David Ziegler's personal blog of computing, math, and other heroic achievements.

14 Jul 2011

Django-css is dead, long live Django Compressor

This announcement is long past due. When I originally forked django-css from django-compressor the Django landscape and state of django-compressor were very different. The main impetus for the fork was to be able to use CSS compilers and fix some outstanding bugs.

Since then, django-compressor has been taken over and revitalized by Jannis Leidel. Not only is there a lot more active development, but it has a pre-compiler feature which allows you to easily plug in your favorite CSS and JS compilers. Since the original goals of django-css are now being met and surpassed by its parent, I think the responsible thing to do is officially kill django-css and recommend that people migrate to django-compressor. 

github: https://github.com/jezdez/django_compressor

documentation: http://django_compressor.readthedocs.org

pypi: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django_compressor

Migrating from django-css to django-compressor

For the most part, settings and usage and very similar. You should probably read the excellent documentation before you do anything, but I just want to highlight the main difference in how django-css and django-compressor handle pre-compilation of files.

Let’s assume my django-css setup looks like this:


{% load compress %}
{% compress css %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/media/css/one.css" type="text/css" charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/media/css/two.sass" type="text/css" charset="utf-8">
{% endcompress %}


    '.sass': {
        'arguments': '*.sass *.css'

The equivalent django-compressor code would look like this:


{% load compress %}
{% compress css %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/media/css/one.css" type="text/css" charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/media/css/two.sass" type="text/x-sass" charset="utf-8">
{% endcompress %}


    ('text/x-sass', 'sass {infile} {outfile}'),

That’s basically it, but for more info check out the COMPRESS_PRECOMPILER setting in the docs.

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24 Jan 2011

Graceful Degradation and Web Typography

This is a cross-post from the Codio engineering blog, but I feel it’s justified since I wrote it: Graceful Degradation For Non-Standard Web Fonts

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14 Dec 2010

Codio Now in Beta

Codio is now in Beta! http://blog.codio.com/codio-goes-beta

Things have been going pretty well so far. Since Chris is in San Francisco and I’m in Pittsburgh for the time being, we’ve been working on our own schedules and coordinating online.

Pros of working in Pittsburgh: I don’t know anyone here, so there’s not much to distract me. All I do is code, work out, and sleep.

Cons: It’s cold as shit, and all I do is code, work out, and sleep.

I don’t want this to become a blog about Codio, so barring an IPO or acquisition I’ll try not to mention it here anymore. If you want to follow Codio’s progress check out our blog and twitter account

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06 Nov 2010

django-urlcrypt now with RSA

Someone on Reddit pointed out that our url obfuscation method for django-urlcrypt was rather simplistic. We already kind of new this, and that if someone was able to figure out the obfuscation key then they’d be able to decode the urls to get someone’s hashed password. I don’t think that’s the end of the world because the password is still sha1 hashed, but it’s certainly not ideal.

So with 0.1.4 Chris added an option to use RSA to encrypt the url tokens, and we’re not including the hashed passwords as info that we’re encrypting. From the end user’s perspective the only difference is that if the user changes their password, the old links will still be valid.

If you want to use RSA, which is recommended, just add 

URLCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH = '/path/to/private_key'

in your settings.

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28 Oct 2010



Chris and I just open sourced django-urlcrypt, a Django app for encrypting information in urls. The main use case for this is when you want to give a user a url that logs the user in, and redirects them to some url. 

For example if I want to email users a link that logs them in and sends them to http://www.davidziegler.net/inbox/, I would send them something like http://www.davidziegler.net/r/TkNJBkNFAghDWkdFGPUAQEfcDUJfEBIREgEUFl1BQ

Some desired properties of this url are that 

1. User X can’t construct a url that logs him in as User Y

2. If User X changes his password, it should invalide all of the old login ursl.

3. The url should be relatively obfuscated so it’s not totally obvious what we’re doing.


There’s more in depth examples in the README, but basically it works like this:

from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from urlcrypt import lib as urlcrypt

token = urlcrypt.generate_login_token(user, reverse('message_inbox'))
encoded_url = reverse('urlcrypt_redirect', args=(token,))

Or in a template, 

{% load urlcrypt_tags %}

<a href="{% encoded_url user message_inbox %}"> 
    click me to log in as {{user.username}} and go to {% url message_inbox %} 

Basically it uses hmac to create a hash using your SECRET_KEY from settings.py, the user’s hashed password, id, and timestamp. For details, check out urlcrypt/lib.py in the source. It’d be relatively straight forward adapt to other frameworks but I just haven’t had the need to do so yet.

I guess we could have just used public key encryption too…but pycrypto is a pain to install (EDIT: oops, I was thinking of python-mcrypt. Maybe someday we’ll implement public key encryption). Of course, crypto is hard and it’s possible that there’s some glaring security hole in there that we missed, so please let us know if you find one or send us a patch on github.

update (11/6/10): django-urlcrypt now with RSA

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23 Oct 2010

Codio Alpha Launch

Hiring is one of those topics you constantly hear people gripe about. I’ve been on both sides of the fence and know how hard it is to find top talent and how frustrating it can be to get lost in a stack of resumes because you didn’t include the right buzz words and acronyms.

Codio is an attempt to improve the technical hiring process. Companies post jobs and specify what programming languages they’d like candidates to be tested on. When a candidate applies for a job, they’ll be scored on an adaptive set of tests in that language. All keyboard input is recorded so whoever reviews the submissions can playback the solution and see how the applicant arrived at their answer.

We’re hoping this allows companies to screen people who are obviously terrible coders without wasting time on a phone screen or in-person interview, and gives non-technical people a better metric to judge engineers, since 90% of resumes are useless.

This is only an alpha release so there are probably bugs, but we’re iterating quickly to clean things up and add new features. My co-founder Chris and I are so excited about Codio that we’re leaving Mingle to work on it full time starting in November.

If you’re a company or recruiter and you’d like to try it out, signup at http://www.codio.com using the code ‘daveblog’. Everything is free right now and when we solidify our pricing model, early adopters will get grandfathered in at a free or discounted rate. 

Feel free to send any feedback or problems you have to david@codio.com.

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04 Oct 2010

Python Books

My dad recently asked me for a good book to learn Python, causing my heart to swell with pride. I’m pretty sure the last programming language he learned was Fortran, since that’s what they’ve been using for the past zillion years in his department at GE. He once told me that he’s gotten to the age where every new thing he learns causes something else to get deleted, but I think Python is worth giving up his memories of my crappy piano recitals.

Coincidentally I was asked not too long ago to review the books Python Multimedia and MySQL for Python. MySQL for Python hasn’t been published yet, but I’m looking forward to reading it because we use MySQL at Mingle, and to be honest, my MySQL knowledge is not the greatest. If it wasn’t for John and Glen the database server would probably be on fire actually.

When I’m done with Python Multimedia I’ll post a full review.

Full disclosure: I received a free electronic copy of Python Multimedia and the amazon links are affiliate links (have to get my laundry money somehow).


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02 Oct 2010

Life Update

It’s been a while since I’ve written here because my life has been pretty busy lately. Here’s the rundown:

I’m splitting my time between Palo Alto and Pittsburgh. Helen is doing a MS in product design at CMU so I decided to move to Pittsburgh with her. Her program is only a year long, and we plan on moving back to the bay area in May. I’m still working full time at Mingle, and they’ve been generous enough to fly me back to Palo Alto roughly every two weeks to work face to face with the rest of the team. 

That means a lot of traveling, which is good and bad. Flying sucks, but living in two places at once is kind of fun. I’ve only been doing this for about a month, so we’ll see how long I can keep it up.

I want to publicly announce that I’m working on a project called cod.io, and that I hope to release it in private beta in the next two weeks. This is mainly just to give me an incentive to keep it on schedule, so if you want more info about it just wait until then or send me an email. 

Minor updates:

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25 Apr 2010

Some Common Django ORM Pitfalls

For the most part, I like the Django ORM because it makes it easy to write reusable code that reads and writes from the database. I’ve found that the ORM can be a double edged sword though, as it sometimes becomes too easy to read and write from the database. In hindsight, most of the following mistakes are pretty obvious once you understand how the ORM works, but I still see these all the time so I thought it’d be good to point them out. If you want a more basic guide to Django model and querying patterns, Better Django Models is a great article for that, so I won’t reiterate the points made in there.

For the following examples, I’ll be using these models:

class Book(models.Model):
    author = models.ForeignKey(User)
class Profile(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(User)

1. book.author does a database query

OK, this is pretty basic, but it has a bunch of implications, such as:

book.author.id != book.author_id

Well, the values returned will be the same, but book.author.id does an additional database query. There is pretty much never a good reason to do book.author.id unless you know for sure that you’re accessing an internally cached instance, either obtained from select_related or because you’ve already accessed book.author and created a cached instance, but even then, why chance it?

For the same reason,

this is bad

book = Book()
book.author = profile.user

and this is good

book = Book()
book.author_id = profile.user_id

2. Querysets are not lists

How many database queries is this?

books = Book.objects.all()
print books[0]
print books[1]

The answer is 2, one for each slice. It’s much easier to see that this is 2 separate queries once you realize that the above is essentially equivalent to

print Book.objects.all()[0]
print Book.objects.all()[1]

This result is a combination of Django’s querysets being lazy, meaning they won’t be evaluated until they’re accessed, and because a queryset’s internal cache doesn’t get populated unless you iterate through the queryset. If we do:

books = Book.objects.all()
for book in books:
    print book
print books[0]
print books[1]

This will result in one database query because by iterating through the queryset, the internal cache will get populated and books[0] and books[1] will simply access the internal cache (I don’t recommend iterating through the entire queryset if you only need the first two books, I’m just trying to make a point).

3. Use iterator() when you don’t need or want the internal queryset cache

As I just mentioned, iterating through the queryset will populate the internal cache. Sometimes though, the internal cache may not be desirable. For example if we have one million users:

users = User.objects.all()
for user in users:
    print user.username

this will load one million users into memory because users internal cache will be populated. The iterator() method will tell the queryset not to populate the internal cache, which can significantly reduce memory usage and increase performance. 

users = User.objects.all()
for user in users.iterator()
    print user.username

Even for smaller querysets, it’s not a bad idea to use the iterator() method if you know you’re not going to reuse the queryset.

4. Be careful with model properties/methods that do database lookups

class Profile(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(User)
    def username(self):
        return self.user.username

There’s nothing necessarily wrong about this, but it’s dangerous to expose properties or methods that hide database lookups. Especially if you’re working with designers who may not know what your schema looks like, exposing properties like this makes it easy to do:

{% for profile in profiles %}
    <li>{{ profile.username }}</li>
{% endfor %}

whereas it’s much easier to see that

{% for profile in profiles %}
    <li>{{ profile.user.username }}</li>
{% endfor %}

will do N User lookups. If for some reason you find that you do need to create a property that does a database lookup, make it private.

class Profile(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(User)
    def _username(self):
        return self.user.username

Private methods can’t be used in templates, so it becomes much harder for a designer to shoot your site in the foot.

Hopefully this was helpful for someone. Feel free to comment, subscribe, or follow me on twitter.

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05 Mar 2010

Announcing django-cachebot

“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” —Phil Karlton

Over the past couple weeks I’ve been working on a Django app to do automated caching and invalidation. The basic usage follows like this:

Photo.objects.cache().filter(user=user, status=2)

Anything I would say here would mostly be a repeat of the documentation I wrote, so you should just check it out for yourself: http://github.com/dziegler/django-cachebot

Be sure read the caveats. We’re using this in production at mingle.com, but it’s an early stage project so it’s possible that there are edge cases that I’ve missed. That being said, since we’re using it in production, I will try to fix any bugs as soon as I can. If you’re familiar with Django internals or feeling adventurous, feel free to take a look at the source and send me some feedback on how it could be improved.

Also, as a followup to Phil Karlton’s second point, I was thinking of naming this Sir-Cache-a-Lot, but thought that would be too hard to import, so I went with django-cachebot.

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