years old and has done two surf camps over the summer. She is getting up on about every wave on the 8ft foam boards. She is starting to turn but the bigger board is a bit heavy. They moved her to a 7’6" and she had no problem transitioning to it. She would like to do surf competitions some day (she says). We live in Oceanside so will do most of her surfing probably south pier. Do you have anything that would be good for her?


May 07, 2014

Hi, I have been surfing for quite sometime now East Coast N.C. I have a 6’8 epoxy quad fish for bigger days and a 7’6" funboard for small days. Also have a 6’6’ shortboard. Im looking at getting a longboard for the really small days and want to know what size I should get. I am looking at 9’0 epoxy and 9’6" epoxy. This board will be primarily for 1-3 ft slop and occasionally waist to chest high depending on whether I like longboarding. I am athletic/bodybuilder type 5’10" 190lbs. I kinda want a performance type longboard should i go with the 9’0 or shoot for the 9’6. Thank you for the advice.

Bryan Crouch
Bryan Crouch

May 07, 2014

Hi, I live in California, I’m 34 yo, been surfing since I was 8. Having trouble finding the right short board as well as a fishy/biscuit type board. I’m 6’6" and weigh 180 lbs, I’m very flexible and don’t surf like a typical tall human, I surf top to bottom with fin release turns and punt a few airs here and there. I’ve been surfing 6’8" squash tails generally about 19 1/2" wide and 2 1/2" thick, but I feel a little held back with these boards and wonder if I should go shorter and thicker. what do you think? Also have no idea on length, width, thickness on smaller/mushier wave boards. thanks


May 07, 2014

Do you think a swallow tail/fish 6’0" x 19 5/8 × 2 1/2 would be a pretty good wave catcher for a 6’0" 190lb intermediate?

Garek Hurt
Garek Hurt

May 07, 2014

Try a custom glass Jack Hybrid. We can build it to your preferred specifications, fully custom.

Garek Hurt
Garek Hurt

May 07, 2014

Here’s the thing… Dane Reynolds created the Neckbeard for himself, and then CI took that design and made it user friends, for intermediate users. So even still, don’t make your next move from 9’0 down to 6’0. That’s too large of a leap. You’d figure the board out, but it’d take a year. If you have that kind of time and patience, go for it. If you want a little more meat throughout the board, try our “Jack” hybrid. I’d also go with a 6’4 rather than a 6’0. A 6’0 Neckbeard is where you’ll be in say, 3 years.

D33 Team


May 07, 2014

Hi, I’m 5’10 around 135ish. I was wondering if a 6’0 Channel Islands Neck Beard was good to learn shortboarding on? It’s 20 1/4 × 2 5/8. I’m decent on a 9’0 longboard but am naturally athletic and pick up new challenges easily. I know it’s a big jump down. But would this be a good board to learn on?

Blake Emerson
Blake Emerson

May 07, 2014

I am 12 Years old I’m 5-1 80 pounds. I am looking for a fast easy to get up on and is good when it comes to snaps and cutbacks I’ve been surfing for like 3 years and for 2 of those years I’ve been surfing a 5-8 and now I am looking for a 5-4 or a 5-6

Garek Hurt
Garek Hurt

May 07, 2014

Sure, depending on your rail taper, you can even fit a little more foam in the middle, like 2 9/16 or 2 5/8. Where do you surf?

Garek Hurt
Garek Hurt

May 07, 2014

Dom, go with the 9’0 23" 3", plenty of board for you.


May 07, 2014

I am a beginner surfer, I am 5’8″ and 168b. I go to Florida 1 time per year for 1 month and It’s really windy. So I would like to buy a longboard. I’ll not ride really often but I want a good board. I really don’t know which one to choose between a 9 and 9.6 foot. I want to have fun and I don’t have a lot of time to improve my skills so it’s why I consider a 9.6 foot. Is 22,5 Width and 2,3-4 thickness good? Thanks for your help!

Garek Hurt
Garek Hurt

May 07, 2014

Sure! I’m 5’11 215lbs and surf as short as 5’8 fishes with similar dimensions. At your height and weight, you should be able to get plenty of float, paddle and leverage with a board that size.

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