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examples of API calls in FREE

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  • examples of API calls in FREE

    Ã?     *=======================================================================                     Ã?
    Ã?     * Program Name: APISPL                                                                       Ã?
    Ã?     * Description : Read thru outqueue move spooled files if ITSTATUS in                         Ã?
    Ã?     *               ITOUTQP <> *Blanks                                                           Ã?
    Ã?     * Written On  :                                                                              Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     * Modification                                                                               Ã?
    Ã?     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                                               Ã?
    Ã?     * Date             Project Pgmr Description                                                  Ã?
    Ã?     * ~~~~~~~~         ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~                                                  Ã?
    Ã?     *June 22,2004                                                                                Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     *========================================================================                    Ã?
         h option(*srcstmt: *nodebugio)  dftactgrp(*no)
         fITOUTQP   if   e           k disk
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     * Program Info                                                                               Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         d PgmInfo        SDS
         d  @PgmName               1     10
         d  @Parms                37     39  0
         d  @MsgID                40     46
         d  @JobName             244    253
         d  @UserId              254    263
         d  @JobNbr              264    269  0
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     * API - List spooled files                                                                   Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         d QUSLSPL         PR                  extpgm('QUSLSPL')
    Ã?     * required parameters                                                                        Ã?
         d   UsrSpc                      20A   const
         d   Format                       8A   const
         d   UserName                    10A   const
         d   QualOutQ                    20A   const
         d   FormType                    10A   const
         d   UserData                    10A   const
    Ã?     * optional group 1:                                                                          Ã?
         d   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*nopass: *varsize)
    Ã?     * optional group 2:                                                                          Ã?
         d   QualJob                     26A   options(*nopass) const
         d   FieldKeys                   10I 0 options(*nopass: *varsize)
         d                                     dim(9999)
         d   NumFields                   10I 0 options(*nopass) const
    Ã?     * optional group 3:                                                                          Ã?
         d   AuxStgPool                  10I 0 options(*nopass) const
    Ã?     * optional group 4:                                                                          Ã?
         d   JobSysName                   8A   options(*nopass) const
         d   StartCrtDate                 7A   options(*nopass) const
         d   StartCrtTime                 6A   options(*nopass) const
         d   EndCrtDate                   7A   options(*nopass) const
         d   EndCrtTime                   6A   options(*nopass) const
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         d QUSCRTUS        PR                  extpgm('QUSCRTUS')
         d   UsrSpc                      20A   const
         d   ExtAttr                     10A   const
         d   InitialSize                 10I 0 const
         d   InitialVal                   1A   const
         d   PublicAuth                  10A   const
         d   Text                        50A   const
         d   Replace                     10A   const
         d   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*nopass: *varsize)
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         d QUSPTRUS        PR                  extpgm('QUSPTRUS')
         d   UsrSpc                      20A   const
         d   Pointer                       *
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         d QUSDLTUS        PR                  extpgm('QUSDLTUS')
         d   UsrSpc                      20A   const
         d   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*varsize)
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         d p_UsrSpc        s               *
         d dsLH            DS                   based(p_UsrSpc)
         d                                      qualified
         d   Filler1                    103A
         d   Status                       1A
         d   Filler2                     12A
         d   HdrOffset                   10I 0
         d   HdrSize                     10I 0
         d   ListOffset                  10I 0
         d   ListSize                    10I 0
         d   NumEntries                  10I 0
         d   EntrySize                   10I 0
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         d p_Entry         s               *
         d dsSF            DS                   based(p_Entry)
         d                                      qualified
         d   JobName                     10A
         d   UserName                    10A
         d   JobNumber                    6A
         d   SplfName                    10A
         d   SplfNbr                     10I 0
         d   SplfStatus                  10I 0
         d   OpenDate                     7A
         d   OpenTime                     6A
         d   Schedule                     1A
         d   SysName                     10A
         d   UserData                    10A
         d   FormType                    10A
         d   OutQueue                    10A
         d   OutQueueLib                 10A
         d   AuxPool                     10I 0
         d   SplfSize                    10I 0
         d   SizeMult                    10I 0
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         d   TotalPages                  10I 0
         d   CopiesLeft                  10I 0
         d   Priority                     1A
         d   Reserved                     3A
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         d dsEC            DS                  qualified
         d  BytesProvided                10I 0 inz(%size(dsEC))
         d  BytesAvail                   10I 0 inz(0)
         d  MessageID                     7A
         d  Reserved                      1A
         d  MessageData                 240A
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     * constants                                                                                  Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         d MYSPACE         c                   const('SPLFLIST  QTEMP     ')
         d Low             c                   const('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
         d Up              c                   const('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     *  Field Definitions.                                                                        Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         d OutQName        ds
         d   OutQ                        10A   inz(*blanks)
         d   OutQLib                     10A   inz(*blanks)
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         d size            s             10I 0
         d sf              s             10I 0 inz(1)
         d pos             s              4  0
         d pos1            s              4  0
         d Len             s              4  0
         d Loop            s              1    inz('Y')
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         d CmdString       s            256    inz(*blanks)
         d CmdLength       s             15  5 inz(0)
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         d IFSPDFName      s           2500    inz(*blanks)
         d IFSHTMName      s           2500    inz(*blanks)
         d JobInfo         s            256    inz(*blanks)
         d IFSFName        s            256    inz(*blanks)
         d FTPFName        s            256    inz(*blanks)
         d wSPLFName       s             10    inz(*blanks)
         d wJobName        s             10    inz(*blanks)
         d wUserData       s             10    inz(*blanks)
         d EMLSubject      s            256    inz(*blanks)
         d EMLMessage      s          15000    inz(*blanks)
         d EMLAddress      s            256    inz(*blanks)
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     *========================================================================                    Ã?
    Ã?     * MAIN LINE                                                                                  Ã?
    Ã?     *========================================================================                    Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     *  Read thru the ITOUTQ table and look for ITSTATUS <> *Blanks                               Ã?
    Ã?     * If found then use the To-OutQueue and Library to move the spooled Files                    Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   dow       Loop = 'Y'
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c     *start        setll     ITOUTQP
         c                   read      ITOUTQP
         c                   dow       not %eof(ITOUTQP)
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   if        ITSTATUS <> *blanks
         c                   eval      OutQ    = ITFOUTQ
         c                   eval      OutQLib = ITFOLIB
         c                   exsr      $GetSPLFList
         c                   endif
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     * Delay the job for 5 minutes                                                                Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   eval      CmdString = 'DLYJOB 300'
         c                   eval      CmdLength = %Len(%Trim(CmdString))
         c                   call(e)   'QCMDEXC'
         c                   parm                    CmdString
         c                   parm                    CmdLength
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   read      ITOUTQP
         c                   enddo
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   enddo
         c                   eval      *inlr = *on
         c                   return
    Ã?     *========================================================================                    Ã?
    Ã?     * $GetSPLFList - Get Spooled File List                                                       Ã?
    Ã?     *========================================================================                    Ã?
         c     $GetSPLFList  begsr
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     * set this to zero to let OS/400 handle errors                                               Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   eval      dsEC.BytesProvided = 0
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     * Make space for (approx) 1000 spooled files to be listed                                    Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   eval      size = %size(dsLH) + 512 +
         c                                    (%size(dsSF) * 1000)
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     * Create a user space                                                                        Ã?
    Ã?     * List spooled files to the user space                                                       Ã?
    Ã?     * Get a pointer to the returned user space                                                   Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
             // Create a user space
             QUSCRTUS(MYSPACE: 'USRSPC': size: x'00': '*ALL':
              'Temp User Space for QUSLSPL API':  '*YES': dsEC);
             // List spooled files to the user space
             QUSLSPL(MYSPACE: 'SPLF0300': '*ALL': OutQName:
                '*ALL': '*ALL': dsEC);
             // Get a pointer to the returned user space
             QUSPTRUS(MYSPACE: p_UsrSpc);
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     * Loop through list, for each spooled file, display the                                      Ã?
    Ã?     * Status: 1=RDY , 2=OPN, 3=CLO, 4=SAV, 5=WRT, 6=HLD,                                         Ã?
    Ã?     *         7=MSGW, 8=PND, 9=PRT,10=FIN,11=SND,12=DFR                                          Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   eval      p_Entry = p_UsrSpc + dsLH.ListOffset
         c                   eval      sf = 1
         c                   dow       sf <= dsLH.NumEntries
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     * currently only move status = 1 ready                                                       Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   if        dsSF.SplfStatus = 1
         c                   exsr      $MoveSplf
         c                   endif
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   eval      p_Entry = p_Entry + dsLH.EntrySize
         c                   eval      sf = (sf + 1)
         c                   enddo
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     * delete user space                                                                          Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
              QUSDLTUS(MYSPACE: dsEC);
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   endsr
    Ã?     *========================================================================                    Ã?
    Ã?     * $MoveSplF  - Move the spooled file                                                         Ã?
    Ã?     *========================================================================                    Ã?
         c     $MoveSPlf     begsr
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   eval      JobInfo =
         c                             %trim(dsSF.JobNumber) +
         c                             %trim('/') + %trim(dsSF.UserName) +
         c                             %trim('/') + %trim(dsSF.JobName)
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   eval      wSPLFName = dsSF.SplfName
         c                   eval      wJobName  = dsSF.JobName
         c                   eval      wUserData = dsSF.UserData
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     * Move the spool file                                                                        Ã?
    Ã?     * CHGSPLFA FILE(QPSUPRTF) JOB(546777/FLANARY/QPADEV0041)                                     Ã?
    Ã?     * SPLNBR(*LAST) CRTDATE(*LAST)  OUTQ(JAMIELIB/JAMIEOUT)                                      Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   eval      CmdString = %trim('CHGSPLFA') +
         c                             %trim('~FILE(')+%trim(wSPLFName)+%trim(')')+
         c                             %trim('~JOB(') + %trim(JobInfo) + %trim(')')+
         c                             %trim('~SPLNBR(') +
         c                             %trim(%char(dsSF.SplfNbr)) + %trim(')')
         c                             + ' OUTQ(' + %Trim(ITTOLIB)  + %trim('/') +
         c                             %trim(ITTOUTQ)  + %trim(')')
         c                   eval      CmdString = %xlate('~' : ' ' : CmdString)
         c                   eval      CmdLength = %len(%trim(CmdString))
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     * Move the spooled file ...                                                                  Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   call(e)   'QCMDEXC'
         c                   parm                    CmdString
         c                   parm                    CmdLength
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     * Do the actual move of the spooled file                                                     Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   eval      Len = %len(%trim(CmdString))
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   call(e)   'QCMDEXC'
         c                   parm                    CmdString
         c                   parm      Len           CmdLength
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   endsr
    Ã?     *========================================================================                    Ã?
    Ã?     * Initialization                                                                             Ã?
    Ã?     *========================================================================                    Ã?
         c     *inzsr        begsr
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
    Ã?     *                                                                                            Ã?
         c                   endsr
    Attached Files
    All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
    and I take no responsibility for any of them.