Churros with Spiced Chocolate Bisque to Satisfy a Late Pregnancy Craving

I believe a few weeks ago, I told you that I don’t usually like fried desserts or that I have not had much of a chocolate craving as of late. Well, I must take all of that back as this week I fried up the largest batch of churros and cooked the richest chocolate bisque I have made in a long time. We were able to open all windows this week and let the cool autumn breeze come in. Most of you are probably bundled up in scarves and coats by now, but we have had an unusually warm month (even for Florida), so this was a great feeling.

As I approach the last couple of weeks of this pregnancy, all I want is to be comforted and have all the ones I love close. C. returned from his trip to Montana and now we are getting ready for my parents to arrive.

One night while C. was giving me a much needed foot rub, we were talking about memories and my family back home. Suddenly the thought of chocolate con churros hit me. Cinnamon sugar churros dipped in a thick chocolate custard. “I must make them tomorrow”, I said and so I did.

The traditional hot chocolate served in Spain doesn’t contain eggs. It is a thick chocolate cream usually thickened with a bit of cornstarch or made with a special kind of chocolate that contains thickeners. This recipe is a bit like a creme anglaise flavored with dark chocolate, coffee, orange, fresh ginger, cinnamon and vanilla bean. It can be served warm or even cold, but I really like the churros dipped in a warm custard.


125 ml water
125ml whole milk
110 grams butter
pinch salt
large pinch sugar
150 grams flour
3 eggs

Canola oil for frying

Cinnamon sugar for coating

Place the water, milk, butter, sugar and salt in a medium saucepan. Bring this to a boil. Add the flour all at once and stir with a wooden spoon until it comes together into a smooth ball.

Transfer this mass to the bowl of an electric mixer (or can do it by hand) and start mixing with a paddle attachment. When most of the steam has evaporated, add the eggs one at a time. Mix until it comes together to a smooth thick mass.

Transfer to a pastry bag fitted with a star tip (#5).

In a wide pan that has tall sides, pour about 3″ deep of canola oil. Heat it to 350F. When it reaches the temperature, pipe the batter into the oil and cut with scissors. Fry them until golden brown. Remove the churros from the oil and roll them in cinnamon sugar. Serve immediately.

Spiced Chocolate Bisque

500 ml heavy cream
200 ml whole milk
100 grams sugar
1 vanilla bean, split
1 star anise
1 stick of cinnamon
Zest of 1 orange
3 slices of fresh ginger
5 grams cocoa powder
3 grams instant coffee powder
6 egg yolks
135 grams dark chocolate, chopped

In a medium saucepan, heat the cream, milk, sugar, vanilla bean, star anise, cinnamon, orange zest and fresh ginger. Bring it to a boil. Turn the heat off and let it steep for about 10 minutes. Return the mixture to a boil and add the cocoa powder and instant coffee powder. Whisk well.

Place the egg yolks in a large bowl and temper the milk mixture into them while whisking. Return this mixture to the sauce pan and cook for a couple of minutes while constantly stirring until lightly thickens.

Place the finely chopped chocolate in a large bowl. Place a fine sieve over the bowl and pour the custard over the chocolate. Mix until all the chocolate is melted and you have a smooth cream.

Can be served warm, room temperature or cold. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. It will thicken when it cools.

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133 Responses to “Churros with Spiced Chocolate Bisque to Satisfy a Late Pregnancy Craving”

  1. I had fantastic chocolate con churros in Barcelona this summer. This post brought back great memories! Gorgeous photos. I love the vanilla beans tied together next to all of the other ingredients.

  2. It’s so crazy you posted this! My husband asked me what I wanted to do tonight and my response was “search the city for the best churros”…
    in the end, we drank too much (or just enough, depending on how one looks at it) wine, and lost the energy to do anything but go home and get out of the cold…
    but now I just want to return to the kitchen and make a batch of my own!!!

  3. I love churros -I have always thought it too difficult to pipe using a pastry bag when the dough was hot so I ended up buying a churros maker in Spain. I have been looking for a great hot chocolate recipe – yours sounds lovely. Muchas Gracias!

  4. bonvivant says:

    I have a friend back home (Singapore) who runs a stall selling Spanish street food and can never tire of his churros. Thank you for sharing this recipe so that I can recreate it in my kitchen!

  5. Robin says:

    These look awesome, I’ve always wanted to try churros. I was wondering, about what quantity of churros would you say this makes? Thanks!

  6. veron says:

    I will make churros soon. I’ve been craving it for the longest time now.

  7. Ohhh geeeeeez! That spiced chocolate bisque looks so rich and creeeeamyyyy! Definitely will be making it soon! THANKS!

  8. El says:

    I must admit, I’ve never tried either of these desserts before but they both look very satisfying – especially for cravings. I think I’ll be trying these out soon!

  9. Marielle says:

    Your food styling and photography is just so, so wonderful and inspiring. Thanks!

    Blessings on your new little one.

  10. These look amazing! and very more-ish too. Must try them out :)
    Good luck for the last few weeks of your pregnancy. Its a satisfying time isn’t it. You know that all will be well if the baby comes now and you are organised for whenever it is going to arrive.
    I wish you and all of your family well with everything, however and when ever it occurs.
    Irene x

  11. this looks so amazing!! thanks for your beautiful photos & recipes


  12. Mercè says:

    Aran, jeje así me gusta, que te cuides!! ;) A mi me encanta el chocolate a la taza, sobretodo ahora que empieza a refrescar un poco… buenísimo! Y con los churros, ya no te digo!
    Fantásticas fotos, como siempre!!
    Y espero que todo vaya bien en el nacimiento de tu niña! :)

  13. Sunshinemom says:

    Congrats! I appreciate that you are still posting!

  14. Quinn says:

    I appreciate you are still posting even though you’re weeks to delivering. Thank you, your pictures made my day and I love churros dipped in chocolate!!!

  15. Wow so close to delivery and you still post :) This brings back a memory of my daughter and I making Churros for her international school project. Easy thing to make which surprised me! AND I too have been looking for a great thick, rich, hot chocolate recipe. Thanks for your great pictures too. just FAB!

  16. Juliana says:

    I love churros and have fond memories of making them with my mom. Thank you for reminding me how good they are!

  17. I love fried desserts! Those churros look so tempting with that chocolate sauce!



  18. Aran says:

    The story so far- perfect after a night out!

    Trissalicious- this is not the traditional chocolate a la taza recipe, just so you know. you can get the traditional chocolate here

    Robin- it makes about 3 dozen 4″ churros, but again depends on how long you make them.

    Thank you all of you for the well wishes. I will keep you posted. Have a great weekend!

  19. Setty Lepida says:

    Hi I’m a new reader of yours, and I found that recipe quite interesting. I’ve never tried churros before, and it’s the first time I ever see the name to be honest. It looks so yummy ! Can one also use it as a side desert when serving say a homemade cake?
    I am sure going to try it.

  20. K.Line says:

    I LOVE what you call chocolate bisque. What a perfect name for something I refer to as “thick hot chocolate” and which few people know anything about here.

  21. OH. MY. WORD.


    (me…fainting with visual pleasure)

  22. Yum! I just had the most lovely churros at Portobello Road Markets…and these look sooo much better! I think I might have to try to make them!

  23. Amanda says:

    Your photos make me want to lick the screen! Everything looks wonderful. I’ve actually never heard of chocolate bisque.. shelted, I know. ;)

  24. icicle says:

    Mmm, I could live on this (lol! and “live large” as a result, I’m sure!). Fortunately, the messy frying part keeps me in check. The chocolate bisque on the other hand sounds easy and therefore dangerous.

    And I’m still coveting your robin’s egg blue custard cups. I really have to pick some up next time I’m across the pond.

  25. Gaby says:

    Hello :) your recipes and photos are always wonderful :) !!

  26. Dajda says:

    Lovely, as always. My favourite picture is the second one, with the chocolate partly chopped.

  27. Zerogluten says:

    Te juro que con las fotos que últimamente nos regalas, mis desayunos se quedan pobres, pobres.
    Ay! que ricos unos buenos churros con chocolate. Los tuyos, como siempre con un toque de clase y distinción.
    Qué tal la peque? Tenemos nombre? Te encuentras bien?
    Besitos sin gluten.

  28. jokemijn says:

    oh! churros! such nice memories. I have to try this.

  29. Bree says:

    I was completely addicted to Sarris chocolate when I was pregnant, yummy. I just ordered their solid chocolate turkeys to use for our Thanksgiving centerpiece. This bisque will go great with it! Sarris Turkeys

  30. Aran says:

    Setty- You could always serve it but I wouldn’t. Cake plus churros might be too heavy to serve to your guests. Hope you try them.

    Icicle- they are not messy to fry but the fried oil smell is a different story. That is a bit of a turn off for me at times.

    Zerogluten- ya no me queda nada. me encuentro cansada pero muy bien. gracias!

  31. Aran, I just tried the authentic version for the first time in Barcelona this past September. In my mind, fried dough dipped in chocolate is a moment in time that couldn’t get any better. Yours are so decadent looking. The photo appears life-size on my screen and makes me feel like I could reach out and grab one.

  32. Chez Flor says:

    great photos!
    I love your blog

  33. Memória says:

    ¡ME ENCANTAN LOS CHURROS! Iba a preparar unos churros pero cambié de idea…ahora voy a tener que cambiar de idea de nuevo jaja. Y el chocolate caliente se ve bien rico. Voy a guardar estas recetas. Gracias.

  34. Julia says:

    Hello there :)

    Your pictures made my mouth water and also brought to mind a wonderful memory of eating a similar delicious snack one evening in Barcelona at the Cafe de L’Opera on La Ramblas…I can still taste the churros now…!

    Lovely to meet you in blogland

    With love
    Julia x

  35. rosanna says:

    Aquí en España, al menos en mi zona, en Valencia, se tiene como sabiduría popular que el chocolate caliente induce al parto… Cuando una embarazada ha salido ya de cuentas y el momento del parto se retrasa las señoras mayoras suelen recomendarle un buen chocolate caliente con churros. Así que creo que lo has tomado en el mejor momento, tal vez tu inconsciente te lo pedía…
    Ya nos contarás!
    Un beso y que tengas una horita corta, como se dice aquí.
    Rosanna, de

  36. Churros + Chocolate – would satisfy so many of the cravings I’ve had. Looks absolutely divine…

  37. Palaisdeslys says:

    A spanish breakfast i love a lot and you’ve got the right way to do it!!! The pictures are beautiful!!!

  38. Dana says:

    I would like to take a bath in that bisque! Totally gorgeous and delicious looking.

  39. Valentina says:

    I love this combination. There is a lovely spanish place in London where we can get the hot chocolate just like that. it is delicious.

  40. this looks so good – i’m tempted to make this very recipe this week. always something delicious on your blog!

  41. anna says:

    I’m NEVER a big chocolate person and I don’t really care for fried desserts either, but I will NEVER turn down fresh, sugary churros. Forget donuts, churros are truly the king of the fried dessert world.

  42. Fabelicious says:

    Oh, I miss churros! Gotta try this one!

  43. Margarita says:

    I freaking love churros. Seriously. And those are some amazing photos :)

  44. Jamie says:

    We often have street fairs and festivals of one sort or another here in Nantes and the streets are lined with food booths which usually means sausages in baguettes. But the one thing I love are the freshly-fried churros! The smell and the taste are fabulous! I have always wanted to make them but never have. And yours are perfect and – wowee – dipped in thick chocolate custard? Amazing! I could crave this too, pregnant or not! And I miss those cool Florida winters btw.

  45. ibb says:

    Hotzarekin ez dago hoberik. Etxean egindako txokolatea eta buztitzeko zeozer. Amamak beti prestatzen zuen etxean, gure urtebetetzerako. Txokolate beltza, guk txikitua…
    Gauzak ondo joan daitezela azken aste hauetan, eta dena ondo joan dadila.
    Muxu haundi bat.
    Eta horrela zaintzen jarraitu. Orain zure gurasoak etxean daudela, eska amari zeozer egin dezan eta hemen izegi.

  46. Barbara says:

    I love churros! Your photos and recipes are perfect! Can’t wait to try making them.
    Oddly enough, my pregnancy cravings were not for sweets. With one child I wanted a continual supply of soft shelled crabs. Go figure.

  47. Erika says:

    Churros! Por nuestra tierra los churros son típicos de la playa y el verano. Se comen sentados en la arena mirando al mar. Por suerte la costumbre es comerlos con azúcar espolvoreada por encima. Y como nuestras playas son muy ventosas la arena se queda pegada en el churro entonces comés churros con azúcar y arena! Pero nadie se queja y los churros desaparecen.
    Me imagino como debe haber slatado de emoción tu bebe dentro de la panza al recibir este bocado tan dulce! A mi me pasaba eso con los míos

  48. idu says:

    Kasualitatez, atzo bertan egin nituen txokolatea eta txurroak. Euria bota eta bota ari du hemen asteburu osoan, haizea, hotza,, plan hoberik? Gero ta gutxiago falta da ttikia etortzeko, eta gurasoak ondoan dituzula,, benetan gustora geon behar duzu. Gozatu azken egunak, eta muxu haundi haundibat!

  49. Fausta says:

    this looks like proper “comfort food”!! Your pictures are terrific!

  50. K. Carlos says:

    Aran, I think you just passed along your pregnancy craving! OMG! They look delicious, I’m going to have to make some for myself today! :)

  51. Victoria says:

    Brings back memories of our first wedding anniversary in Madrid. We discovered the most wonderful breakfast cafe that made only churros and chocolate – divine. I must try this at home – although I’m sure they will become addictive.

  52. shaz says:

    What a great craving to have! Only discovered churros this year – thanks for sharing your wonderful recipe. They look divine.

  53. Katie says:

    WOW! These look incredible.

  54. wondersceeto says:

    I am eight days from having my first child and feel the same way about my food cravings and social needs. It was so nice to hear that I am not alone in these feelings. I plan on making the bisque sometime this week. Thank you for the post.

  55. Karine says:

    Aran, you hit a soft spot with the churros recipe. While I was pregnant with my second daughter I was craving them too. Specially with a cup real dark chocolate that I use to spice up a bit with spices. Married to a Colombian, he introduced me one day to Churros. It was love at first bite. hehehe…

    Do you have any creative middle eastern desserts in your repertoire you could share with us? It could be any idea for your next blog recipe.

  56. Tina Crespo says:

    i may not be pregnant, but this looks sooooo delicious and toasty. mmm, thanks for sharing!

  57. cindy* says:

    aran…you amaze me! the new little one is going to come into the world so sweet! so happy you fulfilled your craving…these look amazing and the photos are so lovely.

  58. Katherine says:

    I have discovered that comfort foods call to me louder than any other and this post is definitely calling to me!

  59. Frenchie says:

    Churros have always been one of my favorite treats, I love the cripy cinnamon sweetness. I have always wondered how they were made and I assumed it was far more complicated than it is. I can’t wait to try making these myself!

  60. Deann B. says:

    The styling on this is beautiful and one of my favorites of yours… also, I have got to try this recipe – it looks delicious!

  61. intxaurtsu says:

    Bikaina!!! ziur primeran zegoela den-dena baina argazkiak….zelako pasada, artista hutsa zara

  62. Cakespy says:

    I’m not pregnant but I sure do have a craving right now!

  63. ooo-it’s getting so close! and seriously little mama–get out of my mind–just talking to a friend this morning about churros–she just returned from barcelona and told me the one thing she regrets is not having eaten any…i tried to make her feel better by saying, “aaaa-it’s just fried dough dipped in chocolate pudding” full well knowing it’s a hundred times more delicious than that flat description and she knew it too. then we cracked up and agreed it stunk she had missed them!!!…vivos los churros!!!

  64. Seanna Lea says:

    God. That sounds heavenly. I’m trying to be good and eat healthily, but this might be too tempting to pass up!

  65. Michelle says:

    That sounds absolutely delicious. And yay for Montana!

  66. aran, wue decirte de este post, churros con chocolate…me lleno de orgullo, unque por aqui ne las calles delondres hay puestos que los venden pero como si fueran autoctonos de brasil o mexico. A mi tampoco me entusiasman los postres fritos y aunque no estoy embarazadaa veces tambien me vienen antojos, y los aprovecho! preciosa entrada y maravillosas fotos, suerte con la bebe, keep us posted! besos

  67. Aran says:

    Wondersceeto- congrats and best of luck!

    Karine- I have to admit I haven’t dabbled much in middle eastern cuisine and pastry in particular. I should pick up a book!

    Thank you so much everyone. I have to tell you that I love reading every single comment and I appreciate all the well wishes. Thank you so much!

  68. How wonderful that you only have a couple weeks left! Although it would have been nice for it to cool down a little sooner, I’d guess. And now I really want to fry something, even though it isn’t something I do very often. Churros sound fantastic!

  69. simplesong says:

    i love churros. a childhood friend’s mom used to always make them for us….sweet memories. hope this fed the craving!

  70. Lauren says:

    Oh my goodness! That sounds delicious =D. I love the flavours!

  71. CD says:

    I love your blog and your photography is BEAUTIFUL! I have a minor question: where do you get those beautiful Tiffany blue & white cups (seen in the last photo here)? Are they paper cups or are they ceramic? Please let me know! Thank you!

  72. lauren haupt says:

    ooooh, yum.
    I went to Mexico City in August and have been missing freshly-made churros ever since. I might just try this… :)

  73. Valérie says:

    I’m not pregnant but I’d kill for somme of your churros and chocolate sauce !!!

  74. I like the anise, cinnamon, ginger and ornage combination. delicious.

  75. oh my word, how delicious does that all look? my mouth is watering and my stomach is growling.

  76. The pictures are so nice that it triggered me to make my own churros! I missed churros, it has been a long time!

  77. Oh my. Oh my. What delicious treats!

  78. Madame Sucre says:

    not pregnant here.. but sure do have two cravings.. one is the churrios.. the other is to get pregnant for the second time :)

  79. My favourite childhood memories are linked to churros y chocolate… thank you for such a wonderful post. wish you the bext for the next few weeks

  80. Aran says:

    CD- those cups are from a German company called ASA. Cute aren’t they?

    Thanks everyone. Glad to see I’m not the only one with cravings!

  81. Rosanna says:

    Another glorious looking recipe and such beautiful photography! I absolutely love your blog – I stumbled upon it a few months ago and was so moved by it that I was inspired to start my own. Undoubtedly one of the best things I have ever done, it makes me so happy – so thank you, Aran, and best of luck with the pregnancy!

  82. Camila says:

    I didn’t know you’re pregnant! Congratulations!

  83. i absolutely love churros. those look perfect!

  84. Barbara says:

    I have only eaten churros in Spain. If didn’t have a fear of deep frying I’d like to try making them. Yours look wonderful Aran and I’m sure that satisfied the craving.

  85. Y says:

    Those churros look fantastic! You know I’m very excited for you, what with the impending little one. Also because it means you’ll be able to start feeling better soon! x

  86. My goodness these are so decadent! You must have grown up in such a food rich childhood. Lucky you and the wonderful little foodie you will be raising!

  87. Love churros and great idea adding the spice!

  88. aran, omy gosh- im so happy you posted this. we served churros at our wedding, i was so excited for them – and of course on the day of…all i had was one little bite. now I know what to do on our anniversary. i will make your churros ( a big batch of them !):) thank you. these are beautifully styled and photographed as always.xoxo

  89. Anonymous says:

    your child will be blessed to have a mommy who’s so good at cooking! those churros look delicious~!

  90. chess says:

    I would love to try that one this weekend. That one is so tempting. I love it!

  91. Melody says:

    May I know what lens do you use for your pictures? They are so amazing :)

  92. Aran says:

    Melody- I use either the Canon 50mm 1.4 or the 100mm macro 2.8 for most of my shots. Thanks!

  93. Karen Wise says:

    OMG, I’m drooling. The recipe looks sooo good!

  94. Wow this is incredibly gorgeous and luxurious! That is what I call a craving satisfaction. I can see that you are humming along and doing what makes you happy. And what makes the rest of us happy, too.

  95. Churros and I have a funny history. I had my first when I was about 3 years old. (yes I remember them!) Although I didn’t know their name at the time. For years I tried to tell my mom what about it but she had no idea. I even drew it for her. Now at 29 I finally know about what they are called lol!

  96. Judith says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Jeanne says:

    Oh, churros are so wonderful. And paired with chocolate bisque? Divine! Enjoy these last days of pregnancy. Such a twilight time–you like that you’re there, but you want to be at the next phase. I am so happy for you!

  98. J2Kfm says:

    nice churros, to be dipped into the thick, spiced caramel.
    you take very, very nice shots. almost too good to be true.

  99. Cynthia says:

    Carajo, me hiciste romper la dieta!! Tan solo vi esta foto y me antoje de un chocolate – no quiero ni pensar lo que vayas a hacer ahora para Thanksgiving!!

  100. jen says:

    This is one of my favorite all-time combos but I have never attempted the churros at home. It reminds me of a breakfast I had in Madrid that was incredible. I can still remember the smell of the chocolate. Yum!

  101. Budour says:

    I tried both recipes today and I am having the best churros I have ever had in my life with the most fragrant chocolate sauce! It’s fantastic!

    Can’t stop eating.

  102. { uMy } says:

    I’ve tried the recipe a few days ago. I can’t believe how amazingly this dough was soft and easy to pipe. Now, this recipe is definitely a keeper. Thank you Aran for the post :) Hope you’ll have a great pregnancy and a lovely cute boy that is to come :D

  103. Annie says:

    Un regalo para la vista, y para los sentidos!!! Muy buena presentación, felicidades!! Me hago tu fiel seguidora, besos ;o)

  104. This is something I’ve always wanted to make!! They look soo delicious!

  105. Super Mommie says:

    Can you say double yummy! I’m going to try my hand a churros with chocolate custard! Thanks!

  106. S says:

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  107. S says:

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  108. S says:

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  109. Caryl says:

    Love the recipes – I’m going to have to try it. I’m wondering where you got the bowls that have the numbers on it? It looks like a type of measuring bowl. Thanks in advance!! Caryl

  110. Aran says:

    caryl- those are just small bowls from my friend Asya Palatova’s line called Gleena. check out her web site at

  111. Heidi says:

    That looks just heavenly!!

  112. OMG….droool!!
    Thanks for sharing the recipes and for wonderful pictures of your goodies!! Ill try to make them this weekend. It fits the weather we are having here in the bay area.

    BTW, love your blog!


  113. i remember my senora in Barcelona, Spain making me these one morning…if you can handle the sugar rush a perfectly delicious treat!

  114. Yamila says:

    que rico, churros con chocolate caliente, estoy embarazada tambien y me gustaria comer esto ahora, igual aca en Sydney hiso mas de 40 grados pero ahora refresco. Que lindas fotos que lindo blog!

  115. Marta says:

    Acabo de ver tu blog a partir de un link de A cup of Jo. ¡Qué buena pinta tiene este chocolate con churros! ¡Delicioso!

  116. Kelly says:

    All I have to say is WOW! These are so good! I just made them to take to a party a can not stop eating them. Aran, you have such wonderful recipes. Thank you for what you do and I hope you continue.

  117. Stop snoring says:

    Looks like I am craving too, I want to try that one now. Honestly, I am 2 months pregnant now and I must say that this recipe is so tempting. I would love to try this one on weekend.

  118. admin says:

    that’s very good info
    i think i will put some my own blog :D

    Natural Health Remedies For Diabetes

  119. Memória says:

    Ya preparé unos churros con la ayuda de tu receta y puse unas fotos en mi blog (aunque mis fotos no sean tan lindas como las tuyas).

    Gracias por compartir esta buenísima receta. La próxima vez que los preparo, voy a probar la receta para el bisque.

  120. Irene Z says:

    Churros! No sabes que feliz me hace ver tu receta, en España nunca los comia muy a menudo (por lo que engordan…) pero ahora durante el invierno en Nueva York he tenido unas ganas locas de comerlos. Me ha servido como sustituto el you tiao, que yo llamo churro chino, pero no es lo mismo! A ver si me pongo manos a la obra, y me hago un buen desayuno o merienda un dia de estos :)

  121. Auth says:

    I worked many an early mnrniog shift back in the 1980 s in the Coffee Dock. Rugby and Spring Show week the place would be a zoo.Loving your photography and musings BTW

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  123. […] And with delicious additions from peppermint to peanut butter to brown sugar to coconut to ginger and orange, I’m convinced there will be several winners in the bunch. Maybe a hot chocolate tasting party […]

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