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Klicken Sie bitte auf die Bilder unten, um eine hoch aufgelöste Version sowie einige Bildinformationen zu erhalten.

Sh2-64 (W40)

@ f=530mm

 Sh2-68 and vdB123

@ f=530mm

Area around NGC 2362


Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks


NGC 3532


M 41


Fornax Cluster and

NGC 1365

M77 with NGC 1055 and

 NGC 1072 in Cetus

vdB124, IC1287 and NGC6649


vdB126 with LDN767,768


R Aquarii


NGC 925



NGC 6962


NGC 7285


NGC 1097 (wide field)

with Galactic Cirrus

Wide field of NGC 104 (47 Tuc)


NGC 253 (Sculptor Galaxy)

 with NGC 288

IC 1705

(Fish Head Nebula)

NGC 7822 @ f=1840mm


LBN 223


LDN 863


Comet C/2017 K2 PanSTARRS

 in front of IC 434

14 Aqr with MBM 46/47/48
(Heart of the Pentagon)

Kn 26


Sh2-155 (Cave-Nebula)

"new" version


(Primary focus 2x mosaic)


Centered Version

IC 5146 (Cocoon Nebula)

(Primary focus image)

SNR G013.3-01.3 in

Messier 24 in Sagittarius

Barnard 150 and LDN 1076

 (Seahorse Nebula)

LDN 43

(The Cosmic Bat Nebula)

LDN 1100/89/94

(The Cosmic Starfish)

LBN 573/575

(The Dog Bone Nebula)

LBN 496 with LDN 1188

and GN 22.15.0

LBN 437 in Sh2-126

(Gecko Nebula/"Lurchi")

Zoomable Giga pixel image of
Constellation Crux / Coalsack Loop

M 22 & M28


Abell 45

(PN G020.2-006)

Antares Region with

M 4 and NGC 6144

NGC 1532



NGC 3372 (Eta Carinae Nebula)

 false color


Small Magellanic Cloud

IC 2944 in false color
(Running Chicken Nebula)

M 6 (Butterfly Cluster) with
 RCW 133 and NGC 6383